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About Hornet54

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    Hradec Králové

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  1. As already mentioned, the problem is in the (Flight) huddata.ini file. I solved it myself without much research by copying the file from the "healthy" FS-RW mod and overwriting it in the faulty mod. In my case it was YAP-RW.
  2. F-4D Cockpit Pack

    Excellent work, I look forward to the next one. It's great to sit in such a cockpit!
  3. Sorry, I used the wrong side of the translator this time.
  4. Podle mých zkušeností fungují bombardovací letouny (B-1B, Bucaneer atd.) normálně, pokud použijete odpovídajícím způsobem nakonfigurovaný příkaz. Pro jistotu se podívejte do nastavení hry (ovládání). Upozornění: Při použití autopilota se dveře po otevření samy zavřou okamžitě okamžitě! Je tedy nutné mít AP vypnuté.
  5. Wings Over Ogaden

    I supply - the missions work.
  6. Wings Over Ogaden

    Ano mám. A líbí se mi.
  7. Wings Over Ogaden

    I created a separate mod, unfortunately, the campaign doesn't work in it either. After choosing a campaign, the entire game ends. What could be wrong?
  8. Wings Over Ogaden

    Thank you for answer. In the meantime, I tried merging with another mod, but the campaign didn't work for me. Otherwise, I really liked the processing!
  9. Wings Over Ogaden

    Hello all creators, I have one question. Can this mod be merged with another base mod, or does it need to be created separately? Thank you for answer.
  10. If you're looking for fun, not reality, I recommend these great terrains: https://combatace.com/files/file/17697-novalogic-terrains/ They are really fun.
  11. Pokud Ti jde o zábavu, nikoliv o realitu, doporučuji tyto vydařené terény: https://combatace.com/files/file/17697-novalogic-terrains/ Jsou opravdu zábavné.
  12. Helicopters flight model

    I've never been much for helicopters, looks like I'm about to change my mind! Excellent work!
  13. SF2 TMF Nesher (IDF) Upgrade/Remod Pack

    Happy birthday and thank you for a really wonderful gift - for us!
  14. A-6A Early Intruder

    Great job, looking forward to more Intruders!
  15. SF2 TMF Mirage IIICJ (IDF) Upgrade/Remod Pack

    Suddenly everything is fine, how and why, I don't know. Beautiful work, including the awesome cockpit! I just don't know what the surface under the nose is supposed to be on the Mirage IIICJ(2), see the second picture. I've never noticed her in photos of real planes.

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