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SF2 WW2 Fi-156 Storch Tweeks Pak

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SF2 WW2 Fi-156 Storch Tweeks Pak


-- Something for the WW2 players --

= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =


*There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at the 08 Patch Level. However, due to some of the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment (read: cockpit tweeks, data ini tweek, destroyed model), all the features will =NOT= be working as designed.*


Some modificationa, tweeks, reskins and so forth for Raven's very cool little Stroch, create an SF2-ish version. (although it needed very little work!!). As stated above it will probably work in SF/Wo* game install at the 08 Patch level. As the cockpit uses the "open cockpit" statement, it may not work in 06 levels. I don't remember if that statement is active in those earlier versions.


Basically, I've added a working cockpit, with extensive modifications to allow you 'see' the internal structure of the framing and such. The cockpit comes from my L-19/O-1E mod, which is in itself a mod of Kesselbrut Yak-3/9 cockpit. Through use of moves and Hides, along with metric conversion of the gauge readout, makes this a fun plane for sightseeing! And a new pilot figure and engine sound, too.


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.

With Thanks To Raven for this bird,


Happy Landings!


kevin stein

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