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SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190F Jabo Pak

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SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190F Jabo Pak


-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --

= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =


*There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to the excessive modifications made to fit into the SF2 environment, not all features will be avaliable.*

*Note X2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment.*


Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Wolf's FW-190. This is the next of a series of FW-190 upgrades, that will cover those models (while still based off Wolf's original LOD), that were/are available from the 1stGen SF/Wo* mods previously released. With required upgrades for SF2.


This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 ETO/MTO intalls. It is reccomended you delete the aircraft and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any conflicts with THIS mod.


This package contains 2 variants of the FW-190F as deployed in Western/Southern Europe, and North Africa/Med regions. Skins/Decals in this pak are:


9/SG4 (Western Europe, crica 1944)

I-SG4 (MTO desert camo, as based on Sardinia)


*Please note, you should =NOT= mix/match the ETO and MTO skins in an ETO only install (or MTO only install). See 'Special Install Notes' for further instructions*


All Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.

A (semi) compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together from various sources. As always, while it works quite well, further fine tuning is required by Experten.

Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as well a new SF2 version of my "box art" Hangar and/or Loading screens.


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest. When discoverable, all original readmes are included for historical purposes.


*Due to the age of the physical model (LOD), this mod is being released "as is"; PLEASE see the Notes section for more info*


Happy Landings!


kevin stein

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