6 files
By Stephen1918
The SPAD 16 was essentially a SPAD 11 with a more powerful Lorraine-Dietrich 240 hp engine. Although it was faster, the heavier engine made the SPAD 16 harder to handle and performance was slightly worse than the SPAD 11. Like the SPAD 11, it was armed with a forward firing Vickers gun and a Lewis gun on a ring mount for the observer. It could also carry a small bomb load under the wings.
The SPAD 16 entered service early in 1918. Several French squadrons were equipped with the SPAD 16 and a few were purchased by the US. It continued in service until the end of the war.
I have made two skins for the SPAD 16 - a French camo, and a USAS camo - each with appropriate squadron insignia. Most of the skins are identical to the SPAD 11 skins, only the Fuselage and Upper Right Wing skins are changed. My skinning templates are included in the download for those who want to make their own skins.
I did not have a sound file for the Lorraine-Dietrich engine, so I used the same sound as the SPAD 11.
Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the SPAD 16.
Thanks also to Nix for making the sound file for the Hispano-Suiza engine.
Installation Instructions
For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPAD16" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it installed, you also need to move the sound file "hispsuiz4M220.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPAD16" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "SPAD16". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SPAD16 folder into the Decals/SPAD16 folder you just made. If you don't already have it installed, you also need to move the sound file "hispsuiz4M220.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
By Stephen1918
The SPAD 11 was originally designed as a two seat fighter, but was not agile enough to meet the requirements; so it used as a replacement for the Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter and Dorand AR reconnaissance planes. It was armed with a forward firing Vickers gun and a Lewis gun on a ring mount for the observer. It could also carry a small bomb load. The SPAD 11 entered service in late 1917, was flown by several French and Belgian squadrons, and continued in service until nearly the end of the war.
I have made three skins for the SPAD 11 - a French linen, a French camo, and a Belgian camo - each with appropriate squadron insignia. My skinning templates are included in the download for those who want to make their own skins. I have also included a loadout for a light bomb load carried under the wings.
Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the SPAD 11 and for suggesting some improvements.
Thanks also to Nix for making the sound file for the Hispano-Suiza engine.
Installation Instructions
For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPAD11" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. You also need to move the sound file "hispsuiz4M220.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPAD11" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "SPAD11". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SPAD11 folder into the Decals/SPAD11 folder you just made. You also need to move the sound file "hispsuiz4M220.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
By Stephen1918
The much maligned SPAD A.2 was not nearly as dangerous as some people believe. It was actually a good idea in the days before the synchronized gun was perfected, and continued to be used on the Eastern Front throughout the war. The A.2 was SPAD's first fighter and was introduced in mid 1915.
My version is the Russian version which was built at the Dux factory in Moscow. The upper wing has a center panel above the fuselage, and the gunner is equipped with a Colt-Browning 30 caliber machine gun.
I have included four skinning options, identical except for the decals. There are skins for 3 Russian variations, and a skin for the French. I have included my templates and serial numbers for some of the skins, which will be applied randomly.
Historical Notes:
The serial numbers are fictitious.
My thanks once again to Ojcar for making the excellent data.INI file for this plane.
My thanks to Nix for providing the engine sound for the LeRhone engine
Thanks also to Sinbad and Whiteknight06604 who provided resources for the SPAD A.2 and for the Colt-Browning machine gun.
Version 2 - Ojcar has created a new FM which improves the fighting performance of the AI. A fake machine gun has been added which causes the pilot of AI planes to be more active in pursuing enemy aircraft. Installation instructions for the new gun are in a separate file.
Installation instructions:
For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPADA2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. You also need to move the sound file "rhone110bn4nC" into your FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SPADA2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "SPADA2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SPADA2 folder into the Decals/SPADA2 folder you just made. You also need to move the sound file "rhone110bn4nC" into your FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
To install the gun, follow the instructions in the file named "InstructionsForInstallingGuns".
Updated RFC SPAD VII with Lewis gun
updated to fix nationality and gun ammo and use Peter)1s newest flight model.Otherwise the same as the original.
