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About Wizard43

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  1. I really thought that was the solution. I'll have a look at my settings when I'm home. If I find anything different, I'll post it here. But it sounds like you have a backup plan anyway. Good luck. Wizard
  2. Hi. I'm not sure exactly what you folks are working on but you mentioned not being able to record SF2 game play with OBS. OBS can definitely record SF2 in game video. I'm not at my home computer to check settings, but I believe you have to add the correct source in the Sources box. I think the typical default is "Display Capture" which works fine for most apps but not gaming. It might also have to do with full screen verse window view but I'm not sure about that. Click the + (plus sign) at the bottom of the Sources box and add "Game Capture" as a source. That should do the trick. Wizard
  3. EAW, buy GOG or Steam?

    I don't have EAW but in general terms, doesn't GOG have some advantages over Steam for legacy games? I have a couple old PC's (Win7 & XP) that I maintain for legacy games. Steam has and will continue to end support for retired versions of Windows. So at some point, if you had EAW on a version of Windows that Steam drops support for, wouldn't you be forced to move your install to a new OS? I really like GOG because their games are just a simple installer you install once and you're done. Will the Steam client potentially update your game, possibly messing with any mods you might have? Clearly I don't know a lot about Steam LOL. Wizard
  4. I also find it to be one of the most boring and unappealing terrains I've flown over in a sim. Any recommendations of a terrain/campaign combination that would allow a carrier campaign with a TMF F-14? I assume ODS might fit my wish list? Thanks, Wizard
  5. Hi everyone. I've been practising single missions in the TMF F-14 and now want to give a campaign a try. Of course I'd like to be based on a carrier so I thought the best bet was the stock Northern Sabre campaign from SF2:NA. I have SF2 Complete which includes the campaign editor so I used that to select F-14A(74) I believe which is from the F-14 Super Pack. It allows me to do that but it puts me on a land base. Does anyone know is there a way I can fly a campaign from a carrier using TMF F-14s? Thanks Wizard
  6. I'm pretty new to SF2 and never had YAP or SF1 so this might be a dumb question. Didn't the original YAP have some nice aircraft carriers that were (and still are I think) payware? In some screen shots I've seen are some gorgeous carriers with lots of deck crew and other eye candy. So I'm guessing those are original YAP carriers that are making it into the revamp. Will they be able to offer the revamp as freeware if those models are included? Wizard
  7. Has anyone had this problem? The first several missions were varied between fighter sweeps, CAP and intercepts. There were lots of bandits on every mission. I wish I had kept track of the actual number of missions but after a certain point, every mission has been a recon of an airbase and there have been zero enemy aircraft. I must have flown at least half a dozen of these missions now where I fly to a waypoint, return, land and get a mission success. I'm assuming that it has something to do with me changing the number of aircraft available to my roster but I'm not sure. There were still a lot of enemy aircraft flying on the last mission where they appeared. It was a lot of fun while it lasted and I learned a lot about ACM and weapons employment. Wizard
  8. Hi DaniloE31. Thank you for the advice. It's not the help I was looking for but you make a valid point. If we're simulating air combat, a huge part of that is mutual support and tactics. It's just that the AI is so bad, it takes the fun out of the game if I have to ignore mission objectives to baby sit the wingman. In any case i think I figured out what I need. I found the file TG78_DATA.INI in the campaign folder and changed these lines from 4 to 16 for all the Navy Air Units. MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 I'm not sure what all the lines mean exactly but now I have a much larger roster. Thanks, Wizard
  9. Hello. To quote Goose "The defence department regrets to inform you you're sons are dead because they were stupid". I like to think of myself as inexperienced but boy my wingman is not the sharpest. I should mention I'm flying the 1978 campaign with the TMF F-14. I did some reading on the support thread for the TMF F-14 super pack that there is a known issue with the AI blowing all their energy in the first turn of a merge after which they're sitting ducks. I'm not sure there's much that can be done about that problem but I have a different question and it's about the roster. The roster in the campaign only has my pilot and three AI pilots. I've done a couple campaigns and each hop has been 2 v many. On each hop I loose my wingman. After the third mission I'm out of wingmen and the campaign ends. Is there a way to increase the amount of cannon fodder, I mean wingmen available for a campaign? Does anyone have other advice on how to manage my wingman better and maybe bring him home alive? Thanks, Wizard
  10. Hello. I'm having a lot of fun and a bit of frustration learning to fly the TMF F-14s. What a great package you guys put together! Earlier in this thread is a discussion about the AI versions of the F-14 in this super pack. That seems to be an issue for me as I gradually improve my skills with the aircraft, my wingmen are more liability than asset. I'd like to try to assign AI versions of the airplane to the wingmen on the Loadout screen but the AI versions don't appear in the list. I'm relatively inexperienced with SF2 but I'm thinking it has something to do with cockpit files that have been removed from the aircraft folders in the Object folder? I did a re-install of this package yesterday without any change. I do see an AI version of each regular F-14 that is part of the super pack in my Objects folder. Does anyone have advice on how I can get my wingmen to use an AI plane or any other advice to bring back a live wingman for a change? Thanks, Wizard
  11. Sorry, I can't help with your specific question about scaling the radar image. But I've been spending a bit of time trying to get better at flying TMF F-14's and I'm curious about comment about the radar not working anymore. I haven't experienced any problems getting radar to work. But in your screen caps of the cockpit view, you're getting the radar TID repeat to appear in the Vertical Display Indicator (VDI). In the TW and TMF F-14's that I've played with, the radar is always in the lower Horizontal Situation Display (HSD) screen. Could that be part of the problem you're having? Wizard
  12. Yes, I should have mentioned that. It seems to be any carrier based aircraft where the option to return to a carrier is present.
  13. I feel like a bit of a test pilot LOL. In an unmodded install, I tried the stock TW A-7, F-4E II, and F-14 on the three blue airfields on the Iceland map. I was getting worried because I couldn't reproduce the problem. But I did eventually figure it out. To address Wrench's question, I started with Single Mission and used the TW mission editor to start my aircraft on a land base. And here is where I created the problem. I started on a land base but I selected the Nimitz to finish the mission on. So take off from land base, land on a carrier in the mission editor causes the problem. If you're wondering "why would he do that!?", I was trying to simulate a student pilot on carrier quals. This seems like a programming thing within SF2 so I imagine the fix for this is "don't do that". Anyway, hope I didn't waste anyone's time. Thanks for chiming in and trying to help. Wizard
  14. I tried it again last night but didn't pay attention to the airfield. I'm pretty sure it was Keflavik. I will do a couple tests tonight if I have time and try a few Iceland airfields. I confirmed a few little items. I can get around the problem if I set collisions to normal instead of difficult. It's not an issue with mods as I have the same behaviour between a stock and modded installation. I tested the F-16 and it doesn't experience this same problem. So far, A-7, F-15 and F-16 are fine. F-14 not so much. If the problem is with an airfield.ini file, it seems weird that only the F-14 so far has this problem. I also noticed that my start position in the F-14 was in the middle of the runway and not at the end by the threshold. Wizard
  15. Yes it only makes sense to fly the F-14 from the boat. With the aircraft sitting on different catapults there is no collision. I'm not at home to verify but I'm pretty sure I tried this at Keflavik and Reykjavik and in both locations the F-14s exploded. I also tried F-15s and A-7s and they worked fine. I'm curious to try with an F-16 now. Just to reiterate, I'm testing in a 100% stock install with no mods. Wizard

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