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    1. SF-2NA County Class Batch 2 DD

      As constructed, the County-class ships were armed with a pair
      of twin 4.5in gun mountings.
      The second batch of four ships (Antrim, Fife, Glamorgan and Norfolk)
      were refitted in the mid 1970s - this saw their 'B' position turrets
      removed and replaced by four single MM38 Exocet launcher boxes.
      This made the County-class ships the only Royal Navy ships to be
      fitted with three separate types of guided missile.
      Antrim and Glamorgan both served in the Falklands conflict.
      Sir Hinchinbrooke made both these vessels for Falklands mod.
      I remade all 4 County Class batch 2.
      As hull has a mapping issue, and can't use decals I was forced
      to make 4 separate ships, with new painted numbers.
      The guns work and the Sea Slug is a deadly weapon (try it).
      As in original ones the Exocet and Sea cat launchers aren't active.
      All the glory for Hinch, hoping he could have original files to
      upgrade this fantastic model.


         (2 reviews)



    2. SF-2NA HMS Bristol

      This is a Type 82 destroyer, the only vessel of her class to be built
      for the Royal Navy.
      Originally intended as the first of a class of new large destroyers
      to escort the CVA-01 aircraft carriers projected to come into
      service in the early 1970s, Bristol turned out to be a unique ship.
      The rest of the class were cancelled when the CVA-01 carriers fell
      victim to the 1966 Strategic Defence Review.
      She joined the Royal Navy task force in the South Atlantic in the
      1982 Falklands War.
      In 1987 she replaced the County class destroyer HMS Kent as the
      Britannia Royal Naval College training ship.
      This is a remake of original Hinchinbrooke's model for SF-1.
      I applied a new number and edited inis.
      Deadly Sea Dart working.


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    3. Daring Class DD (SF-2NA)

      The Daring class was a class of eleven destroyers built for the Royal Navy (RN) and Royal Australian Navy (RAN).
      Constructed after World War II, and entering service during the 1950s, eight ships were constructed for the RN
      (HMS Daring (D05), HMS Dainty (D108), HMS Diamond (D35), HMS Defender (D114), HMS Decoy (D106), HMS Diana (D126),
      HMS Duchess (D154),HMS Delight (D119)) and three ships for the RAN (HMAS Vampire (D11), HMAS Voyager (D04),
      HMAS Vendetta (D08)).
      Two of the RN destroyers were subsequently sold to and served in the Peruvian Navy (MGP).
      HMS Diana (D126) was BAP Palacios (DM-73) and HMS Decoy (D106) BAP Ferré (DM-74).
      They had some modifications as 4 Exocet.
      HMS Duchess (D154) was sold to Australia after HMAS Voyager (D04) sunk colliding with HAMS Melbourne.
      A further eight ships were planned for the RN but were cancelled before construction commenced, while a fourth
      RAN vessel was begun but was cancelled before launch and broken up on the slipway.
      As userlist function isn't well experimented for ships I made 3 different classes by nation.
      A later RAN skin with USS style numbers is included but StartDefaultDate entry seems not implemented.
      The Peruvian ships Exocets missiles could be added later if someone with max files wiil do the job.
      - Hinchinbrooke for original outstanding model
      - Wrench and me for decals and ini edits
      - Put incuded Objects folder in your main mod one
      - use it with HMS Ark Royal or HAMS Melbourne / Sidney to escort them


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    4. Slava class upgrade package

      This is a full conversion and improvement of the existing Slava class cruiser for SF2:NA/March 2012. Along with the expected effects, weapons, ship names, and collisions modifications, I fixed non-working radars and weapons on the ship and streamlined the data in a more logical, consistent fashion.
      I also created a new flight deck LOD file and adjusted the relevant data to enable helicopter operations. AS I didn't make the original model, the positioning is based on guesswork and trial&error. Embark from the flight deck at your own risk.
      An alternate anti-ship data file for the Slava is included in the ship's folder. If you want it to launch Sandbox missiles, open the Slava.ini file and change "ObjectDataFile=Slava_DATA.INI" to "ObjectDataFile=Slava_DATA SSM.INI"


         (1 review)

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    5. Udaloy class upgrade package

      This is a full conversion and improvement of the existing Udaloy I and Udaloy II class destroyers for SF2:NA/March 2012. Along with the expected effects, weapons, ship names, and collisions modifications, I fixed non-working radars on the ship and streamlined the data in a more logical, consistent fashion.
      I also created a new flight deck LOD file and adjusted the relevant data to enable helicopter operations. As I didn't make the original model, the positioning is based on guesswork and trial&error. Embark from the flight deck at your own risk.
      An optional data file for the Udaloy II is included which allows the ship to launch SS-N-22 Sunburn missiles instead of SA-N-9 Gauntlet SAMs. This version still has a measure of air defense in the form of Kashtan CIWS and SA-N-11 missiles. Feel free to use whichever suits your needs. Enjoy!<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">


