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SF2 WW2 PTO Douglas P-70 Nighthawk (DAT) Tweeks Pak

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SF2 WW2 PTO Douglas P-70 Nighthawk (DAT) Tweeks Pak 4/24/2015


= For SF2 (Any, but Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED/REQUIRED!) ONLY =


**This mod will -NOT- work in 1stGen game installs.**


This pak contains mods for the Dev A-Teams USAAF P-70 Nighthawk night fighter, as seen in the SoWesPac in 1943 thru 1944.

This is an INCOMPLETE aircraft mod, as the main aircraft lod is =NOT= included, as per DAT directives. If you cannot access their downloads, don't bother downloading THIS mod, as it will be of no use to you. All other parts are included.

See "Change Log" in the Notes section for more details and full credits.


This package contains 2 aircraft, each with 2 skins. While tagged for the 6th NFS, 18th FG, they should be considered 'generic' for all the squadrons (4, iirc, with never more than 6-8 aircraft each) operating in SoWesPac. All aircraft are finished in overall Black (or Night, if you will):


The 2 aircraft are:


P-70 (no suffix, with 20mm belly gun pack and 2 cheek 50 cals for sighting the 20s)

P-70A-1/-2 (with 6-gun A-20G type nose)


The Skins are:


Early, star-and-ball

Late, star-and-bar (after 10/43)


All markings (insignia, serials, etc) are decals. All skins are in jpg format. There are NO nose arts or other distinctive markings.

All new, 100% historical serial number decals were created. Both skins for each aircraft use the same pool of 18 serials. Decal randomization is TRUE.

The serials, while historically correct for the 2 versions depicted, should be considered generic in nature, as it's impossible to run down individual aircraft to a particular squadron.

The Late skins for both uses the SF2 "date switch", and will automatically turn on in October, 1943 (although, the early A model may have been withdrawn from service eariler, or converted at local modification centers to the 6-gun "G" type nose).

All skins are tagged as "6th NFS", even though at least 3 other units were operational in SoWesPac. Consider this a 'representative' unit.

Operational dates have been adjusted to closest whole month. The P-70 has an end date of 1/1944, and the A-1/-2 has a start date 7/1943 through 5/1944 when P-61s were deployed in theatre.

The radar "arrowhead" transmitter and "H" fuselage and "V" wing antennas have been added via the fake pilot method.

The cockpit hatch opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. My 'box art' style Hangar screen is included, now is SF2 format.


When in game you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown





This is to diferentiate the cannon equipped version from the 6-gun nosed version.


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!

It is HIGHLY suggested you unzip this archive FIRST, and =READ= the install instructions BEFORE installing this mod. So you know EXACTLY what to do. Of course, read the Notes section for notes, enlightments, and so forth.


Good Luck!


Kevin Stein

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