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SF2I Extension Pack (1 of 4)

   (5 reviews)

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About This File

Strike Fighters 2: Israel - Extension Pack


This mod collects a large number of aircraft, ground objects, effects, weapons, terrain enhancements, and other updates for use in "Strike Fighters 2: Israel" (SF2I). Although most of the mods included here have been previously released at CombatAce individually, this mod package brings them together in one convenient package so that players don't have to hunt them down and install them one-by-one.


So what's included? Here's a quick overview:


- 70 new aircraft

- 130 new ground objects

- hundreds of new guns & weapons

- dozens of new skin additions to stock aircraft

- dozens of new effects

- terrain enhancements & upgrades

- new campaigns, including Red-side campaigns

- new hangar & loading screens for almost every aircraft


In short, this mod represents a complete overhaul of the stock SF2I game with the SF2I Expansion Pack from ThirdWire installed.



Minimum Requirements



To install and play this mod, you must have the following games as part of a merged install:


SF2 VERSION: Strike Fighters 2 Israel

Strike Fighters 2 Israel Expansion Pack

PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher






This mod requires "Strike Fighters 2: Israel" (SF2I) as well as "Strike Fighters 2: Israel, Expansion Pack" (SF2I Expansion Pack 1) in a merged install. Before installing this mod package, please ensure the SF2I installation that you intend to use is updated to at least the Mar2012 patch level. The latest patches for Strike Fighters 2 can be downloaded from ThirdWire:




Please note that this mod is designed to be installed to a clean Mods Folder and should not be installed over the top of any other major mod, including the previously released "48-56" mod for SF2I.


The main installation process consists of two main steps. Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly.






This mod requires a separate Mods Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as "Operation Darius," "Operation Desert Storm," or the "48-56" mod for SF2I.


You can install this mod to a clean install of SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack (i.e., an install that uses a virgin Mod Folder that has had no other mods added to it), or you can create a new custom install with a new Mods Folder.


If you already have a virgin Mods Folder that's ready to be used for the SF2I Extension Pack, then proceed to Step 2 below. If, however, you choose to create a new custom install for the SF2I Extension Pack, do the following:


- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 Israel.exe. Rename the copied .EXE file to StrikeFighters2_ExtensionPack.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).


- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your SF2I Extension Pack mod install will have been created in one of these locations:


Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]

Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]

Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]


...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the SF2I Extension Pack mod files to your Mod Folder.


Now you're ready to install the SF2I Extension Pack mod proper.






This is the easiest step.


- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).


- Unpack the four SF2I Extension Pack archive packages you downloaded to a temporary location on your hard drive.


- Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from all four unzipped packages to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install. You should drag what's INSIDE the "To_Mod_Folder" directory.)


If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.


* * * * *


THAT'S IT. The SF2I Extension Pack mod should now be installed on your PC and ready to play.


If you start the mod and it crashes or you don't see any new aircraft or campaigns, then you didn't install the mod properly. Aand that's exactly what I'm going to tell you if you post to the CombatAce forums and ask me if I have "any ideas?" as to what the problem is.




Optional Aicraft



Included in the \_Optional folder are files to support the installation of a number of optional aircraft, which are all based on ThirdWire DLC releases and require the listed DLCs to be installed in order to use the aircraft:


Aircraft DLC Required

-------- ------------

F-104A DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1

J-6C_Egypt DLC29: AI Plane Pack 2

MiG-19S_Egypt_67 DLC29: AI Plane Pack 2

Mirage3EL DLC20: Mirage IIIEL

Mirage5DE DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1

Mirage5E2 DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1

Mirage5SDE DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1


If you have the required DLCs to support the above aircraft, you can install these aircraft by copying or moving the appropriate folders from the \Aircraft and \Decals directories in \Optional to the Objects\Aircraft and \Objects\Decals directories in your SF2I Extension Pack Mods Folder.




A Note on the Included Campaigns



In addition to Red-side versions of the three main SF2I campaigns (the 1967 War, the 1973 War, and the 1982 War), this mod adds campaigns for three minor "wars" that occurred between the major ones:


630819 War for the Water


670701 Attrition War


740401 Golan Stalemate


Although they do not qualify as full blown "wars," these extended periods of aerial skirmishes were nonetheless serious enough to merit attention, and this mod brings them to you courtesy of R. Lee "Banger" Sullivan, who created the first versions of these campaigns for "Wings Over Israel" (WOI).


