11 files
SF2 P-47D-40 Thunderbolt Upgrade/Update Pack
By Wrench
SF2 P-47D-40 Thunderbolt Upgrade/Update Pack 2/5/2020
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged Reccomended)
This is a small update for the P-47D-40 Thunderbolts used in the last year of WW2, and into the Post-War Era. It is designed for use on the -40 Jug that Cocas and I built. You can find the full aircraft at the following URL:
The package is built to just "drop in" over the existing inis (overwrite), and included updated data, loadout and user lists to futher reflect the P-47Ds use in the Post-War world. Loadout changes add "date switched" CAS/AR loads from WW2s 'Triple Bazooka' to HVAR rockets. All weapons are included. It has been tested in both the WW2 and Post-War environments.
Several new or updated skins are also included:
525th FBS ~1947/49 as part of the Occupation Forces in Germany
1º Grupo de Caca, Brazilian AF, in their post-war (1946-57) scheme
GC II/20 "Ouarsenis" Armée de l'Air as seen/used in Algeria in the late 1950s
All aircraft are in NMF and With the exception of painted on special squadron or national markings, all others are decals. Decal Randomization is TRUE. The Serials on the FAB Jug are 100% historically correct. The AdA skin can be used as a basis for other units that served in Algeria (or France) during the post-war timeframe. All 3 new skins have their own Hangar Screens.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The "Notes" section has more information on proper usage of these Post-War skins. Please =READ= them!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 P-47N Thunderbolt Post WW2 USAAF/USAF & Air National Guard Skins Pack
By Wrench
SF2 P-47N Thunderbolt Post WW2 USAAF/USAF & Air National Guard Skins Pack 6/20/2019
-For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended)-
This is a package for post-WW2 and Air National Guard squadrons that flew the P/F-47N Thunderbolt in the years from 1946-1954. These are for V.2 of Russ's N-Jug. All skins are in jpg format.
You can find Version 2.0 of Russ' P-47N at the following URL:
The skins included herein for Regular USAAF/USAF units are:
37th/48th/49th FS, 14th FG
99th/100th/301st FS, 477th CG/332nd FG
The other skins included here are for the Air National Guards of the following states:
Hawaii (Territory of)
Puerto Rico (Territory of)
The USAAF/USAF had divided the country at the Mississippi River, and had P-51 Mustang ANG units in the west, and P-47D/N units in the east. This is why this set only has Thunderbolts, and all are Eastern States.
They are displayed on the Squadron Selection Drop-down window on the Loading Screen, as below:
37th/48th/49th FS 14FG (1946-48)
99th/100th/301st FSs 332nd FG (1945-48)
118th FS, 103rd FG (CT ANG 1946-52)
142nd FS (DE ANG 1946-54)
128th FS (GA ANG 1947-51)
199th FS (HI ANG 1946-54)
101st FS (MA ANG 1947-51)
146th FS, 112th FG (PA ANG 1947-51)
198th FS (PR ANG 1947-55)
Operational dates are rounded to the closest full year. The SF2 'date switch' is =NOT= used on any of these skins, as they overlap each other. End users (tm) will have to make any changes manually on the Loadout Screen for their flightmates.
A new data ini, with vastly improved FM and engine parameters (Now! With WEP!) is included. Some minor adjustments in hit boxes, armor, fuel tanks, etc have been performed. The operational years remain the same, so WW2 PTO users need not worry. Just drop it in. A backup copy of the original data ini is included, as a safety measure. It should be noted, Stary's superb Late WW2 cockpit -HIGHLY reccomended for this bird- is NOT included. If there is enough interest, I can add it to this, and upload an update. Or update the basic WW2 aircraft package.
Other than special squadron markings (color bands and the like) all markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Each squadron has 26 serial and 'Buzz number' decals. On the individual aircraft select drop down, for all skins, any marked with a star (*) are been 100% positively identified as having served in that unit. Any not marked should be considered generic in nature as they don't actually represent aircraft from any particular unit, but are late production block P-47Ns. Please see the "Notes" section for information regarding the 332nd & 14th FGs. They are treated as special cases. A reminder -- this package =ONLY= contains American users (USAF & ANG). None of the export customers are included. Nor are any weapons or pilot figures included. You should have them already.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. As there exists an eariler version of these skins/decals, you will want to delete them or back them up to a different location entirely =BEFORE= installing these. Also, PLEASE read the "Notes" for further explainitory words on hows and whys.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 , PTO 39th FS P-47D "Razorback" Thunderbolt Skin Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 39th FS, PTO P-47D "Razorback" Thunderbolt Skin Pak 12/22/2014
= For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!)
