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  1. Soviet Bombs Pack

    Soviet Bombs pack for SF2.
    I'm glad to present to you my Soviet Bombs pack. This project took over a year of hard work and involved consulting extracts from the original manuals and the employees of FSUE "Bazalt".
    The pack covers bomb designs starting with 1927 when the first Soviet bombs were created based on pre-Revolution models. The complete list is provided at the bottom of the readme.
    I can provide anyone with the source files of the models and textures (*.max and *.psd formats) for their use on the following conditions:
    - you may freely use the sources to create non-Soviet variants of the bombs (designs from China or WP countries)
    - you may freely use them to create non-Soviet bombs and other weapons
    - if you want to improve a particular entry in the pack, you must get in touch with me fist
    - if you want to make a Soviet bomb omitted from the pack, you must contact me first too
    - Unpack to a temporary folder
    - Copy flies from Weapons folder to Objects\Weapons in your mod folder
    - Copy flies from Effects folder to Effects in your mod folder
    1) Despite the popular belief bomb names such as FAB-250, 500 etc do not mean that the bomb weight is exactly 250, 500 etc kg. The bomb types are in fact more strictly regulated in terms of size than weight. According to 1941 standards a FAB-250 had to have a diameter of 325 mm, length of no more than 1500 mm, but could weigh 220-280 kg.
    Further examples:
    FAB-250 M46 - 220 kg
    FAB-500 M46 - 428 kg
    FAB-250 M54 - 236 kg
    FAB-500 M54 - 473 kg
    FAB-250 M62 - 227 kg
    FAB-500 M62 - 497kg
    In case of significant difference between a bomb's real and nominal weight, the name reflects this
    FOTAB-250-215 (weighs 216 kg)
    FAB-1500-2600TS (2584 kg)
    2) Since the weight of some bombs exceeds the nominal one those bombs may be unavailable if a plane's pylons are set up for a precise load limit in data.ini.
    For example
    FAB-3000 M54 weighs 3067 kg
    FAB-9000 M54 weighs 9407 kg
    As a result Tu-16 with LoadLimit=9000 can't carry 3 FAB-300 M54 or 1 FAB-9000 M54, thus to make planes fully compatible with this pack it is advisable to alter pylon load limits as following
    LoadLimit=100 -> LoadLimit=125
    LoadLimit=250 -> LoadLimit=275
    LoadLimit=500 -> LoadLimit=535
    LoadLimit=1000 -> LoadLimit=1100
    LoadLimit=1500 -> LoadLimit=1600
    LoadLimit=2000 -> LoadLimit=2150
    LoadLimit=3000 -> LoadLimit=3100
    LoadLimit=5000 -> LoadLimit=5250
    LoadLimit=6000 -> LoadLimit=6200
    LoadLimit=9000 -> LoadLimit=9500
    3) If you were using MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 by 331Killerbee
    - delete folders listed here since these are the older versions of the bombs included in this pack and the new versions use different folder names
    RBK-500 OAB 2.5RT
    - overwrite folders with the same name since they contain updated versions of the same weapons
