11 files
By russouk2004
Messerschmitt BF109F-4 For Strike Fighters2
Converted from Freeware model from FSX,By Me Russouk2004
I havent the creators name just that its free to modify.
All skins are painted by me,there was template,but I totally redid all panels,rivets etc...apart from some stencils.And some of the base textures.
BF109F-2/4 Europe
BF109F-4 Middle East/Scicily
Captured BF109F-4\G of RAF 1944\45
BF109 Cockpit Thanks Starfighter2
Destroyed Model(109E)
All Authentic Decals,and some actual aces and their a\c
Hans Non Hahn StabI./JG3 Lutsk 1941
Walter Nowotny 3.JG 54 "Grunherz"
Oblt Hubert Mutherich 5/JG54
Felix Sauer 6/JG53 1941
Olt Otto Bohner 6/JG53 "Pikas" 1941
Required Files.....................
WW2 Formations.ini which can be found in dowlnoad section.
Guns and sounds if you havent already got them.........................
Drop Objects folder into your Mod folder and ok to overwrite..(take care to back up first if you have files of similar names)
Damaged Lod goes into a\c main folder.
Sounds Folder into main mod folder,allow overwite \or skip if have the files.
Canopy Key Shift_0 (zero)
Templates to follow.
This is freeware mod and cannot be uploaded to ANY site apart from here at Combatace.com unless permission sought.
Hope you enjoy this mod ,took a few hours of work to get this done. Hope its worth it lol.
Russouk2004(TM) 2021....
By russouk2004
Updated BF109E-4,3d model,skins,templates and paintwork, by me
Russouk2004 May 06 2013
This model is as accurate as I could get it and with skins,and templates has cost me some hard work and long hours...
This model is for Strike fighters2 series.
It is a free add on and as such cannot be modded without permission.
To install,
extract and place folder BF109E-4,into mod folder of your choice...
C:\Users\XXX\Saved Games\ThirdWire...(or to your path if different.)
Must have...
Latest patch July12,and latest weapons pack,tho latter isnt essential.
hope you enjoy it as much as I did making this model.
Includes 3 German a\c
Sounds...choose 1 of 2 files.
2 X new german pilots(by me)...one with goggles down,one with them up..(Gerpilot and Gerpilot2 respectively.)
Centreline tank...part of 3d model.
Squadron ini entries.(for Both E3 and E4 models).(add to squadronlist.ini..make sure you alter the numbers.)
Includes the edited slow and fast props .
Legal stuff...
Feel free to repaint using seperate templates....
added new layers for panels rivets and common decals.
any older skins will need to be modified with new templates...Soon!
This model is free and cannot be altered without permission(3d model) unless requested,if modded,via ini files etc,all I ask is credit,where credits due.
This add on cannot be used for financial gain.
Any queries to ....
Thanks to following...
Wrench for testing..
Baffmeister for new FM`s.
(Data for RussoUK BF-109E-3 model. FM by Baffmeister, Charles, and ThirdWire. Beta 0.9)
SF2 WW2 DLC #28 S-99 (Bf-109G) Mod Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 DLC #28 S-99 (Bf-109G) Mod Pak 3/10/2014
-- Something for the WW2 players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*You =MUST= have DLC #28 to gain access to the stock 3W S-99 Lods*
Some modifications to the DLC Avia S-99, 'backdate' it to its WW2 beginnings.
The aircraft has had several modifications, not the least of which is the
renaming to BF-109.
The skin is a 'base' light grey (RLM 81?). All new panel and rivet lines have
been drawn in. There is NO camoflague pattern, nor are the control surfaces
fabric lines drawn in.
The templates I created ARE included, in the hopes someone can make use of them
and finish off the aircraft. Due to the resolution of the stock skins I used, I
was unable to see the control surface lines well enough, or to find a drawing
that matched well enough to try drawing them.
Several ini mods add a 'fake pilot' belly rack, so the drop tank or single bomb
will have something to attach too (as the Lod does NOT have this mesh). Some
modification to FM statements try to bring it closer to published data. It may
need further tuning by experts.
Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke (Shift/0)
The skin included is a 'base' Luftwaffe (albeit, again with no camo). The
markings represent 11/JG 77 in late 1944. All markings are decals, and decal
randomization is TRUE.
When in-game, you'll see:
Bf-109G10 (3W)
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!.
With any luck, one of our Expert skinners will grab this, and give us some
nice Luftwaffe skins.
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 ETO Bf-109E-7 Jabo by RussoUK
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 ETO Bf-109E-7 Jabo by RussoUK
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*This mod may =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. Those that wish to try, do so at their own risk.*
This is a complete aircraft with (just) about all the fixings...
This mod represents Bf-109E-7s in the West (France based) during the 1940-41 time frame. The skin/decals are "representative" of 6(S)LG2 Jabo. The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. Unlike most Luftwaffe JGs, the ground attack units (Schlachtgruppen) used letters instead of numbers. You have 18 letters.
Included are Sounds, weapons, in this case the AB-50 Frag/Cluster unit (minus standard LW bombs -which you should already have, along with the Guns), the ETC50 4-bomb MER, the drop tank and pilot figure, as well as new SF2 style hangar and loading screens (in jpg format)
The canopy operates on the standard animation keystroke Shift/0.
As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Full credits are listed below the Notes.
