About This File
Dassault Super Etendard & Super Etendard(M), SF2 Combo Pak (by FoxMonter)
For SF2, Any & All (Full-4 Merged Prefered - At Minimum, =MUST= have SF2:I AND SF2:V)
*Note: the reason for these requirements are the cockpits used on =BOTH= versions of the aircraft. They reference 2 very different cockpits and avionics displays, only truely available in a Full-4 Merged installs.*
*Note x2: There are 2 seperate readmes in this Combo Pak - one each for the Super Etendard and Super Etendard (Modernized). It's suggested that after downloading this pak, you unzip to a temp folder or your desktop, and =READ= both before installing, as well as this complete readme. Install instruction are, as usual, the same*
This package contains 2 complete aircaft - the early version, Super Etendard as used by the French Navy and Argentinian Navy, and the late 90s to-date version, the Super Etendard (Modernized) as used only by the French Navy. All skins, inis, decal, weapons, etc are included. Specific details for each are in their own readmes, inside this archive. You'd do well to read BOTH!!! (no kidding! really!!) All new SF2-style hangar & loading screens are included (exceptng the SuE loading, it's the orignal converted to jpg).
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! I'd reccomend that you unzip this archive FIRST (to a temp folder or your desktop), and READ through this readme document, and the other 2, before installing.
The extensive "Notes" section in each readme also contains a Change List of modifications and other impertinant information. All original readmes are included, for historical reference.
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
EDIT: updated 10/13/2011
-- added the missing Tank_SUE_Gray
For thos that already downloaded this pack, the tank in availalbe in the SF2 Weapons downloads section