    4) Cluster bombs have a minimal release altitude, provided in the list. Figures have been verified and are considered historically accurate.
    5) Do not edit bombs of FOTAB, DAB, NOSAB, DOSAB, SAB, ODAB, AGITAB types using the Weapon Editor, since it will erase the effect description in the data file upon saving. Those bombs are also marked with *.
    6) Flare bombs have 2 different effects
    - cluster flare bombs detonate on the ground and create multiple light sources
    - single flare bombs create a slowly descending flare in the air. Minimal release altitide is provided in the list.
    7) Chemical bombs and propaganda leaflet dispensers deal no damage
    8) Cluster bomb PBK-500 MBD generates multiple smoke sources which can cause a significant fps drop.
    9) Day time signal bombs and some practice bombs have a coloured smoke effect.
    10) Night time signal bombs and some practice bombs a colured flame effect.
    11) Cluster mine dispensers are implemented the following way:
    - The dispenser opens up and scatters the elements in an area.
    - 20 seconds later the elements detonate
    The ordnance is designed to be dropped in front of enemy ground formations on the move.
    12) Model pivot point is almost universally located at the intersection of the bomb axis with the veritcal line drawn from the suspension lug of the bomb (front lug if there are several).
    As the result the pivot point hardly ever matches the geometrical centre of the model.
    The reasons for that adjustment are
    - Most Soviet bombs' centre of gravity is located at thats point (and the front suspension lug is the main one).
    - Many Soviet bombs, such as the entire M-54 family have extruding fins.
    - Many bomb racks (such as BDZ-57MT) have cutouts for the fins, which require precise bomb positioning.
    13) Bomb colors
    - The regulations introduced back in 1912 stated that bombs must be painted navy gray.
    - In real life bombs were all shades of gray, bluish gray, light blue, greenish blue depending on the paint used and the storage conditions.
    - In the war time bombs were not painted, which is reflected in brownish textures imitating rust.
    - To underline the variety of bombs in the pack, signal and illumination bombs are gived blue shades, photography flares and cluster bombs are bluish-green, incendiaries are gray etc.
    14) Bomb markings
    - before the '60s VVS used short names ("500" instead of "FAB-500") and colour rings to mark bomb types
    - starting with the '60s and the '70s full names without colour markings were used
    - sometimes different bombs of the same model can have different marknigs (some short, some full)
    - I placed the full names on the post-war bombs and the short ones on the earlier models (written in black paint)
    - I used authentic tables of drop rate (written in white paint) whenever it was possible
