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5 files

  1. AMI Tornado skinpack

    Panavia Tornado IDS AMI Skinpack
    This skinpack is only for Guuruu´s Tornado IDS (Italian AF)
    It contains 9 brand new skins in NATO & grey camo.
    Included are 6°, 36° & 50° Stormo.
    Also included is a new data.ini, wich removes parts, that are not on the real jets.

    You need the AMI Tornado from Guuruu
    extract the 7z file and then drop the Aircraft & Decals folder (and all what´s in) into your objects folder of your mod folder.
    Go Fly.
    Guuruu - Basic Tornado Template & creator of the Model
    Soulfreak - enhanced reworked Templates, skins, brand new decals & ini dance 

    Schapen, Sept. 28th 2024
    Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer


       (1 review)



  2. Panavia Tornado F.3 RAF for ODS edition upgrade 1.0.0

    Tornado F.3 RAF Super Skinpack
    The Panavia Tornado Air Defence Variant (ADV) was a long-range,
    twin-engine interceptor version of the swing-wing Panavia Tornado.
    The aircraft's first flight was on 27 October 1979, and it entered
    service with the Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1986.
    The Tornado ADV was originally designed to intercept Soviet bombers
    as they were traversing across the North Sea with the aim of
    preventing a successful air-launched nuclear attack against the United
    Kingdom. In this capacity, it was equipped with a powerful radar and
    beyond-visual-range missiles.
    The type has been replaced by the Eurofighter Typhoon.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - 27 new High Rez skins
    - serial numbers by squadron
    - data.ini taxing fix (same as AMI pack)

    - Bobrock: plane & templates
    - Menvra: ODS Edition upgrade
    - paulopanz: skins by squadron, serials by plane, ini edit

    - ODS Tornado F.3 installed
    - All in your mod folder
    @ paulopanz


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  3. Panavia Tornado F.3 A.M.I. for ODS edition upgrade

    In the early 1990s, the Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare Italiana, or AMI) identified a requirement for
    a fighter to boost its air defence capabilities pending introduction of the Eurofighter Typhoon, expected around
    2000. These fighters were to operate alongside the service's obsolescent F-104ASA Starfighters.
    The Tornado ADV was selected from, amongst others, the F-16. On 17 November 1993, Italy signed an agreement with
    the RAF to lease 24 Tornado F3s from the RAF for a period of ten years.
    First training of AMI pilots began in March 1995 at RAF Coningsby while technicians gained experience at RAF
    Cottesmore and Coningsby. The first aircraft was accepted on 5 July 1995 and flown to its Italian base the same day.
    Delivery of the first batch was completed by 1996; these aircraft were deployed at Gioia del Colle in Southern Italy.
    The second batch was delivered between February and July 1997, these aircraft were of a slightly higher specification.
    They served with 12° Gruppo 36° Stormo at Gioia del Colle AB from 1995 to 2004 and with 21° Gruppo 53° Stormo at
    Cameri AB from 1997 to 2001. In 1999 it joined 36° Stormo at Gioia del Colle AB and in 2001 was disbanded.
    The AMI returned its Tornados to the RAF, with the final aircraft arriving at RAF Saint Athan on 7 December 2004.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - 3 new High Rez skins covering all A.M.I. service
    - All historical group numbers and planes matricole
    - edited data.ini with taxi dancing fixed with Italy export time
    - edited userlist.ini with Italy

    - Bobrock: plane and templates
    - Menvra: new ODS edition Tornado F.3 taiored to use  with
    - Paulopanz: skins & decals, ini tweakings
    - Ready for Kosovo War duty

    @ paulopanz


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  4. Luftwaffe Tornado, Holloman AFB 2000 Colors

    Repaint of ianh755's Tornado '00.
    Paste the folder into the Aircraft Folder, an replace all.
    First Upload! Feedback would be good!


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. 57FWW 422TES Tornado F.3

    Fictional skin for Bobrock's Tornado F.3:
    57FWW 422TES at Nellis AFB, Nevada.
    Just copy folder into aircraft folder. Uses stock decals. Tested on SF2:Wings Over Europe.


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