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
**REMINDER: this pack is for PTO Razorback Jugs -only-!!! And by PTO, this means SoWesPac, NOT CBI, not the Solomons, etc!!! This would include New Guinea, points north and west, and obviously the Philipines.**
This is a new skin for Cocas' PTO P-47D Razorback Thunderbolt. If you don't have it already, you can get the aircraft at the following url:
The skin included is for:
39th FS, 35th FG, as seen in the Phillipines in mid-1944 (also slightly earlier)
It represents the aircraft in their later scheme, up until the time the 35th converted to Mustangs. (oddly, almost all of 5th AF Jugs carried the tail stripes of one kind or another).
All markings are decals, and Decal randomization is TRUE.
The aircraft is finished in Overall Natural Metal, with "new style" Southwest Pacfic markings as of mid-1944. These are the pre-war style red rudder stripes, with a blue leading edge on the Rudder.
Please note, SWP Theatre, Squadron and/or Group specific markings -ARE- painted on.
The serials herein should be considered "generic" in nature, but ARE for the correct model variant.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
=for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division=
SF2 WW2 MTO P-47D Razorback, 64th FS Skins/Decals Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 MTO P-47D Razorback, 64th FS Skins/Decals Pak 12/24/2014
-- Something for the MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
A new skin/decal set for the MTO (Theatre Specific) P-47D Razorback by Cocas & Co.
The Theatre specific aircraft is available at the following url:
Skin included in this pak are:
12th AF:
64th FS, 57th FG "Black Scorpions"
All markings are decals, and Decal randomization is TRUE.
The aircraft is finished in standard 0D/Grey, with MTO Theatre markings.
Please note, MTO Theatre, Squadron and/or Group specific markings -ARE- painted on.
The serials herein should be considered "generic" in nature, but ARE for the correct model variant. There are NO nose arts.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 PTO P-47N, Ini, Skin/Decal Update Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 PTO P-47N, Ini, Skin/Decal Update Pak 10/28/2014
-- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
**Note: this mod is to be applied to Russ's "P-47N V.2 Final Pak", available at the following URL:
If you don't have, you should get it!!**
These skins are for WW2 PTO use ONLY! The represent P-47Ns as seen in the last months of the war.
Revamped/Updated skins and decals included are:
19th FS
333rd FS
464th FS (replaces the MeatChopper skin & decal folders)
463rd FS (now with some nose arts)
Included as well are revamped loadout and data inis. The data ini contains a slightly refined FM, but is not 100% perfect (although MUCH better than before!), and may need further tweeking by experts. The loadout ini fixes a missed station. A backup copy of the original data ini is included, so you don't need to back up your original.
You also get a NEW box-art style loading screen.
New plane-in-squadron ID numbers, and serials number decals (where used) were created for those using them. The PIS numbers follow the correct sequencing. The serials, while correct for the mark, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft with the squadrons depicted. Decal randomization is TRUE.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!
To eliminate confusion, You'll be renaming, moving or deleting some folder, as these will replace them. So, before installing, unzip this archive and read the Install Instructions.
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 ETO P-47C/D, 334th FS, 4th FG Skinpak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO P-47C/D, 334th FS, 4th FG Skinpak 1/5/2014
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
A slight reskinning/rebadging for Wolf's P-47 (Razorback), represents the 334th
FS, 4th FG shortly after converting from Spitfires to early P-47
This package is designed to work on/with my "P-47C/D (Early) Pak", available at
the following url:
Included is a slightly modified data ini, with corrected operation dates,
rounded to closest whole month. (you may with to back up the original data ini,
as a 'just in case', before installing this pak)
No weapons or pilot figures are included; you should have them already. The
skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE.
The other 3 squadrons of the 4th can be easily recreated, by simple making a
"SCode.tga" (squadron code letter decal).
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. So, please read them.