         (3 reviews)



    6. Fletcher

      Fletcher Class Destroyer (1941-46)v1.1 by GrinchWSLG
      This is representative of a war era Fletcher. To be exact its a late war version. The model is a mix of different ships, specifically the Kidd and the Sullivans. Its finished in Measure 22. A paintkit is included for those who want to finish it in the various other Measures used during the war.
      V1.1: Updated to SF2:NA/March 2012 patch standards. If you intend to use this with a previous version of the game, either use the FS1 version or expect some weirdness.
      1. Place the Fletcher folder in User/Saved Games/Thirdwire/StrikerFighters2(whatever version you use)/Objects/GroundObject
      2. That's it. List seemed kind of dumb with just one item.
      The default texture is 2048 as its a big object. If this is too large for you or you plan on having many Fletchers on screen, I've included a 1024x1024 texture as well. Its located in the 1024Texture folder.
      Wrench- wouldn't have made it if he hadn't asked.
      Hinchinbrooke- I used your Daring as the base for the .ini
      Typhoid- Weapons advice
      Ghost029- More weapons info
      This mod is released under the CombatAce Thirdwire Community Freeware Licensing Agreement (or whatever its called). As such it may not be used in payware, proper credit should be given in the readme file of any freeware it is released in, and if feasible include the original readme. (Okay, you don't really have to include this little readme.)
      Not my fault if it somehow destroys your computer.
      Contact with questions, concerns, COMPLIMENTS, GrinchWSLG on CombatAce.com


         (2 reviews)



    7. LHA mod for stock SF2NA version

      ***** LHA Mod For Strike Fighters NA *****
      This is a mod to make the stock LHA from SF North Atlantic usable as an aircraft
      You must have SF North Atlantic for this to do anything for you.
      ***** Installation *****
      Drop the contents of the "LHA" folder into the top level of your mod folder.
      If you choose to, drop the contents of "Optional_Files" into the top level of
      your mod folder as well. Details below...
      ***** Notes *****
      For single missions and parked aircraft to work properly:
      - A terrain with limited nations needs to have "USMC" as a FriendlyNation in
      it's nations file. A modified ICELANDNA_NATIONS.INI is included
      - If you're using Battle Groups in user-made missions, make sure the group's
      nation is set to "USMC"
      - For parked aircraft to show up, they must be "USMC" and have
      "CarrierBased=TRUE" and "CarrierParkSpan=2.00" in their _data.ini. A
      modified version of AV-8A_DATA.INI for Wrench's AV-8A is included.
      - The first catapult has no effect, and requires you to use thrust vectoring
      to take off. This also means your flight as to be limited to a max of 4,
      or the 5th aircraft will crash on takeoff.
      - AI aircraft don't use thrust vectoring to land, and must land with a fake
      arrestor hook to come aboard. One is included in the modified
      - This was tested with Wrench's AV-8A, and the _data.ini included
      ***** Bugs *****
      Non-STOVL, USMC aircraft, sometimes have the LHA defined as their home base, in
      single missions. Setting "CarrierBaseSize=SMALL" for the LHA and
      "MinBaseSize=MEDIUM" for the aircraft, does not prevent this. Maybe this is
      something TK will fix for us.


         (6 reviews)



    8. CVN-75 Harry S. Truman - Modern CVW-3

      This Carrier Project Made its debut for Strike Fighters : Project 1 in March of 2006.
      Since then three more versions were released for Thirdwire’s Gen 1 Titles.
      There are a few more revisions done afterwards to the model for Gen 1 titles by other 3d artists in the Modding community.
      This is Version 1.0 Gold of the current 3d Model, and has been extensively worked on to bring the quality and immersion level higher than in previous releases.
      This will be the last version of this 3D Model released, work on a new model has begun that will allow me to bring the graphics detail up to higher standards with the newest features.
      Carrier 3D Model : Skate Zilla
      Carrier Textures : Skate Zilla (some textures borrowed from Stock CVA-63)
      Weapons Systems : Skate Zilla (With assistance from Fubar512)
      E-2C Static Model : Skate Zilla
      E-2C Static Textures : Skate Zilla
      F-18E/F Static Models : See Super Hornet Package PDF Readme
      F-18E/F Static Textures : See Super Hornet Package PDF Readme
      3d Carrier Crew Models and Textures: Julhelm
      Carrier Systems Configuration: Skate Zilla
      Carrier VisualFX : Skate Zilla
      Testers (not including myself, Will be updated): EricJ, BlueFlame, Navy81, BlackShark61, PureBlue, Zola25, colmack.
      Strike Fighters 2 Game Engine : Third Wire Productions
      3d Content Creation Platforms : 3d Studio Max 7/2009/2011 (Discreet)
      Texture Content Creation Platforms : Photoshop 7/CS5 (Adobe)