    15) Thermostable (Thermoresistant) bombs were designed to be carried on MiG-25 and can withstand prolonged heating in high-speed flight. They can be dropped from any altitude up to 25 000 m. FAB-500 M62T and FAB-250 M62T do not differ much from the basic model.
    16) The bombs in the pack have identical drag chutes. In real life different bombs have different chute designs. Probably this issue will be amended later.
    17) Captured German bombs were metioned in the documents of FSUE "Bazalt" from 1941 to 1945. Since originally they used a different suspension mechanism, I have redesigned their suspension to make it compatible with the Soviet hardpoints.
    weight (Kg), minimal release altitude(m)
    Leaflet* :
    AGB-100-30 (30kg, 500m)
    AGITAB-250-85 (93.5kg, 500m)
    AGITAB-500-300 (312kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 Agit (127kg, 500m)
    WWII bombs
    AG-2 (2.09kg) (air dropped grenade)
    AO-2,5-2 (2.09kg)
    AO-2,5-3 (3.1kg)
    AO-2,5SCh (2.84kg)
    AO-8 (8kg)
    AO-8m3 (7.29kg)
    AO-8m4 (7.02kg)
    AO-8m5 (7.4kg)
    AO-8m6 (6.53kg)
    AO-8m6Bis (6.9kg)
    AO-8m6SCh (6.67kg)
    AO-10-6.5SCh (6.4kg)
    AO-10-6.5ST (6.62kg)
    AO-10SCh (9.53kg)
    post WWII bombs
    AO-10SCh M52 (9.53kg)
    WWII bombs
    AO-15 (13.3kg)
    AO-20m1 (20.86kg)
    AO-20m2 (16.4kg)
    AO-20m3 (21kg)
    AO-20m4 (17.3kg)
    AO-20Tr (20.86kg)
    AO-25-20 (24.06kg)
    AO-25M (23.3kg)
    AO-25MSCh (25kg)
    AO-25m1 (23.6kg)
    AO-25m1bis (26.44kg)
    AO-25m2 (25.2kg)
    AO-25m13 (23.95kg)
    AO-25SL (25.57kg)
    AO-25-35m13 (34.8kg)
    post WWII bombs
    AO-25SL M46 (25.57kg)
    AO-50-100Sch (94kg)
    AO-50-100Sl (95kg)
    post WWII bombs
    AO-25-30 (30.75kg)
    AO-25-33 (33kg)
    AO-50-100M (96kg)
    AOKh-8 (6.67kg)
    AOKh-10 (6.22kg)
    AOKh-15 (14.12kg)
    KMGU Blocks (KMGU has 8 block, made by drawings, ODS,AS has parashutes, no new KMGU canister, old lod fits ok)
    BKF AO-2,5RT (AP) (46kg)
    BKF AO-2,5RTM (AP) (46kg)
    BKF AS (Smoke)* (41kg)
    BKF ODS-35 (FAE)* (36kg)
    BKF PFM-1S (Mines)* (39kg)
    BKF POM-1S (Mines)* (42kg)
    BKF POM-2 (Mines)* (74kg)
    BKF PTAB-2,5 (AT) (41kg)
    BKF PTAB-1M (AT) (49kg)
    BKF PTM-1 (Mines)* (39kg)
    Armor piercing:
    WWII bombs
    BRAB-220 (238kg)
    BRAB-200DS (213kg)
    BrAB-250 M43 (255kg)
    BrAB-500 M38 (531kg)
    BrAB-500 M43 (510kg)
    BrAB-500DS (503kg)
    BrAB-800DS (791kg)
    BrAB-1000 M38 (1046kg)
    BrAB-1000 M43 (1012kg)
    Post WWII
    BRAB-220M (244kg)
    BRAB-500M (525kg)
    BRAB-500M55 (517kg)
    BRAB-1000M (1017kg)
    BRAB-1500M55 (1551kg)
    WWII Bombs
    BETAB-150DS (163kg)
    BETAB-170DS (170kg)
    BETAB-450DS (498kg)
    BETAB-750DS (766kg)
    Post WWII
    BETAB-500 (475kg)
    BETAB-500Sh (424kg)
    BETAB-500ShP (380kg)
    BETAB-500U (510kg)
    M27 Bombs
    AD-10 (10kg)
    WWII Bombs
    DAB-25-30F (30kg)
    DAB-100-80F (85kg)
    GAB-100D (100kg) (Navy, retarded)
    DAB-100-90FM (92kg)
    DAB-500 (435kg)
    Day marking* :
    DOSAB-100-70b (72kg) (White)
    DOSAB-100-80ch (80kg) (Black)
