9 files
SF2 WW2 SAAF Hurricane Skins, East Africa
By LloydNB
1 SAAF Squadron - Hurricane MKIA
3 SAAF Squadron - Hurricane MkIA (Trop)
These skins are for Raven's excellent Hurricane MkI and MkIa (Trop). Most of the hard work on these skins is down to him - I've just played around with the panel lines and added some extra decals.
SAAF squadrons in East Africa used a number of different aircraft over the campaign so I've decided to set these around January 1941 when:
- 3 SAAF Squadron was Hurricanes only and
- 1 SAAF Squadron was a mix of the original MkIs supplied early in the war, loaned MkIa(Trops) from 3 SAAF and Gladiators.
Anyone who would like the layered files to play with should drop me a line and I'll convert them to your format of choice - anything to encourage more people to get into skinning.
SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane Mk.I No.1 Squadron, BoF, Skin Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane Mk.I No.1 Squadron, BoF, Skin Pak 5/14/2014
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to some of the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment (read: decal randomization), all the features will =NOT= be working as designed.*
A new skin for Raven's Hurrican Mk.1 (2-bladded Watts prop, fabric wings), representing No. 1 Squadron in early to mid-1940, but more for the Battle of France timeframe.
This skin is painted in the "half-and-half' Night/White wing undersides, with French style "rudder flash" RAF color bands, and "silver dope" remaining undersides. The skin maps remain in bmp format.
Also included is a modified textureset.ini for the original No.111 squadron skin, that adds the DefaultStartDate= tag (07/1940), adds decal randomization. The decals ini provided for 111 adds the Level 1 fake "SqTail" pointer to activate the Squadron name display. This is used on BOTH skins.
The new serial number decals ARE historically those for early Mk.1 Hurris, but should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent NO particular aircraft within a specific squadron.
This package ONLY contains the skins/decals (and the 111 Squadron inis). I've not included any of my usual "tweeks" to SF2-ize the aircraft. It's pretty perfect as is! (the only thing I changed was turning the Fuselage OFF in the data ini to eliminate the 'double cockpit' issue).
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
With Thanks To Raven for the bird!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 CBI Hurricane IIC (Trop) Skin & Tweeks Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 CBI Hurricane IIC (Trop) Skin & Tweeks Pak 1/24/2014
-- Something for the WW2 CBI players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some
features (decal randomization and others) will =NOT= be functional. Use in
1stGens has not, and cannot be, tested by me.*
**Note x2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 CBI-Centric mods
folder. Some Theatre specific changes have been effected, and should =ONLY= be
used in the CBI!!!**
This is =NOT= the full aircraft; you'll be adding all this stuff to the
original (ok, Ver.4). It's available at the following URL:
Some mods, tweeks, and 2 new skin/decal sets for Raven's Hurricane IIC Trop, as
seen in India and Burma during WW2.
Included are 2 skins for:
No. 135 Squadron, RAF
No. 2 Squadron "Winged Arrows", Royal Indian Air Force (RIAF)
The squadron patch will be seen as the paint chip for each skin on the Loadout
Neither unit carried Squadron codes, and both make use of a pool of plane-in-
group letters and serial numbers. The serials should be considered 'generic' in
nature, as they represent no particular aircraft with these units, but ARE
correct for the variant depicted.
Skins remain in their bmp format, and as both units were painted alike, resides
in the MAIN aircraft folder. This will NOT interfere with other skins you may
have, residing in their individual folders
Several new inis are included;
Data (with some small tweeks)
Loadout (again, with small tweeks)
A new-ish, SF2 version of the original uploads 44 gal drop tank (with pylon),
creates a new, seperate version of this weapon. It will NOT conflict with any
others, and is designed for use on THIS aircraft. No other weapons or guns are
indluded; you should have them already.
The AvHistory Merlin engine sound is included, as is a new SF2 style hangar
Canopy Opens/Closes via the Standard Animation Keystroke , Shift/0.
All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE.
The skins have been run through the template (thank you Raven for that!), and
have had a layer of dirt and 'clouds' added for weathering.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. PLEASE read them!!
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
By Steve T
Something for WW2 ETO on the 1941-42 Channel Front, at night and during the day.