All three campaigns are low intensity conflicts that feature missions flown intermittently over an extended period of years, quite in contrast to the main campaigns which all cover short periods of time -- a week or a few weeks. Additionally, unlike the main campaigns, these new extended "conflicts" do not feature ground wars. These are exclusively aerial affairs.


Please note that the 3rdWire campaign engine is not entirely suited to handling these types of extended, low intensity aerial conflicts, but we have done our best within the limits of that engine to give you a taste of these historical air clashes, which preceded the outbreak of major wars that grabbed newspaper headlines around the world.


One final note: those looking for coverage of the 1948 and 1956 wars should download and install the "48-56" mod, which is available separately at CombatAce.com in two parts:


Part 1:



Part 2:



The "48-56" mod requires its own Mods folder, and should not be combined with the SF2I Extension Pack.




A Note on Anti-Ship Missiles



For this mod most third-party (i.e., non-stock) anti-ship missiles have been converted to use the ASM/cruise missile functionality introduced w/ SF2NA. At the same time, the older versions of these missiles have been preserved, as the new ASM cruise missiles can be used by AI only against ships.


So, for many anti-ship missiles you will now find two versions:


1) "Standard" guided version


These versions are the "old" style missiles setwith WeaponDataType=1. They can be used by AI against land and sea targets. These missiles retain their familiar names (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon, Kh-59M Ovod, etc.).


2) ASM/cruise missile version


These versions utilize the new cruise missile functionality set by WeaponDataType=7. They can be used by AI only against ships. These versions can be distinguished by their names:


- U.S./NATO missiles have the ASM tag (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon ASM).


- Soviet/WP missiles follow the naming convention used by ThirdWire's

Soviet cruise missiles (e.g., Kh-59M AS-13 Kingbolt).


At the same time aircraft that typically carry these missiles have been updated to accommodate the ASM versions. Loadouts for these aircraft have been updated to use ASM versions by default for Anti-Ship, Naval_Attack, and Cruise_Missile loadouts.




A Note on Laser-Guided Bombs (LGBs)



AI pilots in Strike Fighters have long had problems employing LGBs. AI pilots in the player's flight can drop LGBs, but will treat them as dumb bombs. AI pilots in flights not controlled by the player (i.e., AI-only flights) cannot use LGBs at all, and will typically get stuck circling the target.


To address this problem I have created EOGB versions of all LGBs for AI pilots to use (AI pilots have no problems with EOGBs for some reason). These AI versions are identical in all respects to the LGB versions save for the Guidance Type, which is set to "Electro-Optical Guided" instead of "Laser-Guided."


By default aircraft that use LGBs for certain loadouts (usually Stike, Attack, SEAD, or Anti-Ship) are loaded with these AI (EOGB) versions instead of the LGB versions. You should make it a habit to check the Loadout screen and switch the bomb version on your own aircraft to the LGB version.


You can distinguish between the AI (EOGB) and LGB (Player) versions by the weapon name -- for example:


LGB version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II LGB

AI version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II (AI)


While this solution introduces an extra step for the player in the preparation to start a mission, it allows AI pilots and AI-only flights to use these weapons.




Related Downloads



Although the following mods are not included in the SF2I Extension Pack, some players may be interested in downloading and installing them, as these mods add historically correct serial numbers to several stock SF2I aircraft:


Mystère IVA for SF2I



IAI Nesher for SF2I



Mirage IIICJ Shahak for SF2I



Grey Shahak for SF2I



Dassault Sambad & IAI Sa'ar (1958-1975)



Israeli Vautours Pt.1: Vautour IIA (1958-1971)



The above mods are all by Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco).







This mod package incorporates a large number of items from the following modders:




dtmdragon .................................. A-4 Ahits Enhancement Pack

dtmdragon .................................. A-4N Ahit Pack

Starfighter,Diego,& Pasko .................. An-2

Paulopanz .................................. C-47A skins

Dels ....................................... C-130E & C-130H

HrntFixr ................................... C-130E/H IDF skin

The Mirage Factory ......................... F-1CJ

CA_Stary ................................... F-1CJ cockpit repaint

Ravenclaw_007 .............................. F-1CJ Grey & Camo skins

The Mirage Factory ......................... F-5A & F-5E

suhsjake & Sundowner ....................... F-5A skins

Mike Riddell ............................... F-5E skins

Crusader ................................... F-5E avionics mod

The Mirage Factory.......................... F-7B Airguard

Sundowner & ThirdWire....................... F-4E_72 EAF Camo skins

The Mirage Factory ......................... F-4E(S) Shablol

Sundowner & dtmdragon ...................... F-4E(S) Shablol updates

dtmdragon .................................. F-4E Kurnass Upgrade Pack

Rippersix & dtmdragon ...................... F-4E APQ-120 avionics update

FastCargo & team ........................... F-15C & F-15D

The Mirage Factory ......................... F-16A_IDF & F-16A_EAF

Team Flying Dragon ......................... F-16A (TMF) IDF camo skin

LloydNB & ravenclaw_007 .................... F-16A (TMF) EAF skins

Team Flying Dragon ......................... F-16A Netz IDF grey skin

Viper Team ................................. F-16B, F-16C, F-16D

Ahmed Junaid Raza .......................... F-104A_RJAF Starfighter

Wrench & Matthew Ouellette ................. F-104A_RJAF skins

ValAstur ................................... F-104A (3rdWire) RJAF camo

Wrench ..................................... F-104A (3rdWire) RJAF tweaks

Paulopanz .................................. IL-28 skins

Paulopanz .................................. J-6C_EAF

Pappychksix & 331KillerBee ................. KC-130F

MontyCZ & Muesli ........................... L-29

Paulopanz, Spillone104, & Baffmeister ...... L-29 skins & updates

MontyCZ & Soulfreak ........................ L-39ZO

Paulopanz .................................. MiG-15bis & MiG-15UTI skins

Stary ...................................... MiG-15/17 cockpit

Pasko ...................................... MiG-15bis_EAF & MiG-15UTI

Paulopanz .................................. MiG-17, MiG-17F, & MiG-17PF skins

Paulopanz & Spillone104 .................... MiG-17 EAF fighter-bomber mod

Stary ...................................... MiG-19P cockpit (from Boopidoo's Su-15 cockpit)

Paulopanz .................................. MiG-21F & MiG-21PF skins

comrad ..................................... MiG-21M/F skins

Starfighter2, Spillone104, & Paulopanz ..... MiG-21R

comrad ..................................... MiG-21R EAFCamo4 skin

Paladrian .................................. MiG-21 cockpits

Streakeagle ................................ WOI MiG-21 Pack

AtariBaby .................................. MiG-21 Complete Pack for SF2

Wretched ................................... WOI MiG-23 Flyables Pack

Paulopanz .................................. MiG-23 LARAF camo skin

USAFTML & MiG-25 Team ...................... MiG-25PD, MiG-25R, MiG-25RB

Baffmeister & Paulopanz .................... MiG-25 upgrades & new flight model

The Mirage Factory ......................... MiG-29A

RussoUK2004 ................................ MiG-29A updated model

The Mirage Factory ......................... Mirage IIICJ

The Mirage Factory ......................... Mirage 5D/DE/E2/SDE

Ace888 & The Mirage Factory ................ Mirage 2000C_EAF

MontyCZ .................................... NordAtlas (C-119)

Pasko ...................................... Ouragan

Paulopanz .................................. Ouragan skins

Ordway ..................................... Ouragan/MD-450 cockpit

Baffmeister ................................ new Ouragan flight model

Bpao, Crab02, & ravenclaw_007 .............. RF-4E_IAF

Paulopanz & Denis Oliviera ................. Shahak Recon variants

Paulopanz .................................. Su-7BMK updates & skins

Boopidoo & Kukulo .......................... Su-7BMK cockpit

Stary ...................................... Su-7BMK (Early) cockpit

Boopidoo & Volksjager ...................... Su-15A

Jug ........................................ Su-15 lights update

Paulopanz & Flogger23 ...................... Su-15A updates

ArmourDave & AmokFloo ...................... Su-20/22 models

Lindr2 ..................................... Su-20/22 upgrades

eburger68 .................................. Su-20/22 SF2 upgrades

Veltro2k & Lindr2 .......................... Su-24MK

dalai_LAMA, Veltro2K, & Tunderchief ........ Su-24MK skins

Mikeymead .................................. repainted/updated Su-24 cockpit

Ordway & CA_Stary .......................... SuperMystere B2 cockpit

Fracture/Pappychksix & Wrench .............. TA-4H Skyhawk

Paulopanz & Spillone104 .................... Tu-16 Pack for SF2

Paulopanz .................................. Vampire skins

Paulopanz .................................. Vampire cockpit

Veltro2K & Paulopanz ....................... Vautour IIB/N

Pasko ...................................... Venom

Paulopanz .................................. Venom skins & SF2 updates

Sabre Dog Team ............................. F-86D cockpit (used on several aircraft)