    DOSAB-100-80k (80kg) (Red)
    DOSAB-100-80z (82kg) (Green)
    DOSAB-100-85zh (87kg) (Yellow)
    M62 termostable, LD
    DOSAB-100Tb (120kg) (White)
    DOSAB-100Tch (120kg) (Black)
    DOSAB-100Tk (120kg) (Red)
    M27 Family
    AF-16 (16.7kg)
    AF-32 (32.8kg)
    AF-82 (82.7kg)
    M31 Family
    FAB-50Sv (49.67kg)
    FAB-100Sv (113kg)
    FAB-250Sv (247kg)
    FAB-500Sv (502kg)
    FAB-1000Sv (1020kg)
    FAB-2000Sv (2135kg)
    converted art. projective
    FAB-50m2 (42kg)
    FAB-50m3 (40.7kg)
    FAB-50m4 (43.72kg)
    FAB-50m5 (42kg)
    FAB-50m6 (44.58kg)
    FAB-50m7 (48.8kg)
    FAB-50m9 (42kg)
    FAB-70m1 (83kg)
    FAB-70m2 (75kg)
    WWII bombs
    FAB-50SCh (65.4kg)
    FAB-50SL (65.55kg)
    FAB-50ShG (49.67kg)
    FAB-50TsK (61kg)
    FAB-50TR (45kg)
    FAB-100-85NG (82kg)
    FAB-100M (104kg)
    FAB-100N (94kg)
    FAB-100SCh (117kg)
    FAB-100SL (121kg)
    FAB-100TsK (99kg)
    FAB-100TsKN (101kg)
    FAB-100TsL (114kg)
    FAB-250-200NG (200kg)
    FAB-250M (229kg)
    FAB-250N (228kg)
    FAB-250TsK (249kg)
    FAB-250TsKN (271kg)
    FAB-250SCh (240kg)
    FAB-250 M43 (226kg)
    FAB-250 M44 (250kg)
    FAB-250 TsK M44 (245kg)
    MAB-250 (Anty bridge) (283kg)
    FAB-500-300 (300kg)
    FAB-500M (514kg)
    FAB-500 M43 (476kg)
    FAB-500 M44 (477kg)
    FAB-1000 M43 (1077kg)
    FAB-1000 M44 (891kg)
    FAB-2000 M43 (2066kg)
    FAB-2000 M44 (1926kg)
    FAB-5000 M43 (5080kg) very rare ~ 50 bombs
    M46 Bombs
    FAB-250 M46 (220kg) (model by Krizis)
    FAB-500 M46 (428kg)
    FAB-500 M46TU (480kg) (retarded)
    FAB-1500 M46 (1479kg)
    FAB-3000 M46 (2983kg)
    M47, M48, M50 Bombs
    FAB-250 M44/48 (250kg)
    FAB-250 TsK M44/50 (245kg)
    FAB-500 M43/47 (476kg)
    FAB-500 M44/48 (477kg)
    FAB-1000 M43/47 (1077kg)
    FAB-1000 M44/48 (891kg)
    FAB-2000 M43/47 (2066kg)
    M54 Bombs
    FAB-250 M54 (236kg)
    FAB-250 M54TU (270kg) (retarded)
    FAB-500 M54 (473kg) (model by Krizis)
    FAB-500 M54TU (510kg) (retarded)
    FAB-1500 M54 (1550kg)
    FAB-1500-1640 M54-MS (1640kg)
    FAB-3000 M54 (3067kg)
    FAB-3000 M54-TGA (3189kg)
    FAB-5000 M54 (5247kg)
    FAB-9000 M54 (9407kg)
    M57 Bombs
    FAB-250-230 (230kg)
    M62 Bombs, LD
    FAB-250 M62 (227kg)
    FAB-500 M62 (497kg) (model by Krizis)
    M69 Termostable bombs, LD (MiG-25RB)
    FAB-250 M62T (227kg)
    FAB-500 M62T (497kg)
    FAB-500T (477kg)
    FAB-500TA (477kg)
    FAB-1500T (1513kg)
    FAB-250TS (260kg)
    FAB-500TS (509kg)
    FAB-1500-2600TS (2584kg)
    "Assault" {low level attack}Bombs (with chute)
    FAB-500Sh (515kg)
    FAB-500ShL (513kg)
    FAB-500ShN (513kg)
    FAB-1500Sh (1500kg)
    German GP bombs (modernized for use by soviet planes)
    FAB-250Tr ( SC-250 )
    FAB-250Tr ( SD-250 )
    FAB-500Tr ( SC-500 )
    FAB-500Tr ( SD-500 )
    FAB-1000Tr ( SC-1000 )
    FAB-1000Tr ( PC-1000 )
    FAB-1400Tr ( PC-1400 )
    FAB-1700Tr ( SD-1700 )
    FAB-1800Tr ( SC-1800 )
    FOTAB-25-14 (14kg, 2000m)
    FOTAB-50-35 (35kg, 2000m)
