27 files
ETO Ventura Mk.II (RAF)
By Veltro2k
SF2 WW2 ETO Ventura Mk.II (RAF) by Veltro2K 9/11/2014
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
**Note: This mod will -NOT- work in 1stGen game installs at any patch level. A Full-5 merged install is reccomended.**
This is a the release of Veltro2K's =NEW= Lockheed/Vega Ventura Mk.II Bomber. This represents the early "glass nosed" bomber version as used by the RAF in the ETO, with the Boulton-Paul turret. Although this mod is being released last, historically, the RAF Ventura's were in action FIRST!
There are 1 skin/decals set(s) in the package:
No. 21 Squadron
All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Serial numbers are accurate for the model depicted, but should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they reprsent no specific unit. As has been the case, the other Ventura squadrons can be replicated by creating new squadron code letter decals.
The various sounds and pilot figures are included. Weapons, guns, bombs, etc, are NOT; you should have them already. Operational service dates are rounded to 'whole months', and ARE relatively correct for in-theatre usages.
When in game, you'll see
Ventura Mk.II (v2k)
on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu. A
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
Happy Landings!!
Kevin Stein
Updated 8/31/2017:
Adjustments/additions/corrections to hit boxes
Small FM adjustments
Enhanced "ruggidization"
This mod cannot be used in whole or in part of anything that is payware !!!!
Geezer Sea Gladiator for SF-2, MTO and ETO
By baffmeister
Here is a great looking Sea Gladiator built by Geezer and set up for StrikeFighters2. The default installation is for MTO but also included are a few additional files that can be added for ETO use.
The installation is quite straight forward but make sure you READ the included README to understand the sound file installation. It's a small but additional hoop to jump through.
Geezer: Sea Gladiator model, Cockpit, RAF Pilots, Hangar Screen, Loading Screen
LloydNB: Skins and Decals
Baffmeister: Flight Model and Ini Edits.
AvHistory: Engine sound, modified by Baffmeister.
Crusader: Gunsight tga.
Wrench: Gladiator Loadout bitmap
Gladiator MK II
By KnightWolf45
Gloster Gladiator MK II read me 30/04/2011
This his my frist Full aircraft model frits of many i hope :)
the Gladitor was use in small numbers but its pilots made many acts of bravarie.
know bugs i cloud not get the decals to show up in SF2 but they work cool on WoE 08 pacht
Skins and Decals:
FM and geral ini work:
beta testes
Cliff11 RAVEN and CadeteBRA
thank you all
upload in Combat Ace freeware terms use it in any non paywere mod.
ver 0.95
SF2 WW2 SWP Bristol Beaufighter TF Mk. X, RAAF
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 SWP Bristol Beaufighter TF Mk. X, RAAF, v.9 by Cocas 1/5/2016
-- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!! Also, some statements for anti-ship/naval strike require having SF2NA as part of your merged install (meaning: your WW2 PTO mods folder built from the SF2NA exe).*
*Note x2: This mod represents RAAF Beau TF Mk.Xs for SouthWestPacific (PNG/Solomons/etc) use =ONLY=! This is an Australian-only, Nationalized version, for use in the aforementioned theatre.*
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter TF Mk.X
No 30 Squadron, RAAF
This pack represents RAAF Beau TF.Xs, from late 1943 through the war's end.
The Squadron Crest for each is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
Skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
As seen on the Loadout Screen, those letters marked with a star (*) have their serial numbers matched 100% to their plane-in-group letter. Those withOUT the star, while having served with 30 Squadron, could not be matched to their individual aircraft, but ALL are 100% historiclly correct, having served in this squadron. Many were lost on operations or accidents.
All weapons, sounds, pilots, etc are included.
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter TF Mk.X (RAAF) (CAF)
On the Aircraft Selection Drop-down menu. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any others you may, or may not, have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 IDF/AF Bristol Beaufighter TF Mk.X by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 IDF/AF Bristol Beaufighter TF Mk.X by Cocas 1/4/2016
= For SF2:I, (Full-5 Merged, Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This is a nationalized, stand-alone, version designed =ONLY= for use by the IDF/AF*
This mod represents the 4 Beaus used by the IDF's No. 103 squadron in late 1948. They had a VERY short service life, and this is reflected in the data ini. Operational dates are rounded to 'whole months'. Historically, there were 5 aircraft, one crashing before leaving England. I've given you 6 serial number decals, just because.
