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2 files

  1. SF2 Westland Whirlwind HAR Upgrade Pack

    SF2 Westland Whirlwind HAR Upgrade Pack                    4/19/2021
    -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    **NOTE: this is for the British built versions -0NLY-!!**
    This is major upgrade of the Westland Whirlwind (piston powered) as released by Strahi. Please be advised, if you have the original download, you will unfortunately have to delete it from your mods folder(s). THIS version is highly modified, with many additional items. If left as "drag & drop" over the original, there will be conflicts that might be unresolvable. Thus, the need for complete removal of the original. This has been approved by Strahi, to whom I extend great thanks!!
    The following services/units are covered. The first listing is the name of the skin folder itself. The rest is the description you will see on the skin selection dropdown on the Loadout Screen:
    Royal Air Force: 
    RAF1 - No.22 Sqdn, 55-62, overall yellow
    RAF2 - No.28 Sqdn, ?? date, Eurocamo*
    RAF3 - No.110 Sqdn, 1954, Kuala Lampur*
    JHU - Joint Helicopter Unit, HMS Ocean, Suez, 1956 
    Royal Navy:
    RN - 848 NAS, DGNB overall, early 50s
    RN2 - Ship's Flight, HMS Protector, 55-65, Antarctic Patrol
    RN3 - 848 NAS, HMS Bulwark, 1960s
    RN4 - 781 NAS, RNAS Yeovilton (Green Parrot)
    Suez - 848 NAS, HMS Albion, Suez 56
    YU - Soko Whirlwind, Yugoslavian Air Force, 1961

    *= be advised, these units MAY have had the later, turbine power marks. It's also possible some of those listed above, while still having serving piston-powered Whirlwinds, would have also recieved turbine power aircraft.
    The SF2 'date switch' is =NOT= used on any of the skins. I felt it would cause too many issues and confusions.
    Many painted on insignia and service markings remain as such. This is due to the minimal amount of meshes used to build the aircraft. All new serial number decals have been made for all included versions (up to 26 each). As is to be expected, while all are correct for the aircraft & services depicted, they are 'generic' in nature. When a unit's or service's serials HAVE been found, you'll see the star (*) in the number list dropdown. Decal randomization is TRUE. When possible, the RAF & RN squadron badges are used at the "patch" for viewing on the Loadout Screen
    On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see:
    Whirlwind HAR/HC (st)
    The (st) is for Strahi, and will diferentiate this Whirlwind for any others that may or may not exist. 
    As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    added missing Decals folders!!
    Sorry people!!


       (2 reviews)



  2. Sea King Mk.41 German Navy

    Sea King Mk.41 Addon for SF2 series
    Search and rescue version of the Sea King HAS.1 for the German Navy, with longer cabin; 23 built,
    delivered between 1973 and 1975. A total of 20 were upgraded from 1986 onwards with additional
    Ferranti Seaspray radar in nose and capability to carry four Sea Skua Anti-ship missiles.
    For self protection Chaff and Flare dispensers are mounted and a M3M machine gun can be carried on the
    right side.
    Unpack the files, read the SeaKing_README.txt!
    Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack.
    If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
    Model features:
    + Use thrust vectoring to change between flight and hover mode
    + German Navy Helo crew models
    + Working winch (Animation Key 10)
    + Cockpit door animated (Animation Key 6)
    + M3M Doorgun: open sliding door (Animation Key 9) and make the gunner pull the gun into firing
    position by pressing the bombbay door key (Strg+o)
    + Folding main rotor and tail. IMPORTANT! You MUST follow these instructions:
    1. shut down engines (Strg+i)
    2. toggle rotorbrake (Animation Key 7)
    3. press rotor folding (Animation Key 8)
    + Dipping sonar activation (Animation Key 4)
    + Dipping sonar lowering (Animation Key 5)
    + Includes the EGV702 "Berlin"-class combat support ships, which carry two SeaKing
    Known Issues:
    + Flight model works best with normal mode, but hard is possible. Both show limitaions as the game doesn´t
    support helos
    + Kesselbrut for the borrowed Cockpit, he has done a beautifull job
    + Soulfreak for the skins
    + Thanks to Beta Testers: Dave, Wrench, EricJ, Brain32, Stary, Silverbolt, PureBlue and Spinners


       (10 reviews)



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