    FOTAB-50-67 (67kg, 2000m)
    FOTAB-100-60 (60kg, 2000m) (Chute)
    FOTAB-100-80 (88kg, 2000m)
    FOTAB-250-215 (216kg, 2000m)
    Termostable, LD
    FOTAB-100-140 (141kg, 2000m)
    FOTAB-250T (275kg, 2000m)
    FOZAB-500 (435kg)
    OFZAB-500 M62 (500kg)
    FZAB-250 (254kg)
    FZAB-500 (493kg)
    FZAB-500M (497kg) M62
    M27 Bombs
    Akh-8 (10kg)
    WWII Bombs
    KhAB-25 (27.5kg)
    KrAB-25 (34.5kg)
    KhAB-100 (100kg)
    KhAB-200 (174kg)
    KhAB-500 (300kg)
    Post WWII
    KhAB-100-80S M46 (80kg)
    KhAB-250-150S M46 (150kg)
    KhAB-500-280S M46 (280kg)
    KhAB-1500-960S M46 (963kg)
    BAS-100 (100kg)
    BAS-250-230 (233kg)
    BAS-250 M62L (230kg) (LD)
    Night marker*:
    NOSAB-100-70B (72kg) (white)
    NOSAB-100-80K (80kg) (red)
    NOSAB-100-80Z (82kg) (Green)
    NOSAB-100-85Zh (87kg) (Yellow)
    M62 termostable, LD
    NOSAB-100TMk (115kg) (red)
    NOSAB-100TMZ (115kg) (Green)
    NOSAB-100TMZh (115kg) (Yellow)
    ODAB-500 (392kg) (Chute)
    ODAB-500P (466kg) (Chute)
    ODAB-500PM (520kg) (Chute)
    ODAB-500PMV (525kg) (Chute)
    WWII bombs
    OFAB-100 Ver.1 (120.5kg)
    OFAB-100 Ver.2 (114kg)
    Post WWII
    OFAB-100M (121kg)
    OFAB-100NV (121kg)
    OFAB-100NV-TU (131kg) (retarded)
    OFAB-100-120 (123kg) (Model by Krizis)
    OFAB-100-120TU (136kg) (retarded)
    OFAB-100-125TU (128kg)
    OFAB-250-270 (266kg) (Model by Krizis)
    OFAB-250-270TU (300kg) (retarded)
    Assault Bombs
    OFAB-250Sh (270kg) (retarded)
    OFAB-250ShL (266kg) (retarded)
    OFAB-250ShN (275kg) (retarded)
    OFAB-500U (515kg) (retarded)
    OFAB-100T (121kg) (retarded)
    OFAB-250T (239kg)
    Navy Marker*:
    OMAB-25-8N (9.2kg) (Night,chute)
    OMAB-25-12D (11.3kg) (Day)
    WWII Bombs
    P-7 (7.65kg)
    P-25M2 (25kg)
    P-40 (43kg)
    P-50SCh (65kg)
    P-100-70 (71kg)
    P-100Sch (103kg)
    P-100TsL (106kg)
    P-250 (247kg)
    Post WWII bombs
    P-50 (54kg)
    P-50-75D (75kg)
    P-50-75N (75kg)
    Assault Bombs
    P-50Sh (49kg)
    Termostable Bombs
    P-50T (50kg)
    Anti-Submarine Bombs
    UPLAB-50 (45kg)
    PLAB-50 (50kg)
    PLAB-100 (100kg)
    MPLAB-100 (89kg)
    MPLAB-100S (87kg)
    PLAB-250-120 (123kg)
    PLAB-500-380 Ver.1 (369kg)
    PLAB-500-380 Ver.2 (383kg) (Chute)
    PLAB-500-380 Ver.3 (385kg) (Disk)
    "Color-Marker rockets" (no engine, bombs as fact)*:
    PR-8TsO-K (9kg) (Red)
    PR-8TsO-Z (9kg) (Green)
    PTAB-2,5-1,5 (1.37kg)
    PTAB-10-2,5 (2.38kg)
    Cluster bombs:
    WWII Bombs
    RRAB-1 (1000kg, 400m)
    RRAB-2 (500kg, 400m)
    RRAB-3 (250kg, 400m)
    ZAB-100-65TSh (67kg, 200m) (100 inc balls)
    ZAB-500-300TSh (295kg, 300m) (780 inc balls)
    Post WWII
    PROSAB-100-70 (70kg, 300m)
    PROSAB-100 M52 (108kg, 300m)
    PROSAB-250 M52 (263kg, 500m)
    RBK-100 AO-1 (AP) (95kg, 400m)
    RBK-100 PLAB-10K (125kg, 100m) (Anty-Submarine)