         (17 reviews)



    9. CVN Ulyanovsk

      CVN Ulyanovsk v1.0 for SF2
      This is the cancelled Soviet nuclear carrier Ulyanovsk as it would have appeared had it been finished. Works fine in campaigns.
      Uses a few big textures. If your computer can handle Ravenclaw's Buccaneer it can probably handle this.
      Oh, and planes will generally launch through the skijump unless you use plenty of flaps. I tried having them launch diagonally but tbh either way looks as dumb. If you absolutely cannot live with it change the catapult ID's in the .ini.
      Known Issues:
      None that I know of.
      Model & textures by me except a few bits that were borrowed from TW CV-63 carrier.
      These are: Catapult rails, deck trucks, railings and deck underside.
      Custom FX and ini work by Fubar512
      You MAY NOT use any part of this package in any payware package or otherwise take credit for it without first consulting me.
      Any problems post on the combatace boards or mail to NilsD <at> bredband <dot> net


         (11 reviews)



    10. F122 class frigate

      F122 class Frigate Addon for SF2 series
      The eight F122 Bremen class frigates of the German Navy were commissioned between 1982 and 1990.
      The design is similar to the Dutch Kortenaer class but uses a different hull and propulsion system.
      The ships were built for anti-submarine warfare as a primary task even though they are not fitted
      with towed array sonars. They are also suited for anti-aircraft warfare and anti-surface warfare.
      Unpack the files, read the F122_README.txt!
      Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack.
      If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
      Model features:
      + Helo Deck
      + RIM-7P Sea Sparrow model with launcher covers
      + RIM-116 RAM is setup as guns, as the game only supports one missile launcher
      + MLG27 remote turrets
      + Decals for all 8 vessels
      +Thanks JimBeamer5 for the wonderfull paint job!


         (3 reviews)



    11. LHA for SF2

      *** LHA Assault Ship For SF2 ***
      This is an update and repaint to Kesselbrut's LHA Assault Ship.
      HrntFixr's HMLA 269 Cobra skin was used for the static Cobra's.
      Please do not include in any payware mods.
      *** Installation ***
      Copy the contents of the LHA_SF2 folder into your SF2 MOD folder.
      *** USE ***
      Decals where included for the following ships, make sure "ShipNumber" is
      correctly set:


      AI aircraft do not use thrust vectoring, so there are workarounds used.
      Catapults are used so they will get airborne, and arrestor cables are used
      to get them back aboard.
      The two parked AV-8B's are placed there via catapults 5 & 6. These
      catapults have an infinate launch time. This means you have to have 6
      members in your flight for them to show, and #5 & #6 will never take off,
      unless you <ALT+N>.
      Remove the two lines from LHA_DATA.INI if you don't want cat's 5 & 6:


      "Carrier_Take-Off Harrier.MSN" is included as an example. You have to have
      the stock VietnamSEA terrain and the AV-8B_da aircraft for the mission to
      show up in-game.
      Finally, some of the textures are extremely large. Down-size them if
      Post at CombatAce if you have any other questions.


         (4 reviews)



