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4 files


    Please find enclosed the fix for the missing decals for the Pakistani UH-1H for the cargo doors when a gunner is enabled, just replace the decals.ini file in all 3 colour schemes, it is exactly the same file for all 3 so just delete the old one and replace with this one, then we shall all be number enhanced 
    I apologise I should have fixed this from the start, however, after a quick chat with Yakarov79 I got on to it this morning, and corrected the error, quick and easy fix , as I suspected .


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    Using Yakarov79's excellent UH-1H I have created 3 new skins for the Pakistani Army, the first is the standard overall green, there is a grey/green camo scheme, and finally what appears to be the latest cam scheme which is sand/green/brown . I have included the whole package in this upload to make it easier to install as it needs really  to be installed separate from a general UH-1H installation, as it is a purely Pakistani machine. all the files needed are included, sounds, weapons, pilots etc etc . I have left the decals the same for all 3 schemes, as it appears that standard markings are commonplace on Pakistani aircraft. One thing to note though, is that when the gunners are enabled, it removes the numbering from the cargo doors, not a major issue at all, but I just thought you may need to know. also, the latest iterations of the Huey in Pakistani service appear to be armed with miniguns rather than M60's however I dont have the ability to adjust this , so the Pigs will have to suffice, I am not sure if this modification is for the newer Venoms, rather than the standard UH-1 , however, if it is possible to mod the gunners with the miniguns, that would be totally ace.
    As I said this model is originally from Yakarov79, so all the main, and important workings are his sterling work not mine, I have merely adapted it to reflect the Pakistan Army's aircraft.
    As always, any questions or issues/omissions, please feel free to message me. I hopefully will be doing more UH-1H's soon, in fact I have started working on them already, so wait out on that !! 
    Finally as always, ENJOY !!! 


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  3. Bo-105 PAH1A1

     Bo-105 PaH1 Addon for SF2 series
     Since 1979, the German Army received 212 PAH anti-tank versions and 100 M-versions as liaison and observation helicopters
     totaling 312 Bo 105s. The helicopter was retired from German Army service on 13 December 2016 with an 18-aircraft formation
     flyby from their base in Celle.
     Unpack the files, read the Bo-105_README.txt!  
     Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack.
     If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
     Model features:
     + German Armyy Helo crew models
     + AN/AR 54 CM Dispensers. Never mounted, but stored for serious case. (Info by Ex PAH1 crew)
     + HOT missiles. The tubes are part of the model, as they were not jettisoned in real.
     Kesselbrut for his Gazelle cockpit, i borrowed for this.


       (2 reviews)



  4. HAL Chetak package(Beta)

    HAL Chetak package(Beta)
    Mod to represent HAL built Alouette IIIs in Indian service(nicknamed "Chetak").
    Contains three mods with dedicated skins an serial numbers of all Chetaks built by HAL and imported from France.
    a) Chetak_IN is the Indian Navy's SAR & MATCH(Marine Torpedo Carrying Helicopter)
    b) Chetak_IAF is the Indian AF & Army's SAR and Light CAS platform
    c) Chetak-CG, I just modded for fun as Coast Guard's SAR helicopter
    It is being uploaded as it is with some FM issues, which is beyond my understanding to fix.
    Original Model and weapons - Tracker
    Skins, based on Tracker's templates - ghostrider883
    Pilot model - Marcfighter
    Sandesh "ghostrider883" Kanchan
    January 23, 2014


       (3 reviews)



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