A clutch of reskins for Raven's excellent Hurricane MkIIC Version 2.1. All new skins, from Raven's template, plus decals edited from those supplied in the original Raven Hurricane SF2 packs by The Wrench. Included are skins for:
No. 1 Squadron (JX) Night Intruder late 1941-1942
No. 1 Squadron (JX) Night Intruder 1942
No. 3 Squadron (QO) Day Fighter scheme Late 1941-1942
No. 87 Squadron (LK) Night Intruder late 1941-1942
Steve T
SF2 WW2 Hurricane IIb RAF, CBI
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 Hurricane IIb RAF, CBI 12/15/2013
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
- For WW2 CBI Usage =ONLY!= -
*Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod MAY work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, many features will not be functional. End Users that choose to use this in SF/Wo* do so on their own.*
While this mod CAN be used on the older (earlier) releases of the Hurricane, it's designed for use on the latest Hurricane IIB Ver 3.0 (hence it's delayed release), available at the following URL:
The skin represents No.17 Squadron, when they first arrived in theatre (India) in late 1941/early 42, and as used in Burma. The skin remains in BMP format. All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE.
Included are modified main and data inis that have some very minor changes (component removals, new engine sound, slightly repositioned pilot, and so forth).
An SF2-converted version of the NEW 44 gallon drop tank (from V.3) is included; everything else you should already have. A new hangar screen, somewhat theatre themed, is included.
As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. In fact, as we're creating a theatre-specific version, READ the install instructions AFTER unzipping, but BEFORE installing this mod!!! Seriously, DO it!!!
Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (Trop), 335 Squadron (MTO/RHAF)
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (Trop), 335 Squadron (MTO/RHAF)
-- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. After all, it's just a skin and decals!! However, the decal radomization will not be functional in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs*
A new Desert camo skin for Raven's Hurricane IIC (Trop), recreates 335 Squadron, Royal Hellinc Air Force, as flown with the RAF in Egypt and the Western Desert.
This skin is still in bmp format, so it's usable in SF/Wo*. Decal randomization is TRUE. All the markings are decals, most of which (serials, plane-in-group letters) are reused from other skins sets
As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them.
Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
With Thanks To Raven for the bird!
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
SF2 WW2 Hawker Sea Hurricane IA 880 NAS Skin/Decal Set
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 Hawker Sea Hurricane IA 880 NAS Skin/Decal Set
-- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a distinct possibility this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. It's just a basic skin/decal set.*
A new skin/decal set for Raven's Sea Hurricane Mk.1A. Included herein is the skin and decals for
880 Squadron, aboard Royal Navy carriers in the Med (possibile INDOMITABLE??)
This skin is still in bmp format, making is usable in 1stGen insalls. All new decals were created for Codes and serial numbers. Decal randomization is TRUE. As all the markings are decals, it would be quite easy for other skinners to recreate other RN squadrons that used this mark Sea Hurri, as the Temperate Sea Scheme was used throughout the North Atlantic and Med.
*NOTE: decal randomization will NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. The sepearte Decals folder should work fine in all installs, possibly even down to 06 1stGen levels. This has not, and cannot be. tested by me as I have no 1stGen installs left!*
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
SF2 WW2 ETO BoB Hurricane 1A, 303 Squadron Skin
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO BoB Hurricane 1A, 303 Squadron Skin
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: it's quite possible it can be used in 1stGens, but this has not been tested. Those that
do, well, let me know if worked!! <grin>**
This pak contains the decals necessary to (re)create the Hurricane Mk.1A as used by No. 303
Squadron (Polish) during the Battle of Britain.
This ini/decal pak (as there's no skin included) is for Raven's Mk.1, available at the
following url:
As stated in the original aircraft release, it uses Brain32's "Multiple Use Skin Trik", and
references the skin maps and other decals included in the above pak. Therefore, NO skin maps
are included in THIS pak. So, you MUST have the original aircraft listed above to add this pack
All that's really included in this pak are the inis, Squadron Code letter and squadron badge
decals. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
Good Hunting!!
kevin stein
SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (Trop), 335 Squadron (MTO/RHAF) Skinpak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (Trop), 335 Squadron (MTO/RHAF) 4/28/2013
-- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. After all, it's just a skin and decals!! However, the decal radomization will not be functional in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs*
A new Desert camo skin for Raven's Hurricane IIC (Trop), recreates 335 Squadron, Royal Hellinc Air Force, as flown with the RAF in Egypt and the Western Desert.
This skin is still in bmp format, so it's usable in SF/Wo*. Decal randomization is TRUE. All the markings are decals, most of which (serials, plane-in-group letters) are reused from other skins sets
As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them.
Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
With Thanks To Raven for the bird, and the OK to tweek her!
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
**Note: this is a reupload. The original upload from April seems to have vanished**
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