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4 files

  1. SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver, "Blank" Skin Pak

    SF2 WW2 SB2C Helldiver, "Blank" Skin Pak 9/12/2013
    - For SF2 WW2 and Whenever Players -
    This pak contains a set of 3 "blank" markingless skins for Veltro2K's Helldivers. They are:
    Standard 3-tone
    (note: the -1 uses a different -s map due to the 3 bladded prop)
    SB2C3 thru 5:
    Standard 3-tone
    Overall Dark Gloss Navy Blue
    (The enclosed screenshot is a -5 in 3-tone. All others are identical to those already available, but minus the US Star-bar)
    As stated, there are NO national or squadron markings (ie: for USN use) of any kind. This will allow skinners (and WhatIfers) to create/recrate the various squadron and national markings via decal placement. With the several skins out already, decal placement locations have pretty much all been pre-plotted. A decent skinner should easily be able to figure out any others.
    As always, fairly simple install instructions are included. So, please read them.
    REMINDER: these are skin maps ONLY!!! YOU will have to build the other required inis and decals.
    Happy Skinning!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  2. SF2 WW2 SB2C-4 Helldiver Skins Pak

    SF2 WW2 SB2C-4 Helldiver Skins Pak
    -- Something for the PTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    Some new skins for Veltro2K's SB2C-4 Helldiver.
    Skin/Decal sets included in this pack are for...
    VB-19, USS Lexington (in 3-tone --actual aircraft were -3s. Close enough!)
    VB-82, USS Bennington
    VB-85, USS Shangri-La (both in Dark Gloss Navy Blue, post-Jan 1944)
    Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
    They depict mid- and late war schemes. VB-82 & 85 carry the "G System" markings for their respective Air Groups, VB-19 does not.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. It contains the Change List.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  3. SF2 WW2 SB2C-1 Helldiver Tweeks Pak

    SF2 WW2 SB2C-1 Helldiver Tweeks Pak
    -- Something for the PTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    Some tweeks, and a new skin for Veltro2K's recently released Curtiss SB2C-1 "Helldiver" WW2 USN dive bomber. It is to be applied to the aircraft package available at the following url:
    This pak contains a brand new 3-tone camo skin and 'generic' modex number decal set. The skin iteself can be also considered generic, as all units, when the Helldiver first entered service, were painted in the 3-tone. Some, including -3 & -4 models, carried it until VJ-Day. However, after late 43/early 44, the "G" system of Air Group marking came into being. This pak does NOT contain any G-system markings. They can easily be added via decals ini tweeking. And probably will be, as time permits :) .
    Included are Tweeked Data, loadout, and main inis as well as Sounds; weapons are NOT included. (excepting the drop tank). A brand NEW SF2-stye 'flight deck' hangar screen is.
    The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. It contains the Change List.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    with thanks to Veltro2K for getting these airplanes out for us to enjoy!


       (3 reviews)



  4. SB2C-5 R HAF

    SF 2
    SKIN for the Greek sb2c - 5 ....helldiver...
    You can get the plane here....above..by veltro2k...
    Also don't forget the Helldiver Tweeks Pak by the wrench ...!!!!!!!!
    It's very easy just unzip..and copy paste the files..in your plane ..folder...
    They are 2skin's... one D bleu..and 1 light.. for the navy coperation....i think...!
    Sorry is missing the number under the wing and in fuselage....!!
    If someone want's is free to make...!! I still have problem's with number's as you see in last pic,...!!


       (2 reviews)

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