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View File Fly as a Wingman This edit in the original file allows you to fly as if you were the wingman of the formation. You continue to be the leader, and giving orders to the rest of the squad, but flying as the right wing, giving the radio command 1-8-6. To return to the original formation, just perform the radio command 1-8-3. I like it, because I like flying as a wingman and "inserting" myself into the maneuvers and following the "leader", giving more immersion to the flight. You just need to be careful when flying with nations where the pilots have "poor skills", as during the maneuvers the "leader" can spread and collide with you. In this case, before the "action begins", I suggest giving the command 1-8-1 so that he moves away so that a collision does not occur. Don't forget to make a backup of your original file in case you want to revert! V 1.0.1 Greetings and check six! Madvad Submitter madvad Submitted 04/09/2024 Category Utilities / Editors
Version 1.0.1
This edit in the original file allows you to fly as if you were the wingman of the formation. You continue to be the leader, and giving orders to the rest of the squad, but flying as the right wing, giving the radio command 1-8-6. To return to the original formation, just perform the radio command 1-8-3. I like it, because I like flying as a wingman and "inserting" myself into the maneuvers and following the "leader", giving more immersion to the flight. You just need to be careful when flying with nations where the pilots have "poor skills", as during the maneuvers the "leader" can spread and collide with you. In this case, before the "action begins", I suggest giving the command 1-8-1 so that he moves away so that a collision does not occur. Don't forget to make a backup of your original file in case you want to revert! V 1.0.1 Greetings and check six! Madvad -
Hello gents', Any thoughts on starting up a DiD (dead is dead) series of single missions in FE2/FE? Should help to bring new life into our special sim. Rules don't have to be as strict as for the DiD campaigns running for WOFFue over on the SimHQ website, but a list of some sensible rules should help to get everyone started - and will be a good break from modding and skinning too. I'm including some preliminary rules below and will try to start up a series of (DiD) single missions soon, either on the eastern or western front (have spent two years already in the Palestine front and currently looking for a change). This may work in campaign mode too (such as for Ojcar's campaigns), but I've tried to develop the rules specifically around single, evolving missions, for variety and historical realism. If you choose to start up a DiD series of single missions, don't forget to post brief notes on your exploits and some good screenshots here on this thread - for immersion - posts can be brief or long, as per taste. RULES FOR DID STYLE SINGLE MISSIONS IN FE2 (probably works in FE/FEgold too) 1. make sure to begin with a new pilot if your current one is killed in action 2. missions must be flown from your base to the target and back again (no in-the-air or close-to-target beginnings); you may however skip/delete certain waypoints while en route if they are less important to getting to your target area 3. missions may be begun in scouts or two-seaters, whatever you prefer (no need to begin with a two-seater career) 4. if you are shot down and alive but "captured" behind enemy lines (such as sometimes happens after bailing out at low altitude), fast-forward six months for your next mission for the western front, and one full year for the eastern, Italian, and middle eastern fronts (we will assume you eventually escaped back to your side of the lines); these same rules apply if you manage to crash-land and survive on the wrong side of the lines (with wing missing, fuel leak, etc.) but have not bailed out 5. crashing into your wingmen or enemies will count as legitimate termination of your current pilot and will require that a new pilot be made 6. one out of every ten missions must be flown from start to finish in bad weather (inclement or snow, your preference depending on season, but avoid snow if flying in the middle eastern theater; I recommend the latest inclement/snow tweaks found in ver. 9.5 of my FM pack, for immersion) 7. use the following settings for "enemy air activity" in the FE2/FE