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SF2 DLC #19: A-4L Skyhawk Skins/Ini Pak

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SF2 DLC #19: A-4L Skyhawk Skins/Ini Pak 5/29/2014


= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #19 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =


*DLC #19 is REQUIRED for this mod!!*


**Please note, this pack is set up for the 3W A-4L Skyhawk DLC pack #19 ONLY!!! It is NOT be confused or USED with the Crab_02/Column5 mod. If you have the C2/C5 version, You are advised to REMOVE that mod COMPLETLY BEFORE installing this one!! It will cause conflicts, faults and General Mayhem. You have been warned!!!**


This pack contains skins/decals for the following units:


VC-13 "Fighting Saints" as based at NAS/MCAS Miramar

VC-2 "Falcons" as based at NAS Oceana


Several reworked inis included are:

Data.ini (operable canopy, Standard Keystroke ™, Shift/0, landing light)

Loadout ini (better offensive loadouts)

main ini (A-4L.ini, with resequenced skin listings - these are now 1 & 2)


All markings, excepting the squadon tail codes and VC-13's hump, are decals. The tail markings for both are painted on the skin. Decal randomization is TRUE, but be advised there's only 7 Modex for VC-2, and 12 for VC-13. This IS historically correct.


When installing, just allow the overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with the skin listing order, to make them more user friendly. However, if you wish to keep the original order, BACKUP THE MAIN, A-4L.INI -=BEFORE=- INSTALLING THIS MOD!!!


*REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #19 to access the aircraft and it's other associated files.*


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!! In fact, unzip the archive FIRST, read the instructions, and then install it. Best to be safe, eh?


Happy Hunting!


Kevin Stein

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