7 files
SF2 F-105D Thunderchief by ArmorDave Update Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-105D Thunderchief by ArmorDave Update Pack 12/3/2023
= For SF2, Any and All =
* Full-5 Merged reccomended *
** 1stGen Salvage Operation #7 **
This is a revamp and reissue ArmorDave's F-105D Thunderchiefs for the SF2 Environment (tm). These aircraft were first released in 2004, actually predating their 3rd Wire arrival in Wings Over Vietnam. These were among the first 3-party add-ons for the Strike Fighters series.
This mod is split into two aircraft:
F-105D-25 (NMF) (actually covers all early D model Thuds)
F-105D-31 (SEA 3 Tone) (Vietnam and later)
The -25 is equivilant to the stock 3W F-105D, while the -31 is pretty much the same as the 3W F-105D_66; in fact it HAS a 1966 start date.
The -25 has 3 skins/decal sets:
7th TFS "Bunyaps" 49th TFW - USAFE Spangdahlem Air Base, West Germany
562nd TFS, 23rd TFW - (shark mouth)
563rd TFS "Ace Of Spades", 23rd TFW -both at McConnel AFB, then Takhali RTAFB
The -31 also has 3 skin/decal sets:
333rd TFS "Lancers", 355TFW
357th TFS "Licking Dragons", 355TFW - both at Takhali RTAFB
149th TFS, Virginia ANG (auto start date 1971)
The SF2 'date swtich' will turn on the VA ANG skin in 1971(ish). All skins remain in their original bmp format. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Each unit has 24 historical serial and/or buzz numbers. As I always do, those marked with a star (*) are 100% correct for the unit. Those marked with a cross/plus sign (+) while serving in the same Wing, could =NOT= be run down to a particular squadron. Those aircraft with 'nose art' or name badges on the wings (333rd & 357th) are all new, and match their real life aircraft (ie: name ---> serial). As all the squadrons, excepting the VA ANG skin, are listed in the game's Squadron List, those displayed names are activated via Level=1 decals. Drop tanks are supplied for both aircraft, in NMF and Camo, as is a new pilot figure. All other weapons used are stock 3rd Wire, excepting any AGM-12 Bullpups you may want to load. (see notes for more info on loadouts)
When in-game, you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown listing ...
F-105D-25 Thunderchief (AD)
F-105D-31 Thunderchief (AD)
This will diferentiatalize them from the stock 3W or any others that you may have (or not). The "AD", of course, recognizes ArmorDave's contribution to SF.
As always, fairly easy to follow yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Also, please read the Notes section for more expositions on which, what, why, how and/or who (whom?). For the historical records, all original readmes are included.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
F-105B Thunderchief (stand in) rebuilt
By paulopanz
F-105B initial production model with AN/APN-105 navigational radar, 71 built
a "stand in" by dtmdragon rebuilt
What's in:
- 12 new High Rez skins an 1 upgraded
- all serials needed
- some tweaks
- dtmdragon original mod idea
- Sundowner templates
- paulopanz skins/decals/tweaks
- all in main mod folder
TW F-105D Repacked
By paulopanz
Stock TW F-105D Repacked
This an almost complete overhaul using Sundowner great templates and Streakeagle early camo decals.
34 new and redone high-res skins 34
original decalset redone
first "pussy galore" Cpt. Vic Vizcarra plane (adults only ...) [80 TFS]
- delete ALL previous mod
- put ALL in your mod folder and overwrite
- that's all
@ paulopanz
F-105B Thunderchief (Stand in)
By dtmdragon
Republic F-105B Thunderchief (Stand in)
Uses the TW F-105D model as a stand in with the following mods:
- Removed nose pitot tube and added one to the left outer wing via fakepilot method.
- Data.ini edits (weight, thrust, service year etc).
- Ranging radar only.
- Re-painted and re-panel lined the nose to re-shape it into that of the F-105B.
- Moved cannon port.
- Canopy can open.
- Removed bombay fuel tank.
- Cockpit is from the F-84F as the F-105B did not have the 'tape' style instruments or a radar scope like the F-105D
- Added 'fighter sweep' mission as if a shooting war had developed during the Cuban Missile Crisis some of the 4th TFW F-105B Squadrons were tasked with an Air Superiority role.