All markings, excepting the fuselage stripe, are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. This is a complete package, containing all "bits" necessary - weapons (bombs, rockets, rocket rails, drop tank) pilot figures, sounds and etc. Guns are not, as the 20mm cannon is a stock item. The torpedo capability has been removed, as research has turned up nothing even remotely mentioning it. Mission tasking in the data ini, and loadouts have been adjusted accordingly.
This mod is designed to replace, in total, any and all earlier versions that are no longer available from "other sources". The may cause issues with existing campaigns (if any that use the Beau), but are easily fixed with the simple text edit of the campaign ini.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter TF.X, v.9 by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter TF.X, v.9 by Cocas 1/2/2016
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This mod represents both early and late production Beau TF Mk.X for ETO and MTO** usage ONLY! Seperate versions for other theatres, will be released when and as they are finshed.
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility, at some point in the future, of more work being done. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users for their examination, flying pleasures and so forth.*
**= will require new squadron code and/or individual aircraft letter decals. But the paint scheme is the same for MTO usage, in the aircraft lifespan/timeframe. However, SEAC/SoWesPac are completely different, and will require the release of "theatre specific" versions.
This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. This package contains 2 complete aircraft, representing the Beaufighter TF Mk.X in both it's iterations.
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter TF Mk.X (Early)
No.143 Squadron
No.236 Squadron
No.254 Squadron -- all of North Coates Strike Wing, Coastal Command
Beaufighter TF MK.X (Late)
No.254 Squadron, CC
The TF Mk.X (Early) has the rear flex MG, no radar and no fin extension.
The TF Mk.X (Late) is the final produciton verison, with thimble nose radar, rear flex gun, and the tail fin extension.
The Squadron Crest is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen. Skins are in jpg format. Everything is included (weapons, pilot figures, sounds, etc), excepting the guns (you should have all these already).
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Other squadrons can easily be reproduced by creating new squadon code letters (either for ETO or MTO usage). As is my habit, a sample bmp is left in the Decals folder so you can match the font and size.
All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the unit(s) represented.
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter TF Mk.X (Early) (CAF)
Beaufighter TF Mk.X (Late) (CAF)
on the aircraft selection drop-down for this aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any others you may or may not have. It =IS= designed to replace any other Beaus of this type from "other sources".
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VIF (Late), v.9 by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VIF (Late), v.9 by Cocas 12/28/2015
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This mod represents the late production Beau Mk.VIFs for ETO and MTO** usage ONLY! Seperate versions for other theatres, and the later marks, will be released when and as they are finshed.
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users for their examination, flying pleasures and so forth.*
**= will require new squadron code and/or individual aircraft letter decals. But the paint scheme is the same for MTO usage. However, SEAC is completely different, and will require the release of a "theatre specific" version.
This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. This package contains 1 aircraft, representing the Beaufighter VIF fighter/intruder variant.
This version =HAS= the dihedral horizontial stabs (they point up), the rear swivel MG mount, and the "thimble nose" AI/ASV type radar. The aircraft IS equipped to carry rockets as well as 2 bombs on the wing stations - but, obviously! not all at the same time!! Torpedo capability has been removed for this "Fighter/Intruder" version.
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter Mk.V1F (late) Standard Day Scheme (Overall MSG/Dark Green disruptive)
No. 604 Squadron "County of Middlesex"
The Squadron Crest is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Everything is included (weapons, pilot figures, sounds, etc), excepting the guns (you should have all these already).
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Other squadrons can easily be reproduced by creating new squadon code letters (either for ETO or MTO usage). As is my habit, a sample bmp is left in the Decals folder so you can match the font and size.
All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the unit(s) represented.
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter Mk.VIF (Thimble) (CAF)
on the aircraft selection drop-down for this aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any others you may or may not have. It =IS= designed to replace any other Beaus of this type you may or may not have, from "other sources". The "thimble", of course, means this is the thimble-nosed radar equipped version (AI Mk.VIII).
