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5 files

  1. New canopy structure for the F-35A, F-35B and F-35C

    New canopy structure for the F-35A, F-35B and F-35C v1.1.0

    Important ! At first I would like to thank GKABS who was so kind to create 
    this FakePilot element. 

    Indeed, this mod uses the FakePilot method.

    This is mainly an update for the F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2 by 
    FastCargo : 

    Before using this mod you must install the F-35s.
    The mod contains:
    - the F-35 data.ini files for each 3 versions of the Lightning II fighter.
    - The GKABS mod
    - The FakePilot mod
    - Update by Paulopanz (see NOTAM) 

    NOTAM for v1.1.0 : 
    - the opening canopy animation of the F-35B is deleted 
    and the position of the new structure is updated with new texture.
    - by Paulo :
    - F-35A taxing dancing fixed [Baffmeister's tricks rule ...]
    - F-35B taxing dancing fixed [a better take off like Seaharrier or Yak-36 should nedeed]
    - F-35C taxing dancing fixed; medium carrier set [no LPD LPH etc usage like F-35B]; wingfold and canopy opened on deck [the addon parts are on pilot and not seat entries]

    In order to install it you must put the objects folder into your SF2 

    Best regards


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  2. SF2 USAF F-35 redux

    Here's my rework of the original SF2 F-35A from FastCargo's F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2 pack. It includes USAF F-35A only, so there are no B/C or foreign operators versions (maybe I'll do them in the future). This pack was created and tested with full 5 merged install of SF2 with latest patch.
    My main objective was to make this aircraft more reallistic by reworking the skins (RAM coatings, panel lines etc.), loadouts and other minor .ini changes. The afterburner is changed to the Viper Burner by The Viper Team and the pilot is changed to the one with JHMCS.
    Following squadrons are included:
    4th FS, 388th FW, Hill AFB, UT 31st TES, 53d TEG, Eglin AFB, FL 34th FS, 388th FW, Hill AFB, UT 58th FS, 33d OG, Eglin AFB, FL 61st FS, 56th OG, Luke AFB, AZ 62d FS, 56th OG, Luke AFB, AZ 63d FS, 56th OG, Luke AFB, AZ 422d TES, 53d TEG, Eglin AFB, FL All aircraft numbers are real and come from this site: http://www.f-16.net/aircraft-database/F-35/serials-and-inventory/airforce/USAF/
    The default loadouts are all-internal. Presets with external stores are also included to use with in-game mission editor. Most weapons come from Ravenclaw's Weapons Pack 2. Loadouts do not include external fuel tanks as they are not used in real life.
    Reworked skin template based on DoctorWho's template is included. It is suitable for F-35A only. Feel free to create new skins, give me credit when publishing.
    Firstly, if you are new to SF2, please head to The Knowledge base and read about Mod Folders and installing mods. It is highly recommended to delete your previous version of F-35A from your Aircraft folder. After doing this, copy all the content of "To Mods Folder" folder to your mod folder. Overwrite when asked.
    FastCargo - original F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2 pack ravenclaw_007 - weapons The Viper Team - Viper afterburner DoctorWho - original F-35A/B skin template You can use my work included in this pack under the terms of Combatace Freeware License.


       (3 reviews)



  3. F-35J

    In December of 2011, the F-35 was officially chosen to replace Japan's aging F-4 fleet. The F-35J is scheduled to enter service in 2016. Final assembly and perhaps eventually licence production will be handled by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
    This package includes three different high-resolution skins representing currently proposed paint schemes. Currently included squadron markings are for the 301st Fighter Squadron from Nyutabaru Air Base, one of the first units expected to receive the new aircraft.
    Note 1: Several avionics modifications were (selfishly) made by me to better represent the powerful AESA radar set in the F-35. Feel free to use the original F-35 avionics.ini if you prefer.
    Note 2: Some essential weapons (some from the community Ordnance Pack, others created by yours truly) are included, but be sure to download the JASDF Weapons Pack for more!
    -Original F-35 mod by Dave, JSF Aggie, JAT81500, Amokfloo, and FastCargo
    -JSOW, JDAM, and SDB models from SF2 Ordnance Shop
    -JASDF skins, decals, and hangar screens by Nengajou Aki
    -JASDF weapons and F-35 data ini modifications by WhiteBoySamurai


       (2 reviews)



  4. F-35AE EuroLightning II

    Here's my F-35AE EuroLightning II. It's a European export version of F-35.
    My pack contains the aircraft with 4 skins:
    - Royal Norwegian Air Force skin
    - Italian Air Force 23°gruppo skin
    - Royal Netherlands Air Force 313SQN skin
    - Greek Hellenic Air Force 339 MPK ghost skin
    The loadout is changed to give it more 'euro' weapons, which all are included in SF2 Ordnance Pack.
    - Klavs81 - F-35 and skin templates
    - ravenclaw007 - AMI and KLU decals
    - JAT81500 - F-35A HAF ghost skin
    - NazGhul - HAF decals
    - Baltika - RNoAF decals
    Some decals are made by me.
    Installation instructions:
    Unzip contents of the EuroLightning archive into your mod folder. Overwrite when prompted.
    You have to install Klsvs81's F-35 to have all the sounds, effects, tanks etc.
    Happy flying!
    21 jul 2011


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  5. F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2

    F-35 A/B/C for the 2nd Generation ThirdWire sims...beta Version 2.1.
    Very similar to Version 2.0, reformatted to SF2 standards with Weapons, Guns, Decals.
    Also, several bugs fixed in all 3 models, including nozzle animations, carrier operations, etc.
    Please contact us at CombatAce if you have issues not addressed in the readme or previous releases.
    23 May 09
    Version 2.2
    The weapon editor for SF2 did not like the naming convention for the F-35 drop tanks. So I changed the names, edited the data.inis and now they are fixed. Also there is an avionics fix in there that goes in each versions folder as well.
    Delete the old drop tanks in your SF2 weapons folder and drop these in. Then drop the data.inis and the avionics.inis in each version of the F-35 and overwrite.
    F-35C sound fixed.
    Various ini fixes by Crusader
    Dave (USAFMTL) 29 May 2009
    Version 2.3
    Fixed gun naming issue.
    Dave (USAFMTL) 3 Jun 2009
    Version 2.4
    Feb 2010 Updates By Jat
    Version 2.5
    Apr 2010
    RWR fix
    F-35A Engine Sound Fix


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