- One generic USAF silver skin using stock decals and another for the 335th TFS, 4th TFW that forward deployed to Macoy AFB during the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
To Install:
- Un-pack and drop into your mods folder.
- TW for the F-105D.
- Sundowner for the template.
- Zurawski & Gunrunner for the cockpit.
SF2 Republic F-105G Thunderchief Wild Weasel by ArmorDave
By Wrench
SF2 Republic F-105G Thunderchief Wild Weasel by ArmorDave
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: the destroyed model referenced herein 'looks' for the stock destroyed F-105D lod. So, at the very least you MUST have either SF2E, or SF2V to gain access to said destroyed model. Hence the Full 4/5 Merged reccomendation*
Some major upgrades to ArmorDave F-105G "Wild Weasel" Thunderchief, bring it in line with SF2 at the Full-5 Merged/Latest Patch level (as of July 2012).
This mod is desinged to REPLACE any eariler SF2 update/upgrade versions of AD's aircraft that may be availalbe.
Skins remain in bmp format (as they're not excpetionally large in size), and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are the older tga versions.
The data ini has all new FM parameters, loadouts have been 'adjusted' for Game usage (and may not reflect Real World situations, but =WILL= reflect Game World situations). New engine sound, and some other small tweeks. A new SF2 version of my 'box art' Hangar screen is included.
No weapons are included, other than the drop tanks, as I've referenced all stock 3W items.
See the "Notes" section for more info on the changes.
When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Drop-Down Menu
F-105G Thunderchief WW (AD)
This will differentiate this aircraft from any others you may (or may not) have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. And notes about any SF2V campaign that may use this aircraft; some slight editing of the campaign ini WILL be necessary due to the 'name change'.
A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
Ver.2 uploaded ... fixed/added missing control surfaces!!!
SF2 Republic F-105F/EF-105F Thunderchief Pak by ArmorDave
By Wrench
SF2 Republic F-105F/EF-105F Thunderchief Pak by ArmorDave
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: the destroyed model referenced herein 'looks' for the stock destroyed F-105D lod. So, at
the very least you MUST have either SF2E, or SF2V to gain access to said destroyed model. Hence the Full 4/5 Merged reccomendation*
Some major upgrades to ArmorDave F-105F Thunderchiefs, bring them more in line with SF2 at the
Full-5 Merged/Latest Patch level, as of July 2012.
This mod is desinged to REPLACE any eariler SF2 update/upgrade versions of AD's aircraft that
may be availalbe.
The package contains 2 complete aircraft:
F-105F (standard NM finish)
EF-105F Wild Weasel II (SEA camo)
Skins remain in bmp format (as they're not excpetionally large in size), and Decal
Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are the older tga versions.
Both data inis have all new FM parameters, loadouts have been 'adjusted' for Game usage (and
may not reflect Real World situations, but =WILL= reflect Game World situations). New engine
sound, and some other small tweeks. New SF2-style Hangar screens are included.
No weapons are included, other than the drop tanks, as I've referenced all stock 3W items.
See the "Notes" section for more info on the changes.
When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Drop-Down Menu
F-105F Thunderchief (AD)
EF-105F Thunderchief
Although the F-105F as used in the Wild Weasel configuraion never actually "officially"
recieved the "EF" moniker, I've done so here to diferentiate it from the standard or garden
variety F model.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -
READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions,
illuminations and so forth. And notes about any SF2V campaign that may use this aircraft; some
slight editing of the campaign ini may be necessary due to the 'name change'.
A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
F-105F_G SF2
Here is the F-105F and F-105G modified for use in the SF2 series and it's file system.
The RWR system has been updated to SF2V standard.
The aircraft was tested in SF2 Vietnam ver.May09b.
--------- ORIGINAL RELEASE -------------------------
F-105F-1 Early, F-105F-1 Late and F-105G
Strike Fighters : Project 1
build 21-03-2004
To install these aircraft simply unzip the 3 three folders and place them in your "Strikefighters\Objects\Aircraft" directory.
Then simply run strike fighters selecting Single Mission and picking the F-105F-1 Early, F-105F-1 Late or F-105G from the list of flyable aircraft.
You'll need to wait for Service pack 3 to get working tape gauges.
F-105F and G Thunderchief introduction & History
The F-105F was heavily committed to combat over Southeast Asia. Some were quickly adapted for the "Wild Weasel" air-defense suppression role, fitted with electronics to detect enemy radars and target air defense sites for destruction in advance of strike packages. The original Air Force "Wild Weasel I" was a modified two-seat North American F-100F Super Sabre, but the F-100 wasn't fast enough to keep up with F-105 strike packages, and so the F-105F was selected for the role.
The major elements of the modification were addition of the "APR-25 Radar Homing And Warning (RHAW)" system, which picked up and located radar sites; the "APR-26 Launch Warning Receiver (LWR)", which provided warning of a missile launch; and an "IR-133 Scan Receiver" to search for emitters. The back-seat "electronics warfare officer (EWO)" controlled these devices and had a cockpit CRT to help locate targets.
The first such F-105F "Wild Weasel II", sometimes informally known as an "EF-105F", performed its first flight on 15 January 1966, and the Wild Weasel Thuds were engaged in active combat by the spring of that year. A total of 86 Wild Weasel F-105F conversions were performed.
The Wild Weasel F-105F was armed with the new "AGM-45 Shrike Anti-Radar Missile (ARM)", a modified Sparrow AAM with a radar-homing head, to destroy radar transmitters, and attacked air-defense sites with CBU-24 cluster bombs and other munitions. Sometimes Wild Weasel F-105Fs worked with F-105Ds in "hunter-killer" teams, with the Wild Weasel Thud pinpointing the target and the F-105Ds destroying it.
While other aircraft could avoid air-defense sites when possible, Wild Weasels actually had to attract their attention and take them on. This led to the Wild Weasel motto, which was "YGBSM", standing for "You Gotta Be s**ttin' Me!" Apparently this was the reaction of the first Wild Weasel aircrews when they were told what they were getting themselves into.
Wild Weasel crews were generally gutsy sorts, and they evolved tactics for outflying SAMs launched at them. They would watch for a missile launch, and then fly straight at the SAM at high speed, turning at the last moment. The fast-moving SAM would not be able to turn quickly enough to bring the fighter into the blast radius of its warhead.
Two Wild Weasel F-105F pilots won the highest American military award, the Congressional Medal of Honor. On 10 March 1967, Captain Merlyn F. Dethlefsen was piloting one of four Wild Weasel Thuds paving the way for a strike package. The leader was shot down by anti-aircraft fire, and North Vietnamese MiG-21 fighter made repeated passes on the survivors, trying to force them to dump their ordnance. Dethlefsen pressed home the attack anyway and destroyed the site. All three surviving Wild Weasels returned home with severe damage. Dethlefsen was personally awarded the medal by President Johnson.
On 19 April 1967, Lieutenant Colonel Leo K. Thorsness had completed a Wild Weasel strike when his wingmates were shot down. He was low on fuel but stayed around to cover the air rescue operation, driving of a flight of MiG-17s that tried to interfere. Thorsness shot down one MiG and damaged another. He passed up an opportunity to refuel from a tanker when another aircraft breathing fumes showed up, and landed safely at Ubon, a forward base in Thailand.
On 30 April, Thorsness' F-105 was hit and badly damaged. He and his EWO ejected, Thorsness being badly injured in the process, and were captured by the North Vietnamese. They spent over six years in a North Vietnamese POW camp.
* 56 Wild Weasel F-105Fs were later updated to an improved "Wild Weasel III" configuration with the designation "F-105G", featuring improved avionics, as well as jammer pods that were faired into the forward fuselage, freeing up the underwing pylons for other stores. 14 of the F-105Gs were further modified to carry the big AGM-78 "Standard Anti-Radar Missile (STARM)", an air-launched variant of the US Navy's "Standard" SAM.
Known Issues
* Service pack 3 needed for tape gauges
Aircraft Files
Authored by David:
Models and Cockpit models
Authored by Lansen & David:
Cockpit textures
Authored by Sundowner:
All Skins
Authored by Column5:
Flight model/data file
Thanks to
Sundonwer ;)
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