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 MTO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.IC
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 MTO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.IC, v.9 by Cocas 5/10/2015
-- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This mod represents ICs as used in the MTO =ONLY=.*
A few modificaitions (mostly a skin/decals set) for Cocas' Beau Mk.IC, 'Coastal Command' version as used in the Med. This is the complete aircraft.
This pack contains the following skin/decal set:
No. 272 Squadron
As seen in mid 41 thru late 43 time frames, based in Egypt and Malta. The aircraft is finished in standard Desert Day camo.
The Squadron Crest is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS. Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already). All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the unit(s) depicted.
\When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter Mk.IC (CAF)
for this aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any others you may or may not have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
*this was supposed to be released with the other Beaus, but somehow slipped under the rug! Enjoy!*
SF2 WW2 CBI Vickers Wellington Mk.X
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 CBI Vickers Wellington Mk.X 7/5/2014
-- Something for the CBI players --
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs,
due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.*
**Note: These aircraft should =ONLY= be used in a seperate CBI-centric mods folder to
prevent them from showing up where, historically, they shouldn't. The
Aircraft/GroundObject sets for CBI are substantially different from Central or
SouthWest Pacific areas. Be advised, the actual India/Burma/SEA terrain has been
greatly delayed due to "some issues". Eventually, I'll get back to it.**
This pack contains a modifided/reskinned version of Veltro2K's Wellington for use in
the Burma-India Theatre by the RAF. This is the complete aircraft.
The unit represented is:
No. 99 Sqdn "Madras Presidency"
from June 1942 thru September 1944, when they requipped with Liberators.
The skin remains in bmp format, and decal rendomization is TRUE. ALL markings are
Engine and other sounds are included. Bombs, pilot figures, guns are not; you should
have these already.
On the Aircraft Selection Drop-down, you'll see
Wellington Mk. X (v2k)
(even though there's only veltro's Wellingtons availalbe -- it's habit!)
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So,
please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
**The aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been
lost, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. They 'are as
they is' and you must accept them with this caveat in mind. Any and all
issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models
are unlikely to be created**
Handley Page Halifax MK III
By Veltro2k
The Handley Page Halifax was one of the four-engined heavy bombers of the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. A contemporary of the famous Avro Lancaster, the Halifax remained in service until the end of the war, performing a variety of duties in addition to bombing. The Halifax was also operated by squadrons of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Free French Air Force, and Polish forces, and after the Second World War by the Royal Egyptian Air Force, the Armée de l'Air and the Royal Pakistan Air Force.
3D Model (Veltro2k)
Textures and FM (Charles)
Cockpit (Kesselbrut)
Best Sim : Thirdwire
unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun
Handley Page Halifax B2
By Veltro2k
Handley Page Halifax
The Handley Page Halifax was one of the four-engined heavy bombers of the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. A contemporary of the famous Avro Lancaster, the Halifax remained in service until the end of the war, performing a variety of duties in addition to bombing. The Halifax was also operated by squadrons of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Free French Air Force, and Polish forces, and after the Second World War by the Royal Egyptian Air Force, the Armée de l'Air and the Royal Pakistan Air Force.
3D Model (Veltro2k)
Textures and FM (Charles)
Cockpit (Kesselbrut)
Best Sim : Thirdwire
unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun
Avro Lancaster MK1 V2K
By Veltro2k
The Avro Lancaster is a British four-engined Second World War heavy bomber designed and built by Avro for the Royal Air Force (RAF). It first saw active service with RAF Bomber Command in 1942 and, as the strategic bombing offensive over Europe gathered momentum, it became the main heavy bomber used by the RAF, the RCAF, and squadrons from other Commonwealth and European countries serving within the RAF, overshadowing its close contemporaries the Handley Page Halifax and Short Stirling.The "Lanc", as it was affectionately known,thus became the most famous and most successful of the Second World War night bombers, "delivering 608,612 long tons of bombs in 156,000 sorties."
