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Mistubishi T-2 (for SF2)

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JASDF Mitsubishi T-2 Trainer For SF2

For SF2 (may require SF2E or I for some of the HUD bits)


As stated above, due to the use of pointers to the F-15A HUD markers, this may best be used in a Full-4 Merged install, or at the very least, those with SF2:E.


This is a mods package of Veltro2K's JASDF advanced trainer, to bring it into SF2. This is the complete aircrft package, containing everything needed to unzip and install. Most of the mods are to the various inis, and new serial number decals. Otherwise, it is the complete pack as Veltro released it (just slightly tweekificated).


The data ini has also had some minor mods; mostly in engine thrust, weight, etc. The FM is not perfect, but it handles just fine for me on Normal flight mode. A userlist is supplied, even though these are Japanese-only aircarft; not built for export. Weither that makes a difference for not, don't know! But, it IS locked into a 'nationalized' usage. Also, my first attempt at a DDS damage texture -- please don't laugh too hard at it <grin>!! A new SF2-style hangar screen is also included.


Loadouts have been adjusted, leaning slightly more for the attack/strike role than the Real Life ™ aircraft. In this respect, its more like the fighter-trainer version (FT-2B??) than the pure trainer. Most of the weapons used are stock in-game items, although one or 2 used (in particular the JM117-GSC1 EO bomb) are availble in the Mistubishi F-1 upgrade, to be found at the following url:




(however, this weapon is only avaliable after 1977; before that you'll get standard US EOGBs)


All serial number decals ARE the actual ones as used; The info sheet in the Burindo book is/was a little vague and as I can't read Japanese... As is what I believe to be the 4 Hikotai tail badge; although it does look good!


As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, eh?


Happy Landings!


kevin stein

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