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CF-110K - Royal Canadian Navy 1.0

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CF-110K Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Navy

This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4K Phantom II from the DLC Store.


======Back Story========


The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces)

The aircraft was meant to serve on Canada's two Essex class carriers, HMCS Bonaventure and HMCS Warrior in the fleet defence and strike roles. In order to get the performance required for such small carriers, a new turbofan was developed by Orenda, the Orenda Huron. Redesign of the Phantom airframe to accomodate the larger engine was done by Avro Canada.

The article for the aircraft itself is found here: http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom



Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder.



TK for the USN Grey skin, and the F-4K from the DLC Store.

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