3D Model (Veltro2k)
Textures and FM (Charles)
Cockpit (Kesselbrut)
Best Sim : Thirdwire
unzip ad folders to their appropriate places...have fun
SF2 WW2 SEAC Bristol Beaufighter NF Mk.1 (Late)
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 SEAC Bristol Beaufighter NF Mk.1 (Late), v.9 by Cocas 3/26/2014
-- Something for the WW2 CBI/SEAC players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This mod represents late production Beau NF Mk.1s for South East Asia Command ONLY! This is a seperate version for CBI usage ONLY, as their start/end dates tend to differ. Meaning: for your CBI Mods Folder.*
This here is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. . This package represents the late production Beaufighter NF Mk.1s. These marks =HAVE= the dihedral horizontal stabs (they point up).
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users for their examination and so forth.
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter NF Mk.1 (Night Fighter) in Standard SEAC Day Scheme, with Night Unders
No. 176 Squadron (as seen at various airbase in East Bengal)
The Squadron Crest is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS. Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already). No bombs or rockets; these are NF Mk.1s, not equipped for them. However, I've allowed you other mission statements, in particular, Armed Recon. You've got plenty of 'gun power' for Truck Hunting.
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. It should be noted, that research has indicated varying numbers of NF Mk.1s arriving in India - some sources say 6, some 8, some 12. I've taken the lazy mans way out, and given you the 'generic' 26 plane-in-group letters. In Real Life , Mk. VI, Mk.X and TF Mk.X began arriving in theatre sometime in mid-late 1943.
All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the units represented.
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter NF Mk.I (Late) (CAF)
for these aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any others you may or may not have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
Short Stirling MK1
By Veltro2k
Short Stirling MK1
The Short Stirling was the first four-engined British heavy bomber of the Second World War. The Stirling was designed and built by Short Brothers to an Air Ministry specification from 1936, and entered service in 1941. The Stirling had a relatively brief operational career as a bomber, being relegated to second line duties from 1943 onwards when other four-engined RAF bombers, specifically the Handley Page Halifax and Avro Lancaster, took over its role, but fulfilled a major role as a glider tug and resupply aircraft during the allied invasion of Europe in 1944-1945.
3D Model (Veltro2k)
Textures and FM (Charles)
Cockpit (Kesselbrut)
Bombsight mod by MoonJumper.
Best Sim : Thirdwire
unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun
SF2 WW2 MTO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VIF, v.9
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 MTO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VIF, v.9 by Cocas 2/10/2014
-- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This mod represents VIFs as used in the MTO =ONLY=. This is the AI equipped NFs (Mk.VII), WITH dehidral (upwards pointing) tailplanes, but NO turret gun. I've allowed for other mission statement like 'Armed_Recon'. This aircraft carries NO bombs or rockets. You'll have to do with guns-only. Until the later model VI, X and TF.X arrive.*
This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co.
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users for their examination and so forth.
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter Mk.IVF
No. 600 "City of London" Squadron
As seen in late 1942/early 43 time frames. The aircraft is finished in standard overall MSG with disruptive Dark Green.
The Squadron Crest for each is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS. Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already). No bombs or rockets; these are Mk.VIF NFs, not equipped for them. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
Other squadrons can easily be reproduced by creating new squadron code letters. As is my habit, sample bmps are left in the various Decals folders so you can match the font and size.
All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the unit(s) depicted.
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter Mk VIF (Early) (CAF)
for this aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any others you may or may not have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VI (Early), v.9 by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VI (Early), v.9 by Cocas 3/1/2014
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level.
It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This mod represents the early production Beau Mk.VIs for ETO and MTO
usage ONLY! Seperate versions for other theatres, and later marks, will be
released when and as they are finished. (although, with a differently painted
skin, it could be used for CBI/PTO...)
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work
being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End
Users for their examination and so forth.*
This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co.
This package contains 1 aircraft, representing a mix-mash of 3 different
(early) Mk.VI variants, so I'm calling this the "Beaufighter 6 Mix":
These marks =HAVE= the dihedral horizontial stabs (they point up). There is no
MG turret, and no AI or ASV radar. The aircraft IS equipped to carry rockets
and a torpedo, as well as 2 bombs on the wing stations - but, obviously! not
all at the same time!! (see notes for more information).
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter Mk.VIF Standard CC Scheme (Overall MSG/Dark Green disruptive)
No. 236 Squadron, Coastal Command
The Squadron Crest for each is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS.
Everything is included (rockets,bombs,chickens,beer), excepting the guns (you
should have all these already).
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Other
squadrons can easily be reproduced by creating new squadron code letters (either
for ETO or MTO usage). As is my habit, a sample bmp are left in the Decals
folder so you can match the font and size.
All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered
'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the units
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter Mk VIF (Early) (CAF)
for this aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate
these Beaus from any others you may or may not have. I've left it as "VIF", as
I really don't know what else to call it!! :)
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the
"Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 MTO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1 series ( Early & Late), v.9 by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 MTO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1 series ( Early & Late), v.9 by Cocas 2/10/2014
-- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Recommended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This mod represents BOTH early and late production Beau Mk.1s for the MTO ONLY! Seperate versions are in the works for everywhere else, as their start/end dates tend to differ.*
These are BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. This is the third of a set of Beaufighters. This package contains 3 aircraft, representing the both early & late production Beaufighter Mk.1F & the early NF Mk.1Fs.
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users for their examination and so forth.
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter Mk.1F Early (Day Fighter) Standard Desert Day Scheme
Beaufighter Mk.1F Late (Day Fighter) Standard Desert Day
No. 252 Squadron
No. 272 Squadron
(Both aircraft have both squadrons. Early and Late divides the straight tail from the "bent" tail marks.)
Beaufighter NF Mk.1 Early (Night Fighter) Desert Day uppers, Special Night Unders
No. 89 Squadron
The Squadron Crest for each is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS. Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already). No bombs or rockets; these are Mk.1s, not equipped for them. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
Other squadrons can easily be reproduced by creating new squadron code letters. As is my habit, sample bmps are left in the various Decals folders so you can match the font and size.
All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the units represented.
New Hangar and Loading screens for each are included.
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter Mk. IF (Early) (CAF)
Beaufighter Mk IF (Late) (CAF)
Beaufighter NF Mk.I (Late) (CAF)
for these aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will differentiate these Beaus from any others you may (or may not) have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1 series (Late), v.9 by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1 series (Late), v.9 by Cocas 2/10/2014
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level.
It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
*Note x2: This mod represents late production Beau Mk.1s for Northern Europe
ONLY! Seperate versions are in the works for MTO, PTO and CBI usage, as their
start/end dates tend to differ.*
These are BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co.
This is the second of a set of Beaufighters. This package contains 2 aircraft,
representing the late production Beaufighter Mk.1 & NF Mk.1s. These marks
=HAVE= the dihedral horizontal stabs (they point up).
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work
being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End
Users for their examination and so forth.
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter Mk.1F (Day Fighter) Standard Day Scheme
No. 25 Squadron
Beaufighter NF Mk.1 (Night Fighter) Night Overall
No. 68 Squadron (Czech)
No. 604 Squadron "County of Middlesex"
No. 307 (Polish) Squadron
The Squadron Crest for each is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS.
Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already).
No bombs or rockets; these are Mk.1s, not equipped for them. All markings are
decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Other squadrons can easily be
reproduced by creating new squadon code letters. As is my habit, sample bmps
are left in the various Decals folders so you can match the font and size.
For No 68 Squadron, those letters marked with a star (*) represent those
aircraft whose serial numbers have been 100% matched to their plane-in-group
letters. Those withOUT the star, while having served in 68, could not be
positively IDed.
All other serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered
'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the units
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter Mk IF (Late) (CAF)
Beaufighter NF Mk.I (Late) (CAF)
for these aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate
these Beaus from any others you may or may not have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the
"Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 SWP Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1C, RAAF, v.9 by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 SWP Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1C, RAAF, v.9 by Cocas 2/10/2014
-- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level.
It was built for SF2 ONLY!! Also, some statements for anti-ship/naval strike
require having SF2NA as part of your merged install (meaning: your WW2 PTO mods
folder built from the SF2NA exe).*
*Note x2: This mod represents RAAF Beau Mk.1cs for SouthWestPacific use ONLY!
This is an Australian-only, Nationalized version. Seperate versions are in the
works for MTO and CBI usage, as their start/end dates tend to differ.*
This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co.