    RBK-250-170 MA-3 (Mines)(161kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 AO-1 (AP) (193kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 AO-2,5-2 (AP) (179kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 AO-2,5SCh (AP) (167kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 AO-10-6,5ST (AP)(126kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 AO-10SCh (AP) (130kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 PTAB-2,5 (AT) (129kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 PTAB-2,5-1,5 (AT)(95kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 PTAB-2,5M (AT) (248kg, 200m)
    RBK-250 AZh-2 (inc) (114kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 ZAB-2,5T (inc) (128kg, 500m)
    RBK-250 ZAB-2,5 (inc) (194kg, 250m)
    RBK-250 ZAB-2,5M (inc) (195kg, 250m)
    RBK-250-275 AO-1Sch(AP) (273kg, 400m)
    RBK-500-225 PTAB-2,5 (AT)(225kg, 500m)
    RBK-500-255 PTAB-10-5 (AT)(255kg, 500m)
    RBK-500-375 AO-10 (AP) (375kg, 500m)
    RBK-500 AO-2,5RT (AP) (402kg, 400m)
    RBK-500 AO-2,5RTM (AP) (504kg, 200m)
    RBK-500 BETAB (BETAB-20)(450kg, 100m) (Penetrator)
    RBK-500 MDB (Smoke)* (245kg, 300m)
    RBK-500 PTAB-1 (AT) (427kg, 300m)
    RBK-500 PTAB-1M (AT) (427kg, 300m)
    RBK-500 ShOAB-0,5 (AP) (334kg, 300m)
    RBK-500 ShOAB-0,5M (AP) (395kg, 300m)
    RBK-500 SPBE-D (AT) (504kg, 400m)
    RBK-500 SPBE-K (AT) (450kg, 400m)
    RBK-500 ZAB-2,5 (inc) (499kg, 300m)
    RBK-500 ZAB-2,5SM (inc) (435kg, 300m)
    RBK-500U BetAB-M (480kg, 100m) (Penetrator, Chute)
    RBK-500U OAB-2,5RT (AP) (500kg, 100m) (Chute)
    RBK-500U OFAB-50UD (AP) (520kg, 100m) (Chute)
    RBK-500U PTAB (AT) (520kg, 100m) (Chute)
    RBS-100 AO-25-30 (107kg, 100m) (bombs pack, 3 bombs)
    RBS-100 AO-25-33 (111kg, 100m) (bombs pack, 3 bombs)
    OFAB-500ShR (509kg, 100m) (retarded,3 charges)
    WWII Bombs
    ZAB-1-E (1.5kg)
    ZAB-2,5T (2.45kg)
    ZAB-10TG (10.9kg)
    ZAB-25ZhG (22.6kg)
    ZAB-50FP (49kg)
    ZAB-50TG (45.9kg)
    ZAB-100-50ZhG (51kg)
    ZAB-100M (100kg)
    ZAB-100Sv (94kg)
    ZAB-100TsK (94kg)
    ZAB-250-200ZhG (204kg)
    Post WWII
    ZAB-100-105 (107kg)
    ZAB-100-115 (113kg)
    ZAB-250-200 (202kg)
    ZAB-250-130V (132kg) (chute)
    ZAB-500-350 (350kg)
    ZAB-500-350R (353kg)
    ZAB-500-400 (410kg)
    ZAB-500Sh (428kg)
    ZAB-500V (378kg)
    Napalm tanks:
    ZAB-100-40P (44kg)
    Post WWII
    ZB-250Sh (115kg)
    ZB-250ShM (115kg)
    ZB-360 (355kg)
    ZB-500 (374kg)
    ZB-500AS (315kg)
    ZB-500GD (343kg)
    ZB-500RT (434kg, 100m) (3 charges)
    ZB-500Sh (275kg)
    ZB-500ShM (317kg)
    WWII bombs
    SAB-3 (4kg, 2000m)
    SAB-3M (4kg, 2000m)
    SAB-5 (6.5kg, 2000m)
    SAB-15 (14.3kg, 2000m)
    SAB-25 (23.9kg, 2000m)
    SAB-50-15 (14.8kg, 2000m)
    SAB-50-28 (28kg, 2000m)
    SAB-100-55 (55kg, 2000m)
    SAB-100-75 (82kg, 2000m)
    Post WWII
    SAB-3M M47 (4kg, 2000m)
    SAB-100-55 M47 (55kg, 2000m)
    SAB-100-90 (90kg, 2000m)
    SAB-100MN (106kg, 2000m)
    SAB-100MP (105kg, 2000m)
    SAB-250-180MF (175kg, 2000m)
    SAB-250-200 (201kg, 2000m)
    SAB-500-350 (353kg, 2000m)
    SAB-500-350R (353kg, 2000m)
    SAB-250T (215kg, 2000m)