Happy Landings!!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 P-47D Bubbletop, 92st FS, CBI, Skin/Decal Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 P-47D Bubbletop, 92st FS, CBI, Skin/Decal Pak 12/13/2013
-- Something for the WW2 CBI players --
= For SF2 ONLY (Any and All) =
**Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 CBI-Centric mods folder. In fact,
research seems to indicate this unit (81st FG) operated only over China from mid-1944*
New skin and decal set for Wolf257's P-47D-20 Razorback Thunderbolt, recreate the 92st FS,
81st FG as seen in China from mid-1944 thru war's end. Conside this a compaion set for the
91st FS's Razorbacks. The only non-historical bit, is the vertical squadron rudder/fin ID
stripe was solid, not broken so the serial can be seen. In Real Life , the serial
numbers may have been painted over by the stripe.
The included data ini has several changes (listed below in "Change List") for CBI (and
specificly China) usage ONLY!!!
The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. The serial numbers, while
'generic' in nature, ARE correct for the model variant depicted.
The data ini supplied here in the main aircraft folder, is a theatre-specific data ini,
with the approximated start date/month of P-47 operations in the CBI. I made the assumption
(oh! that word!!) that Bubbletops started appearing within a few months of the Razorbacks.
Which is a different timeframe then the ETO or MTO.
Like the recently released mod for the Razorback, some of these changes and additions can
be used for any of Wolf's Bubbletop Jugs for ETO or MTO usage (after removal of the ADF
loop statements, of course!)
REMINDER!! Jugs in the PTO (ie: SoWesPac and Central Pacific), did =NOT= use the DF loop;
it is a CBI thing only. Once again, making the point of having a CBI-0nly Mods Folder.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE
read them!!
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 P-47D Razorback, 91st FS, 81sth FG, CBI, Skin/Decal Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 P-47D Razorback, 91st FS, 81sth FG, CBI, Skin/Decal Pak 12/11/2013
-- Something for the WW2 CBI players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
**Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 CBI-Centric mods folder. In fact,
research seems to indicate this unit (81st FG) operated only over China from mid-1944*
New skin and decal set for Wolf257's P-47D-20 Razorback Thunderbolt, recreate the 91st FS,
81st FG as seen in China from mid-1944 thru war's end.
The included data ini has several changes (listed below in "Change List")
The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. The serial numbers, while
'generic' in nature, ARE correct for the model variant depicted.
In the folder "for china usage only", is a theatre-specific data ini, with the approximated
start date/month of P-47 operations in the CBI. You should ONLY use that one. OTH, the
other ini, in the main aircraft folder, can be used for any of Wolf's Jugs for ETO or MTO
usage (after removal of the ADF loop statements, of course!)
REMINDER!! Jugs in the PTO (ie: SoWesPac and Central Pacific), did NOT use the DF loop; it
is a CBI thing only. Once again, making the point of having a CBI-only Mods Folder.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE
read them!!
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 ETO 53rd FS, P-47D Bubbletop Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO 53rd FS, P-47D Bubbletop Pak
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
This skin should have been in with the recently released ETO Bubbletop Jug pak (for Wolf's Jug), but I'd forgotten that I'd moved it to a storage folder. As I had to reskin it and make some new decals to replace Major Lee's originals (sorry Ken!!), here it is! It sorta 'fell through the cracks', and I apologize!
This pack contain the skin/decal set for the
53rd FS, 36th FG, 9th AF (NM only)
in early 1944 (pre-Invasion Striped). All new decals replace the originals by Major Lee, and Decal randomization set to TRUE. The NEW skin is in Jpg format. Serial numbers are 'generic' in nature, but are correct for the model/sub-variant depicted.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Major Lee's original readme is enclosed for historical purposes
Good Hunting!!
kevin stein
P-47N Bumpmap skin update
By russouk2004
New jpeg format for the P-47N,to save space,but with same detail,replaces the older bitmap textures.
Also now has bump mapping.
As ever readme is supplied and gives all instructions which need to be followed,or the effect wont show.
The wing tanks are now part of the model,and all items and info are included.
Any problems please let me know.
Taiwanese Thunderbolts
By JJava
Taiwanese skinpack for Russouk2004's revamped P-47N-15
Excellent skin templates by russouk2004
Tailnumber decals by russouk2004
F-100AD-mod was "liberated" of the ROC-roundel by JSF Aggie
Applying color to templates and some decaling by JJava
2 ROCAF skins
A green and a silver one, based on photographs from 1954.
1 Bonus CNAF silver skin
Actually an ex-US D-model used by national forces during the chinese civil war
An incomplete userlist-file for the thunderbolt and an ini-file utilizing it.
Readme-file with installation instructions and a link to the correct plane.
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