About This File
Afghanistan (Modern - 2003 & Later) Terrain
== For SF2, Full-4 Merged -ONLY- (and/or SF2:I) ==
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS are SF2 and SF2:I, as it uses the IsraelME tileset -- the
tiles are NOT included. However, during the rebuild process I did test it with
Stary's enhanced IME tile set. Several new tiles have been added for his specific
tile set. They ARE included. But DO NOT USE THEM if using the STOCK IME tiles --
there are 'matching tiles' for the stock set, already set up to be used. See the
"To Install" for more information. (meaning: right now, it's pointing to the IsraelME.cat)
This is a small update/upgrade of Gepard's Afghanistan terrain, bringing it more
up-to-date "Modernish", with regards to Allied Operations against the Taliban and
other various Bad Guys . All airfields have been replaced with 'stock', more
Western/NATO looking, as (re)constructed by Western Forces after their arrival in-theatre.
(unfortunately, when matching the airfiled types to 'real world' types, you now
lose the ability to base aircraft needing the LARGE Runway 4 - B-52s, B-1s, etc)
You =MUST= have the Gepard's original terrain to install this to. You can
download it from the following URL:
It will be needed for the various theatre-specific GroundObjects, and Nation.ini
It should also be noted, that EricJ's 'enhanced targets' ini is NOT incorporated
into this mod. Due to changes in the types of runways used now, that mod is,
unfortunately, NO LONGER COMPATIBLE with this one.
The "LimitedNations" and "AllowedMissonTypes" statements have been edited to more
reflect the 2003 and later timeframe (I'm sure a left out a NATO component or 2;
please feel free to add whichever country I've missed! And let me know which
Remember -- this is just a small, minor overhauling. No real major changes.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
Special Thanks to EricJ, who asked for this upgrade, and his invaluable assistance. And to all our Fighting Forces in the far-flung regions of the world.