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Historical F-4B/J BuNos

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BuNo/ Serial Number mod for Stock F-4B and F-4Js


This is a mod to add historical BuNos to the stock Phantoms. when researching Bunos for other Phantom models, i got the numbers for the

B and J models first then took one hundred that survived to be retired as N or S models and did not crash with fatalities. this mod features the

B and J numbers i started with,as well as the BuNos for the mig killers. I also adjusted data ini for smokier engines.


ALL numbers after 099 are historical MiG killers, with a few that were already in the ones i had previously completed


Installation: open the main folder, then the Stock folder. add the 3 folders inside to the mod folder of your choice, allowing overwrites and merges.

if you have the USN/USMC DLC skinpack (DLC18) then open the DLC folder and follow the same directions above.



Included: over 100 Buno's with 4 digit big and full Buno small for the F-4B and J

adjusted decal ini's for all relevant skins

spillone104s J79 effects and data.ini conversion to put them to use

loading screens for each type


***************IMPORTANT NOTICE******************IMPORTANT NOTICE************************************************************************************

This pack focuses on the gull gray over white and overall gull gray schemes. The Marines gave up the last B's in 1978, and the J's were retired around 1983.

It was the N's and S's that wore most of the camo schemes and so i did not add any other color numbers than black. anyone wanting different colors is welcome

to PM me for a tutorial on how to change decals in GIMP. this is again intended for the stock skins, not a major rework of the skins/decals



TK for the overall game

Spillone104 for the J79 exhaust effect

macelena, Slartibartfast, Muesli and whiteknight0664 and for being my crash test volunteers in checking this thing



hope you enjoy this little mod

Kevin Unruh

aka daddyairplanes

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