This is part of a set of Beaufighters. This package contains 1 aircraft,
representing the early procduction Beaufighters ICs. These have the flat or no
dihedral horizontial stabs.
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work
being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End
Users for their examination and so forth.
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter Mk.1C (Day Fighter/Strike)
No 30 Squadron, RAAF
This pack represents RAAF Beaus 1Cs, as they when they first arrived in-
theatre, and their use in SoWesPac (Read: New Guinea and Darwing maps) through
The Squadron Crest for each is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS.
Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already).
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
As seen on the Loadout Screen, those letters marked with a star (*) have their
serial numbers matched 100% to their plane-in-group letter. Those withOUT the
star, while having served with 30 Squadron, could not be matched to thei
individual aircraft.
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter Mk IC (RAAF) (CAF)
The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any
others you may or may not have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the
"Notes" section a read too.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1 series (Early), v.9 by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1 series (Early), v.9 by Cocas 2/10/2014
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level.
It was built for SF2 ONLY!! Also, some statements for anti-ship/naval strike
require having SF2NA as part of your merged install (meaning: your WW2 ETO mods
folder built from the SF2NA exe).*
*Note x2: This mod represents Beau Mk.1s for Northern Europe ONLY! Seperate
versions are in the works for MTO, PTO and CBI usage, as their start/end dates
tend to differ.*
These are BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co.
This is the first of a set of Beaufighters. This package contains 3 aircraft,
representing the early production Beaufighters. These have the flat or no
dihedral horizontial stabs.
We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work
being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End
Users for their examination and so forth.
This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
Beaufighter Mk.1F (Day Fighter)
No. 25 Squadron
Beaufighter NF Mk.1 (Night Fighter)
No. 604 Squadron "County of Middlesex"
Beaufighter MK.1C (Coastal Command)
No 143 Squadron
No. 236 Squadron
Please note, on the 1C, you'll switch from the Standard Day Scheme (dark
green/light earth/sky) to the CC Sea Camo (MSG/DSG/sky) in 1942. The Squadron
Crest for each is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS.
Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already).
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
When in-game, you'll see:
Beaufighter Mk IF (Early) (CAF)
Beaufighter NF Mk.I (Early) (CAF)
Beaufighter Mk IC (CAF)
for the 3 aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will differentiate
these Beaus from any others you may or may not have.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. So, please =READ= them!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
SF2 WW2 ETO Gloster Meteor F.3 "Stand In" Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO Gloster Meteor F.3 "Stand In" Pak 9/11/2013
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged, Plus Expansion Paks (Reccomended/Preferred) =
**Note: Having wichever SF2I Expansion Pak that gave us the Meteor 8 is =REQURIED=. As this mod makes use of that stock 3W Lod, you =MUST= have said Expansion Pak as part of you merged installs. Otherwise, this mod does you no good, and you shouldn't download it.**
A reskinning and redecaling of the stock 3W Meteor F8 to create a "Stand-In" WW2 era Meteor 3. Yes, we all know there are =SUBSTANTIAL= physical differences between the early and later production marks, but this WILL allow you an RAF jet for anti-diver patrols and causing general mayhem in the closing months of the War. And possibly against some of the Luftwaffe jets recently released, and those still to come.
The markings are all decals, representing No. 616 Squadron "South Yorkshire" circa late 1944 thru 1945. These are reused from an old 1stGen mod of mine. The serial numbers are historically correct as they ARE for the F.3 variant. Decal randomization is TRUE. Serials and Plane-in-Group letters for 26 aircraft are supplied.
The canopy opens with the Standard Animations Keystroke (Shift/0). The pilot figure is included, but weapons are NOT, as they reference ALL stock 3W in-game items, with the exception of the RAF500 pound ww2 era bomb. You should already have this in you game via various WW2 weapons packs.
My 1stGen 'box art' hangar screen is included, now revamped for SF2.
When In Game you'll see:
Meteor F.3 (SI-3W)
on the aircraft selection drop down menu. This will diferentiate it for those that may (or may not) have the DAT F.3.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
SF2 Fairey Firefly Pak, Post-WW2, Korea & Post-Korea, by Simon Porter
By Wrench
SF2 Fairey Firefly Pak, Post-WW2, Korea & Post-Korea, by Simon Porter
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred*) =
*Note: the data ini includes statements usable ONLY in a Full-5 Merged install, as SF2NA contains the proper coding for Carrier basing/usage.*
Some extensive rebuilding (ini and skin wise) of Simon Porter's 2005 Beta Release of the Fairey Firefly Mk5 (aka FR.5). The pak is designed to replace any and all other earlier SF/Wo* versions existing.
All skins and decals are brand new for this mod; the skins were created via a Home-Grown Template . The template is included. All markings are decals, making it easy to 'swapout' ship ID letters (provided as decals) or skins to create other operational squadrons. The skins are in jpg format. All new dds-format damage textures are included.
A new SF2 (semi) compliant FM was created, as was the new Userlist.ini. A "new" SF2 version of my original "box art" hangar screen is included, as is the engine sound. This aircraft has been tested in a Full-5 Merged envoriment, in SF2NA for carrier operations.
This pak contains the following skins:
Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm:
812 Squadron, HMS Ocean circa 1953-ish (withOUT 'Invasion Stripes')
827 Squadron, HMS Triumph, early Korean War withOUT 'Invasion Stripes' (1950)
827 Squadron, HMS Theseus, mid-late Korean War WITH 'Invasion Stripes' (circa 1951)
Royal Australian Navy, Fleet Air Arm:
817 Squadron, HMAS Sidney, circa 1951
The RN squadrons use a 'pool' of 25 generic serial/Modex Number decals shared amongst them. I say generic, as they represent FR.5 models from the 1948-55 time frame, but with little hard data available, it's almost impossible to run down "which went to what squadron aboard what boat". The RAN serials, are also 100% historic, but again are limited to those known to have operated aboard HMAS Sidney at some point during the Korean War. There are 19 RAN serial/modex decals.
Weapons are NOT included, as they are readily available in The Gunny Pak or the KAW weapons pak, both available here at CA.
PLEASE remember -- the aircraft lod is still in it's 2005 form (read: the Beta) and many bits are not quite right. As there is no MAX file available, the aircraft "is as it is". Some aerodynamic components exist only in the 'virtual state' as data ini statements.
As always, fairly easy to follow install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Simon's original Readme is also enclosed.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
SF2 WW2 Gloster Gladiator Mk.2 and Sea Gladiator by Cocas
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 Gloster Gladiator Mk.2 and Sea Gladiator by Cocas
-- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to some of the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, expecially in the case of the latest MAX exported user to create them. Users that try, do so at their own risk.*
Some modification, tweeks, reskin and so forth for Cocas's fun little Gladiators; this package contains SF2 =ONLY= versions of his Gladiator Mk.2 and Sea Gladiator.
Skins and decals included are...
Gladiator Mk.2
112 Squadron, RAF as seen at Helwan, Egypt 1940
1 Squadron, SAAF, in East Africa 1940-ish
1ère Escardrille de Chasse, Belgian AF, 1940
Sea Gladiator, Royal Navy
RN Markings are rather 'generic'; the first 18 serials are those that HMS Eagle dropped off on Malta, and eventually became the Hal Far Fighter Flight. Those 100% historicaly known to have been used on Malta are marked with a star (*).
All skins are in jpg format. Decal Randomization is set to TRUE for all skins. New SF2 hangar screens are included, as is a destroyed model, pilot figure, and engine sound. You shoud have the 303 MGs in your /Guns folder already; it is not supplied herein.
When 'in game', you'll see
"Gladiator Mk.II (KAF)" and
"Sea Gladiator (KAF)"
on the drop down menu. This will differentiate it from any other Gladiators you may (or may not) have. (the KAF stands for Kermit Aircraft Factory )
The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. The Sea Gladiator is fully carrier qualified, and has the latest SF2NA statements for carrier basing (on those terrains that have CV Zones built into them)
As an Extra Added Bonus, for use in the Med, some Regia Marina warships,
Cavour Class BB
Condottieri Class CL/CA
Navigatori Class DD
HMS Eagle.
Other Royal Navy ships (UK) can be found in the PTO ships pak.
All are UPconverted for SF2NA-style usage. As with all the ships, they need more work on adding more 2ndary and AAA guns, but at least you'll have something floating around! (please note, they are now named differently from the ones used on the Westen Desert, Tunisia and WW2 Libya maps. Updates for those terrains _types inis are in 'the works' and will be relasesed in the VERY near future. I hope!!)
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them.
Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
SF2 WW2 RAF Bombers Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 RAF Bombers Pak
= For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED! w/Expansion Pak 1)
**Note: Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is HIGHLY reccomended, as a few of the destroyed models referenced reach over to the stock destroyed C-47A. If you do NOT have Exp1, you will NOT have the burning wreck on the ground. You will have to locate some other destroyed model for use. Also, due to the extensive modifications to the cockpit and data ini, this mod will absolutely -NOT- work in 06 level 1stGen game installs. 08 Level 1stGens may have some issues, but this has not/cannot be tested by me.**
This pak contains a reissue of Veltro2K's RAF light, medium and heavy bombers used by the RAF during WW2. Unless otherwise notated, all are RAF Bomber Command squadrons. This (VERY LARGE!) pak contains the following aircraft/skin sets (the name in parenthesis is the actual skin folder name)...
-Handley Page Halifax
10 Squadron (Hali)
-Handley Page Hampden
49 Squadron (RAF)
-Lockheed Hudson
224 Squadron (raf1)
48 Squadron, Coastal Command (CC)
459 Squadron, RAAF (MTO -desert camo)
VBP-82, US Navy, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland (USN)
-Short Stirling
7 Squadron (Stir)
-Vickers Wellington
12 Squadron (12)
Skins remain in bmp format, decal randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all the original decals have been replaced (squadron codes, aircraft ID letters, serials on some, etc) with new builds or repurposed units from my stock of RAF codes. Almost all markings ARE decals. There are no nose arts. Damage textures are in DDS format. Weapons (the RAF bomb set and the 303 gun) are included.
All the 1stGen Hangar and Loading screens were either rebuilt to SF2-spec, or created new for this package. They are in jpg format.
The various inis make use of the 'hide component' or the 'open cockpit' statements to make sure the cockpits are where they're supposed to be. This, unfortunately, prevents their use in SF/Wo* games at the 06 patch level, as stated above. Flight modeling, for the most part, remains as originally issued.
*Note: includes any/all "tweeks paks" released after the original releases*
See "Changes" in the Notes section for more details.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft.
For those that still have the original releases, it's advised you delete the aircraft and decals folders for them; this pak is desinged to replace them in total.
**These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been lost, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. They 'are as they is' and you must accept them with this caveat in mind. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**
Happy Landings
kevin stein
SF2 WW2 ETO Westland Whirlwind Mk.1 Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO Westland Whirlwind Mk.1 Pak
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
This pak contains a reissue of Veltro2K's WW2 Royal Air Force fighter/bomber aircraft. These are the complete aircraft, with various/sundry changes. Remember, this is the WW2 fighter, NOT the helicopter!!!
This pak contains the original 3 skins representing...
263 Squadron, in early 1940 camo (dark earth/green)
263 Squadron, in 1941-ish camo (medium sea grey/green)
137 Squadron, (also in the MSG/Gr)
The skins remain in their original bmp format. All new decals have been created for Squadron Codes, plane-in-group letters, and serial numbers. Serial numbers should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular squadron affiliation, but ARE correct for the Whirly. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.
The late RAF MSG/Gr camo skins use the "DefaultStartDate" switch to activiate in Nov, 1941. Operational Service Dates are rounded to the closest whole month.
All new Hangar and Loading screens, in jpg format, are included, as are new damage textures in DDS format.
New engine sound, pilot figure and the drop tanks are also included. Guns and Bombs are not; they're the standard "RAF" bombs, that you should already have. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke , Shift/0.
The flight model is (slightly) more SF2-compliant than the original, but as always NEEDS further work by 'those with the know-how'.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft.
For those that still have the original releases, it's advised you delete the aircraft and decals folders for them; this pak is desinged to replace them in total..
**The aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. There are some issues with the LOD that cannot be resolved. Period. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**.
Good Hunting!!
kevin stein
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