    12. ID(io)T Team Iowa Class Battleship 80s

      ID(io)T Team Iowa Class Battleship 80s for Strike Fighters 2
      In the 1980s, as part of President Ronald Reagan's plan to rebuild the U.S. military and create a 600-ship Navy—which would counter the new Soviet Kirov class battlecruisers—all four of the battleships were reactivated and modernized under the 600-ship Navy program.each battleship was overhauled to burn navy distillate fuel and modernized to carry electronic warfare suites, close-in weapon systems (CIWS) for self-defense, and missiles.After recommissioning, the modernized battleships operated as centerpieces of their own battleship battle groups (BBBGs), consisting of one Ticonderoga-class cruiser, one Kidd-class destroyer or Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, one Spruance-class destroyer, three Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates and one support ship, such as a fleet oiler.
      During their modernization in the 1980s each Iowa-class battleship was equipped with four of the US Navy's Phalanx CIWS mounts, two of which sat just behind the bridge and two which were next to the after ship's funnel. Iowa, New Jersey, and Missouri were equipped with the Block 0 version of the Phalanx, while Wisconsin received the first operational Block 1 version in 1988.[70] The Phalanx system is intended to serve as a last line of defense against enemy missiles and aircraft, and when activated can engage a target with a 20 mm M61 Vulcan 6-barreled gatling cannon at a distance of approximately 3.6 km (2.2 mi).
      A close-up look at an Armored Box Launcher unit, this one aboard USS New Jersey As part of their modernization in the 1980s, each of the Iowa-class battleships received a complement of Armored Box Launchers and "shock hardened" Mk. 141 quad cell launchers. The former was used by the battleships to carry and fire the BGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAMs) for use against enemy targets on land, while the latter system enabled the ships to carry a complement of RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles for use against enemy ships. With an estimated range of 675 nautical miles (1,250 km; 777 mi) to 1,500 nautical miles (2,800 km; 1,700 mi) for the Tomahawk missile and 64.5 nautical miles (119.5 km; 74.2 mi) to 85.5 nautical miles (158.3 km; 98.4 mi) for the Harpoon missile system, these two missile systems displaced the sixteen-inch guns and their maximum range of 42,345 yards (38,720 m) (24.06 mi)[28] to become the longest-ranged weapons on the battleships during the 1980s. It has been alleged by some[73][74][75] that the battleships carried the TLAM-A (also cited, incorrectly, as the TLAM-N)—a Tomahawk missile with a W80 nuclear warhead—during their 1980s service with the United States Navy, but owing to the United States Navy's policy of refusing to confirm or deny the presence of nuclear weaponry aboard its ships, these claims can not be conclusively proved.
      During the 1980s these battleships made use of the RQ-2 Pioneer, an unmanned aerial vehicle employed in spotting for the guns. Launched from the fantail using a rocket-assist booster that was discarded shortly after takeoff, the Pioneer carried a video camera in a pod under the belly of the aircraft which transmitted live video to the ship so operators could observe enemy actions or fall of shot during naval gunnery. To land the UAV a large net was deployed at the back of the ship the aircraft was flown into it. Missouri and Wisconsin both used the Pioneer UAVs successfully during Operation Desert Storm.
      USS Iowa (BB-61)
      Reactivated in the early 1980s, Iowa operated in the Atlantic Fleet, cruising in North American and European waters for most of the decade and participating in joint military exercises with European ships. On 19 April 1989, 47 sailors were killed following an explosion in her No. 2 turret. In 1990, Iowa was decommissioned for the last time and placed in the mothball fleet. She was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 17 March 2006. Iowa is currently anchored as part of the National Defense Reserve Fleet in Suisun Bay, California and is available for donation as a museum and memorial.
      USS New Jersey (BB-62)
      Reactivated in 1982 under the 600-ship Navy program, New Jersey was sent to Lebanon to protect U.S. interests and U.S. Marines, firing her main guns at Druze and Syrian positions in the Beqaa Valley east of Beirut. Decommissioned for the last time 8 February 1991, New Jersey was briefly retained on the Naval Vessel Register before being donated to the Home Port Alliance of Camden, New Jersey for use as a museum ship in October 2001
      USS Missouri (BB-63)
      Reactivated in 1984 as part of the 600-ship Navy plan, Missouri was sent on operational cruises until being assigned to Operation Earnest Will in 1988. In 1991, Missouri participated in Operation Desert Storm, firing 28 Tomahawk Missiles and 759 sixteen-inch (406 mm) shells at Iraqi targets along the coast. Decommissioned for the last time in 1992, Missouri was donated to the USS Missouri Memorial Association of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for use as a museum ship in 1999.
      USS Wisconsin (BB-64)
      reactivated in 1986 as part of the 600-ship Navy plan. In 1991, Wisconsin participated in Operation Desert Storm, firing 24 Tomahawk Missiles at Iraqi targets, and expending 319 16-inch (406 mm) shells at Iraqi troop formations along the coast. Decommissioned for the last time 30 September 1991, Wisconsin was placed in the reserve fleet until struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 17 March 2006 so she could be transferred for use as a museum ship. Wisconsin is currently berthed at the Nauticus maritime museum in Norfolk, Virginia.
      Inside the package:
      The Iowa class battleship with all the 4 ships variations.
      Fully working 16", 5", Phalanx gun batteries and Fire direction turrets.
      New BGM-109C Tomahawk missiles. (be carefull as sometimes they are used as SAMs too because the ship can engage air and ground targets)
      Orbiting RQ-2 Pioneer drone.
      Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
      "User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
      ID(io)T Team : Model, Weapons, Testing
      Torno : Skin
      YeYeYe : Data INI
      Spitwulf : INI work, Guns, Effects and sound
      Typhoid : Precious counseling
      Beta testers: All the above plus Silverbolt, Canadair and The Test Pilot
      Legal stuff:
      This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      Enjoy the cruise.


         (7 reviews)



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