menu, per theater and per period, for max. historical realism and to minimize extreme kill ratios: light - for the whole period in the middle eastern theater // for the whole period in the eastern theater // for the Italian theater to July of 1917 // for the western theater to October of 1916 // for the Italian theater from August to November of 1918 // for the western theater from August to November of 1918 moderate - for the Italian theater from August of 1917 to July of 1918 // for the western theater from November of 1916 to February of 1918 heavy - for the western theater from March to July of 1918 8. lighter "enemy air activity" than suggested per period and theater may be used, but not higher than suggested (no need to install my further congestion controls that are available in the Flight folder of ver. 9.5 of my FM updates pack unless you enjoy hard-core simming in WW1 with wide expanses of sky, with no aircraft for hours on end; I will work on those further to fine-tune them for a later FM update pack) 9. flight models should be flown at maximum realism (I strongly recommend my FMs for historical realism and consistency for a DiD series of missions but you can fly other ones too, as long as they are flown on "hard" settings) 10. no time compression 11. no autopilot (although the level flight command is acceptable for long flights) 12. make sure to have Cap'n. Vengeur's medals pack/ranking system installed since that pack gives awards more slowly and realistically 13. you may begin a DiD style single mission at any point in the war (for example, you may begin flying for the French in July of 1916, or as an American flyer in August of 1918, etc.) 14. if you are flying DiD style single missions, proceed chronologically from the date of your first single mission (for example, if your first single mission was in July of 1915, your next one should again be in July of 1915 or later, not earlier in the year) 15. fly a minimum of 2 and maximum of 5 missions per month in 1914 and 1915 (across all theaters), a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 missions per month in 1916 (across all theaters), and a minimum of 4 and maximum of 8 missions per month in 1917 and 1918 (across all theaters) - this will produce realistic, historical attrition rates and also increasing risk of being shot down, captured, etc. (will also depend at what initial point in the war you begin your pilot's missions; for example, beginning in January of 1917 will put you in a situation where you will be flying a min. of 4 missions per month right away); if your mission is stamped with a date that is only a few days from the end of a month, start your next mission in the following month, overriding the rules set for min./max. flights per month - this will be the only exception to rule no. 15, for the sake of chronology 16. transfers from one theater to another are allowed if historically realistic and if made possible by Cap'n. Vengeur's medals pack (for example, flying for the French in 1916 but transferring in June of 1917 to fly for the French giving support to Italy, in the Italian theater, perhaps flying a Nieuport, etc.) 17. if transferring from one theater to another, skip one month of flying for realism 18. if you crash-land but survive on your side of the lines (for example, wing missing, engine shot up, fuel leak, etc.), skip one month of flying for realism (hospital) 19. any type of single mission may be flown, depending on the types available for the aircraft you are flying at the time, but one out of every ten missions minimum must include one of the following types of missions (these are usually the most rigorous): offensive patrol // balloon busting // (armed or unarmed) reconnaissance // army co-op; reconnaissance missions may sometimes be gruelingly long if they are the "long reconnaissance" type 20. settings in your huddata.ini file, in the Flight folder, should also be set realistically, as follows (notice the map and label settings giving limited info., and also notice that the target cone and other identification boxes for aircraft have been disabled; the waypoint boxes can be left on, and padlock view may be used): [HUDLabels] EnableLabels=TRUE LabelFriendlyAir=TRUE LabelFriendlyGround=FALSE LabelEnemyAir=TRUE LabelEnemyGround=FALSE [MapLabels] EnableLabels=TRUE LabelFriendlyAir=FALSE LabelFriendlyGround=TRUE LabelEnemyAir=FALSE LabelEnemyGround=FALSE [Map] MapDisplayLabels=FALSE [Display001] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_ENEMY //ConeSize=5 //BoxSize=5 //BoxType=TRIANGLE //BoxColor=0.0,1.0,1.0,0.75 //ConeModelName=redcone [Display002] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_FRIENDLY //ConeSize=5 //BoxSize=5 //BoxType=TRIANGLE //BoxColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,0.75 //ConeModelName=bluecone [Display003] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=NEXT_WAYPOINT ConeSize=5 BoxSize=5 (pick size you want, I prefer smaller boxes) BoxType=SQUARE (use whatever shape you want, TRIANGLE or CIRCLE work too) BoxColor=1.0,1.0,0.0,0.75 (use whatever color you want for this) //ConeModelName=whitecone Happy flying DiD style, Von S
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Lothar Classical Piano France
Lothar of the Hill People posted a topic in WOFF UE/PE - File Announcements
File Name: Lothar Classical Piano France File Submitter: Lothar of the Hill People File Submitted: 21 December 2012 File Category: Modding Tools and Add-on Software Period-appropriate piano music for the French campaign in Over Flanders Fields sets quite a different mood than the cinematic presentation of OBD Software’s official soundtrack. Additional musical immersion mod available for Germany, and may follow for other nations. The Music: Gabriel Fauré was the most progressive and celebrated French composer of his generation. In the later years of his life, struggling with deafness, his music took a darker, more introspective turn. Pensive anger, grief, despair, bouts of calm and remembered joy--presaged the bleeding of France in the Great War. Nocturne No.9, Op.97 Composed: 1908 Published: 1908 Nocturne No.10, Op.99 Composed: 1908 Published: 1909 9 Préludes, Op.103 Composed: 1909-1910 Published: 1910 Nocturne No.11, Op.104/1 Composed: 1904 Published: 1913 Nocturne No.12, Op.107 Composed: 1915 Published: 1916 Tracklist: Op.97 MenuMusic1 Op.99 MenuMusic Op.103/1 CampaignStartMusic Op.103/2 NewsMusic Op.103/3 ambienceroom Op.103/4 HangarFadeMusic Op.103/5 ambiencebattle Op.103/6 ambiencepeace Op.103/7 MissionBriefMusic Op.103/8 MissionBriefMusic1 Op.103/9 DefeatMusic Op.104/1 MenuMusic2 Op.107 MenuMusic3 Source: Piano Society: Free Classical Recordings Requires: Over Flanders Fields JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler: Installation: The installer will automatically extract the mod into your OFF JSGME mods folder if OFF and JSGME are installed correctly. JSGME will run when done so you can activate the mod. The installer must be run as an administrator to access JSGME. Click here to download this file-
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Lothar Classical Piano France
Lothar of the Hill People posted a file in Modding Tools and Add-on Software
Version 1.0
Period-appropriate piano music for the French campaign in Over Flanders Fields sets quite a different mood than the cinematic presentation of OBD Software’s official soundtrack. Additional musical immersion mod available for Germany, and may follow for other nations. The Music: Gabriel Fauré was the most progressive and celebrated French composer of his generation. In the later years of his life, struggling with deafness, his music took a darker, more introspective turn. Pensive anger, grief, despair, bouts of calm and remembered joy--presaged the bleeding of France in the Great War. Nocturne No.9, Op.97 Composed: 1908 Published: 1908 Nocturne No.10, Op.99 Composed: 1908 Published: 1909 9 Préludes, Op.103 Composed: 1909-1910 Published: 1910 Nocturne No.11, Op.104/1 Composed: 1904 Published: 1913 Nocturne No.12, Op.107 Composed: 1915 Published: 1916 Tracklist: Op.97 MenuMusic1 Op.99 MenuMusic Op.103/1 CampaignStartMusic Op.103/2 NewsMusic Op.103/3 ambienceroom Op.103/4 HangarFadeMusic Op.103/5 ambiencebattle Op.103/6 ambiencepeace Op.103/7 MissionBriefMusic Op.103/8 MissionBriefMusic1 Op.103/9 DefeatMusic Op.104/1 MenuMusic2 Op.107 MenuMusic3 Source: Piano Society: Free Classical Recordings Requires: Over Flanders Fields JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler: Installation: The installer will automatically extract the mod into your OFF JSGME mods folder if OFF and JSGME are installed correctly. JSGME will run when done so you can activate the mod. The installer must be run as an administrator to access JSGME.-
- immersion
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