Spad XII
By p10ppy
Little mod of the Spad VII to turn it into a Spad XII (apologies and acknowledgement to Gr.Viper who went before me)
Model changes: removal of the nose humps and reskin
XXX_data.ini changes: tweaked flight model reflecting the much heavier weight, more powerful engine (220hp nominal), wing stagger, better aerodynamics, and more wing area
New weapon (37mm S.A.M.C.) New (it’s a mod of stock) reloading sound for the canon (its slow), New firing effect for the canon (cockpit smoke)
New hanger and loading screens
The canon is on the secondary fire button and takes 12 sec to reload (new sound more or less reflects this)
It has 12 reloads
I have seen the A.I get infrequent hits with this setup (I’m pretty infrequent too)
A few “Facts”
The Spad XII was a beefed up version of the Spad VII with a new engine (Hispano-Suiza 8Cb 220hp) and a slightly more refined fuselage, more wing area and the most obvious difference, slight wing stagger (something we can’t do with the stock model)
It had a 37mm S.A.M.C. semi-automatic canon with twelve reloads mounted to fire through the prop hub and with the breech situated between the pilot’s legs
Because of the breech placement the controls were of the Deperdussin type (wheel)
After initial enthusiasm for the aircraft by the French ace Georges Guynemer, the Aéronautique Militaire placed an order for 1000 airframes,
However the Spad XII proved very difficult to fly with its unfamiliar controls, the new weapon filled the cockpit with smoke on firing and was difficult to aim and reload, and to cap it off, the new Hispano-Suiza proved to be unreliable
Its doubtful that more than twenty aircraft were completed and these were issued singly to individual Aces of the Aéronautique Militaire, There were never more than 6-8 on the front at any one time and they were widely spread throughout the Escadrille’s
Top speed 220kph at SL
Ceiling 7000m
Empty weight 628kg
New Reloading sound: gun_reloadlg.wav goes in the Sounds folder
The SOUNDLIST.INI must be modified to add the sound (this must be extracted to the flight folder if you haven’t already) see below
New gunfire effect: 37mmSpad.ini must be placed in the effects folder
New cannon must be added to the bottom of your GUNDATA.INI (this must be extracted to the Objects folder if you haven’t already) see below, and then the GUNDATA.INI must be opened and saved with the gun editor
New aircraft folder SPAD_XII placed in the Objects/aircraft folder
This contains 4 skins (the French aces, Nungesser of Esc65, Madon of 38ESC, Fonck of Esc103 and Guynemer of Esc3),
the Ini’s necessary for the craft,
a hanger screen and two version of the loading screen: wide(default) and normal (you must rename it to use it)
Add near the top of the file:
SoundFile0XX=gun_reloadlg /////////////////////XX is the next number in the sequence above
And at the bottom add:
Add at the bottom of the file
[GunData0XX] //////////////////////////////////XX is the next sequential number
FullName=37mm SAMC Moteur canon
Important: the GUNDATA.INI must be saved in the gun editor after manual editing
Have fun :yes:
SPAD 13 to 12 and 7 conversion
By Gr.Viper
No remodeling or repaints.
Since SPAD 7, 12 and 13 use nearly the same airframe, I've created the new planes via FM edit i.e. by adjusting speed, engine power, weight and armaments.
SPAD VII is armed with single Vickers MG (the right one of the stock SPAD). Compared to SPAD XII Engine performance is lower an so is the weight. Available since summer 1916.
SPAD XII Ca. is a rare bird. There were only 300 of them built. The plane features a 37mm Hotchkiss cannon with muzzle placed at the prop spinner. Cannon has to be manually reloaded after each shot - the reload takes 10 secs(the stock reload sound lasts 6 secs, though). You also have one Vickers MG with reduced ammo. Engine performance is between the ones of SPAD VII and SPAD XIII. Weighs more than S.XIII so take care, especially when bearing a bomb.
Warning: the 37mm is set up as 'Secondary weapon' so you should have a key assigned to firing it in the controls menu. The AI will fight using Vickers only. I've tried another setup but they ended up never hitting with cannons and barely shooting MGs.
Update for Patch 2.. and apparently the previous update was pretty messed up (entry dates, mass, hp) which I didn't notice and no one complained This update is more thoroughly checked
Installation: unpack to ObjectsAircraft folder. Copy all *Camo folders from SPAD13 to SPAD7 and SPAD12.
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