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  1. Thanks yall!! नभ: स्‍पृशं दीप्‍तम
  2. Actually I dont want to remove them for difficulty or something like that. I wanted to disable them for one on one testing of different aircraft's without the interruption of ground fire. But I got the answer! Thank your for your help! नभ: स्‍पृशं दीप्‍तम
  3. Hey guys! Some days back I downloaded eburger68's excellent SF2 SAM's Pack. It is great! But I have a kind of problem. Before installing the mod I used to set enemy air defense to "LIGHT" and I never faced any ground defense. But... now after installing the mod when i select "Light" enemy air defense SAM and MANPAD sites still come up. Can this be fixed? नभ: स्‍पृशं दीप्‍तम
  4. Does Strike Fighters 2 have Helmet Mounted sight SYSTEM?

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