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KittyHawk/Nimitz Class Carriers Names

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About This File

This file contains names for the entire class for the Thirdwire Kitty Hawk and Nimitz aircraft carriers.




1. Drop CVA-63_Names into the CVA-63 folder in your Thirdwire/Strike Fighters 2/Objects/Groundobjects folder. Put CVN-68_Names into the CVN-68 folder.


2. Enjoy how you will.




Known issues


1. CV-67 is not a member of the Kitty Hawk-class. However, there is no existing model for the JFK, nor is there going to be one in the foreseeable future. However, she is a historically significant vessel and was closely based on the Kitty Hawk carriers, so I have chosen to place her with them.


Thanks for downloading!


Any questions, issues, or requests please contact me through my profile Swordsman422 at Combatace.com

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