       (12 reviews)



  2. Tactical Laser System Pods

               ****    Tactical Laser System Pod (TLS) ****
    This mod contains the Tactical Laser System from Ace Combat franchise.
    You will be able to fly with a powerful laser beam generator, that can
    tear a carrier up, blow up half of an airbase, or split in two bombers from
    10+ km of distance.
    The pack includes three versions of the TLS pod:
    - TLS-01: A generic POD available to all countries
    - TLS-01_F-15: Specific for F-15E
    - TLS-01_Su-37: Specific for Su-37
    (The exact F-15E and Su-37 are detailed below, they must be downloaded)
    Drop the content into your mod folder (C:\Users\[User Name]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[ModFolder])
    as usual, taking into account a couple of things:
    1. There are two aircraft (F-15_14 and Su-37 Terminator), both folders only
       contains two modified INIs. One is the DATA.INI from each aircraft and
       the other is for LOADOUT. Both aircraft are the ones having its own dedicated
       TLS Pod in Ace Combat 7, thus I picked both of these aircrafts from the
       excelent Add-on mods that we have here. In case you don't have them, you can
       download them from these links, install them and then copy the modified INIs
       which includes the laser pod and loadout (AirToAirLaser).
    The links to download them are:
    Su-37 Terminator:
    2. Once you install the Red Laser Gun and copied some lines into the BulletObject.INI
       there is a chance that the laser wont appear while you are firing it. In order
       to solve this you should copy these lines in the R-TLS_Data (inside Guns folder)
    Then it should work fine.
    1. The generic pod may not be visible during the loadout screen, this may happen
    because the measures of the pod exceeds the limits from the Gun Pod station of
    the aircraft. It can be fixed by adjusting the length/diameter/weight limit
    in the weapon station of the aircraft.
    Measures of the Pod (estimated from images of the AC7 pod and the real measures
    of a SUU-23 Gun Pod):
    Mass: 1406.7 kg
    Length: 7.312 m
    Diameter: 0.92 m (moreless)
    2. Also, I have not managed to fly with the full loadout of the Su-37, in my case
    It only loads the laser pod and the rest of the pylons are empty (I have to select
    the weapons manually), I guess this may be a problem of my installation, if
    anybody has this problem tell me.
    Special thanks to:
    F-15: viper63a
    Su-37:  denissoliveira
    Effects from which I developed the laser beam effects, I took them from Stary Unified
    Effects Pack.
    And everyone who contribute in these projects, which are truly masterpieces.
    And as always, this is a FREEWARE, any distribution under payment of these files are strictly forbidden.
    Finally! If there is any problem or you want to give me your feedback I will love to
    hear it, I hope it works well and enjoy!


       (1 review)



  3. twin rocket-pods assembly , left and right

    as requested i upload here some of my new rocket-pods as twin left and right assemblies , to use them you may have to edit the data.ini of the selected aircraft
    rocket-pods includet are
    - Aero - 7D - LAU - 3A - LAU - 3A/A - LAU - 3C - LAU - 10A to install copy the included weapons files to you Weapons mod folder and let overwrite if asked to
    if you encounter any problems feel free to contact me
    have fun , ravenclaw_007


       (2 reviews)



  4. WE.177 Nuclear Bomb Pack

    i made this bombs for the Buccaneer project but i release this pack as stand alone version since this bombs where not only carried by the Buccaneer , a lot of other aircraft from the RAF and RN did carry this bombs as well
    to install simply drop them in to your weapons folder
    especially for the WE.177A is it important to make a direct hit since the 10kt warhead makes only a "limited" damage,
    best results will be with this parameters for bomb release
    Speed = 450kts
    Altitude = 10000ft
    Range to target = 1.8Nm
    on some Aircraft you have to edit the data.ini by adding NUC to the weapontype of the selected weaponsstation
    have fun


