About This File
SF2 WW2 Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) Height Field Fix 4/27/2014
- For SF2 WW2, PTO -
This is a fix for the unflattened sections of Aslito airfield, Saipan. This package
contains a new HFD (height field) that will replace the original.
The original terrain, for those that don't have it, is available at the following
Be advised, the above listed/linked terrain is the SF/Wo* version (1stGen). I've
included my SF2 updated data ini, so you all won't be needing to make the SF2 shader
tweeks (if you don't have it updated to SF2 as yet).
To use:
Simply unzip to a temp folder or you desktop. Then copy/paste the included /Terrains
folder DIRECTLY over the existing one in you PTO-centric mods folder.
Allow the overwrite
That's it!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein