About This File
English Electric Lightning - Lights and FM enhancements (2012/02)
Providing a little Lightning Love
By comrpnt
This package provides FM enhancements to introduce landing and anti-collision lights, and change some subtle flight characteristics to my favourite aircraft of all time – the venerable English Electric Lightning.
Specifically, the FM mods include:
- Gear-mounted landing lights
- Wing-tip anti-collision lights
- Wing-tip strobe lights (dependent on model)
- Rear fuselage anti-collision lights
- Top fuselage strobe light (dependent on model)
- Automatic opening canopy – when stationary
- FM change for more realistic landing speed – under AI control
- FM change for more realistic stopping speed – using brakes under AI control
- (optional)FM change for use of more realistic (separately available) RAF pilot model
This mod adds and/or amends definitions in all of the stock ThirdWire Lightning _data.ini files, provided in the Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 for Strike Fighters 2 Europe.
If there are any problems with this mod, then please contact me directly. Many thanks.
- Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 for Strike Fighters 2 Europe
- (Optional) comrpnt RAF Pilots mod (February 2012)
Terms and Conditions
Released under CombatAce Freeware Licensing Terms. See http://combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/
- New enhanced _data.ini files for each Lightning model (F1, F1A, F2, F2A, F3, and F6)
- ReadMe with installation instructions
Regards, comrpnt (February 2012).