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
109E UD.7z
By russouk2004
Updated LOD for the 109E-3
added some depth to the fast and slow props so they dont look flat ...(side view...see pic.)
Just extract and paste into BF109E-3 folder...click yes to overwrite old Files (LOD and Out files)
By russouk2004
Updated BF109E-3,3d model,skins,templates and paintwork, by me
Russouk2004 May 06 2013
This model is as acurate as I could get it and with skins,and templates has cost me some hard work and long hours...
This model is for Strike fighters2 series.
It is a free add on and as such cannot be modded without permssion.
To install,
extract and place folder BF109E-3,into mod folder of your choice...
C:\Users\XXX\Saved Games\ThirdWire...(or to your path if dfferent.)
Must have...
Latest patch July12,and latest weapons pack,tho latter isnt essential.
hope you enjoy it as mch as I did makng this model.
Includes 6 German a\c and one Swiss...you may want to make swiss seperate A\C as it was after all a neutral country...lol
2 X new german pilots(by me)...one with goggles down,one with them up..(Gerpilot and Gerpilot2 respectively.)
Centreline tank...part of 3d model.
Squadron ini entries.(add to squadronlist.ini)
There are a few niggles which im sorting...
Legal stuff...
Feel free to repaint using seperate templates....
added new layers for panels rivets and common decals.
any older skins will need to be modified with new templates...Included.
This model is free and cannot be altered without permssion(3d model) unless requested,if modded,via ini files etc,all I ask is credit,where credits due.
This add on cannot be used for financal gain.
Any queries to ....
Thanks to following...
Wrench for testing..
Baffmeister for new FM`s.
(Data for RussoUK BF-109E-3 model. FM by Baffmeister, Charles, and ThirdWire. Beta 0.9)
BF109 B/C/D BY Monty CZ
By christian59
Bf-109B, C, D planes for Strike Fighters 2 by ThirdWire
Cockpit made by Kesselbrut (Daniel)
Rest by Monty CZ
thanx to all who helped me with beta and for sugestions all friends gave me during my work
Monty CZ
send any suggestions to tosovsky.pavel(at)seznam.cz
Bf109g-6/AS, JG1, Spring 1944
By ndicki
Bf109g-6AS, JG 1, Germany, Early 1945.
In April 1944, JG 1 became the first unit to be equipped with the new Bf109g-5/AS and -6/AS with its uprated DB605AS engine. This entailed the introduction of a new streamlined cowling, compared to the original bulged model used on standard G-5 and G-6 aircraft. As the AS series were intended for high altitude operations, the initial production run were finished in overall RLM 76 pale blue-grey.
Jagdgeschwader 1 was based in Northern Germany on Reich Defence duties (Stab was based at Paderborn) and was commanded at this time by Oberstleutnant Walter 'Gulle' Oesau, whose Green 13 is included in this pack. He was killed on 11th May 1944 over St Vith by P-38s of the USAAF.
You will need the AvHistory Guns pack installed.
For SF2 only.
Visual model, flight dynamics and original skin template: Monty_CZ
Cockpit including original paintwork: Kesselbrut
Skin, decals, partial cockpit repaint, ini tweaks and loading screen: ndicki
Bf109g-10 JG 11 'Kanonenboot'
By ndicki
Bf109g-10/U4, I./JG 11, Germany, Early 1945.
By this date, JG 11 was equipped essentially with Bf109g-10 and g-14 aircraft.The yellow JG 11 Reich Defence fuselage band should not be confused with the narrower Eastern Front markings. THe yellow rudder should theoretically be accompanied by a yellow band around the nose - the final type of quick recognition markings introduced in early 1945. Needless to say, by this stage, official directives were not always scrupulously respected!
Despite the fact that MG151/20 gondolas were rarely if ever fitted to g-10 type 109s, this aircraft has them fitted as standard for all air defence missions.
For SF2 only.
Visual model, flight dynamics and original skin template: Monty_CZ
Cockpit including original paintwork: Kesselbrut
Skin, decals, partial cockpit repaint, ini tweaks and loading screen: ndicki
Bf109g-10 JG300
By ndicki
Bf109g-10/U4, 2./JG 300, Borkheide, September 1944.
JG 300 was originally created in July 1943 as a Wilde Sau free-range night-fighter Geschwader, but owing to the high accident rate and the relative lack of success, was
transferred at the very beginning of 1944 to daylight operations.
For SF2 only.
Visual model, flight dynamics and original skin template: Monty_CZ
Cockpit including original paintwork: Kesselbrut
Skin, decals, partial cockpit repaint, ini tweaks and loading screen: ndicki
UPDATED! Now includes modified ini files for the Dev A-Team WGr.21 mortar!
Thanks to Capun and Company!
For those who downloaded the original version, the necessary inis are also available separately in the Weapons section.
Bf109g-10 JG 53
By ndicki
Bf109g-10/U4, JG 53, Kirrlach, February 1945.
By this date, JG 53 was equipped essentially with Bf109g-10 and k-4 aircraft, and had been absorbed completely into the Reich Defence organisation. The black fuselage band was attributed on 20/02/1945 in replacement of the earlier rust-red one.
For SF2 only.
Visual model, flight dynamics and original skin template: Monty_CZ
Cockpit including original paintwork: Kesselbrut
Skin, decals, partial cockpit repaint, ini tweaks and loading screen: ndicki
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