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. Weapons - Pack 1

    this weapon´s pack 1 includes the following weapons
    - GBU-10/12/15/16/24/24 UK/27/28/49
    - Paveway II/IV UK
    - AGM-122/123
    - AIM-9B/C/D/E/F/G/H/J/L/M/N/P/X
    - ASRAAM
    - RB-24/J/74
    before you install this pack please delete the following weapons
    - AIM-9E2
    - AIM-9P-1
    - GBU-123
    this weapons will be replaced with ones that have an other folder name to make sure that there is no conflict with TW stock weapons and to make sure that this new weapons will function as the are supposed to
    to install just copy all weapons in to your weapons-folder and overwrite if ask to and copy the effects in to your effects-folder , thats it
    the includet DATA-INI´s are for the F-8C/D to enable them to load the AIM-9C (SAHM) , so copy them in to your F-8C / F-8D folder
    NOTE to use the AGM-122 on your AV-8B you have to add ARM to the respective weaponstation
    all other weapons in work will be released later in a Weapons-Pack 2
    have fun


       (15 reviews)



  6. Weapons Pack 2

    Weapons Pack 2
    - this weapons pack includes all weapons from the Weapons pack 1 and all textures are changed to jpeg ( i hope)
    - all errors and missing textures from the Weapons pack1 are fixed
    i strongly recomend that you remove / delete an existing file befor you replace it with a new file , there are so many weapons that use large bmp textures or more than 1lod version for a wepon in the old weaponpacks , this textures and old lods are no longer needed
    you best replace the files one by one , overwrite old files is not recommended
    DATA_ini Folder
    - here are updated ini´s for the Buccaneer , F-14A_IR and F-8 includet , please use this new ini´s to get all weapons working , i took the liberty to change the boresight setting for the F-8 from 1 to 5 so the AIM-9C can be used properly
    SF2NA Folder
    - here are weapons that are specialy set up for SF2NA use only , thanks to EricJ
    Credit to
    - the one who made the KAW effects ( i dont know who did it )
    - KillerBee for his Help
    - and to the Test Team , EricJ , Slartibartfast , JAT81500 , Dast24 , Centurion1 , Ianh755 , GodsLt
    - all weapons and textures are made by ravenclaw_007
    Templates are available on request
    if you still find an error please let me know , and there will be a Weapons pack3 and 4 so if there is a weapon missing you have to wait for the next pack
    Have Fun , ravenclaw_007


       (22 reviews)



  7. Weapons Pack 3 Rockets & Rocket Pods

    Weapons Pack3 , Rockets & Rocket Pods
    - this weapons pack includes all Rockets and Rocket Pods that i have done so far i know that there are still some pod missing and i will release them later if i find more info and good pictures
    - the LAU-61A is to be considered as a place holder i just have one picture of a LAU-61 from the rear and i have no clue what version it is , the firing fingers in the picture are different than the one in the manuals until i can solve this problem the pod is a place holder
    i strongly recomend that you remove / delete an existing file with the same name as the one in the pack befor you replace it with a new file
    you best replace the files one by one , overwrite old files is not recommended
    - all weapons and textures are made by ravenclaw_007
                     Templates are available on request

    if you still find an error please let me know , and there will be a Weapons pack3 with all other weapons as soon as i´m done with it

    Have Fun , ravenclaw_007


       (4 reviews)



  8. Weapons-Pack 1 TEMPLATES

    this are the Templates (PSD) for all weapons from my weapons-Pack 1
    just in case somebody like to have some Blue weapons
    have fun


       (0 reviews)



  9. WWll Weapons Pack

    This is a (by no means definitive) Weapons Pack for StrikeFighters2 WWll installs. I used Wrench's WWll Weapons Pack for SF1 (which itself was based on Bunyap's 2006 Pack) as a guide; I used 1948 as a cutoff point so a lot of stuff that was in that pack is gone. I tried to be fairly ruthless on that as I really don't see WWll continuing past that point; in my opinion it would have taken a lot of "what if" just to get there. None of this is original work on my part, I copied what I could from Killerbee's Ordnance Packll, what I couldn't find there I converted from the SF1 WWll Pack. It's more of a compilation so that most, at least, of what's needed for a WWll install can be found in one place. As usual, any screw ups are mine. Hope you enjoy it.


       (0 reviews)



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