Zurawski ................................... F-86F cockpit (used on several aircraft)


Ground Objects


Adrian Benetti ............................. Flower class

GrinchWSLG ................................. Z-Class (Fletcher)

Pasko ...................................... "SAMs and Vehicles Pack: Euro & Desert"

Nicholas Bell .............................. "WOE 1950's AAA Mod"

Gerald14 ................................... "Russian Defence/ZSU-23-4 Pack"

Monty CZ ................................... "SF2 WWII Flak Pack"

Geo......................................... "WWII Ground Object Pack"

Kesselbrut .................................."US Armor Pack"

SFP1Ace ....................................."Alternative ArmorPack"

Gepard ......................................"Tiran Pack"

Gepard ......................................"WOI Panzer Pack"

Geo.........................................."WWII Ground Object Pack"

Kesselbrut ................................. "Zil Transport Pack"

Pasko & Nicholas Bell ...................... S-60, KS-30, ZPU-4, M-42

Pasko & Nicholas Bell ...................... M-59 155mm (based on KS-19P)

Nicholas Bell .............................. Bofors L60/L70

rebel ryder ................................ M1939 flak guns

Kesselbrut ................................. ZPU-1, IDF_Cal50

Geo ........................................ 20mmAAA & M16_Quad

Monty CZ ................................... HS-820 & HS-831

EricJ ...................................... Arab_Dshk

Spectre8750 ................................ GAZ-66_ZPU23

Julhelm & Wrench ........................... SON-9A Firecan

Unknown author ............................. 37InchAA, 37InchEmplaced, TommyFlak37, TommyFlak37Emplaced

Fubar512 ................................... ZSU-23 AAA tweaks

ThirdWire .................................. BTR-ZPU, BTR-ZU-23, KS-12, KS-19, M113-ZPU, M113-ZU-23,

ZPU-2, ZSU-23, ZSU-57, ZU-23, M35_Quad, M55_Quad, M-163

Geo ........................................ Sherman_E8, M3, M3GMC

rebel ryder ................................ IS-3, Sherman-M4A2_76mm, T-34-85, IDF Super Shermans

rebel ryder ................................ BMP-1, BMP-1_AT-3, BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5

rebel ryder ................................ ZIS Canvas, ZIS_Quad, Bedford Canvas, BedfordOpen, Squads

Pasko ...................................... AMX-13, M-41, Su-85, Su-100, T-34

Pasko ...................................... BTR-60, BRDM-2, BRDM-2AT, Type-59, Type-62, Type-63, Type-69

Gabilon .................................... Merkava

Pasko & Kesselbrut ......................... M60A3, M60A1AOS

SFP1Ace .................................... Chieftains (based on TW Centurions)

russouk2004 ................................ CrusaderII

Unknown Author ............................. Daimler, Humber, PZKW_IVA

ThirdWire .................................. Centurions, Leopards, M48A2/3, M60A1, M113, BRDM,

BTR-50PK, BTR-152, PT-76, T-54/55, T-62A, T-72A,

T-34-85, M50_Sherman, M51_Sherman

Wrench ..................................... M-59 (based on M-113)

bigal1 ..................................... M270MLR

bigal ...................................... Scud launcher

Moonjumper, Crusader, & Otto ............... BM-14-16 Katyusha mod

SUICIDAL ................................... New Destroyed Tank LODs

BANIDOS Team ............................... M167 VADS

Pasko ...................................... Hawk launcher & radars, Spoonrest radars

Fubar512 & Wrench .......................... Hawk INI tweaks

Spillone104 ................................ SA-2 Guideline Pack

FastCargo .................................. SA-5 & SquarePair

BPAo & Sundowner ........................... SA-8 & SA-9 (from TMF Weapons Packs)

Monty CZ.................................... SA-10 & Flaplid, Stinger site

Fubar512 ................................... SA-10 INI tweaks

Gabilon .................................... 2S6 & Tor-M1

Abhi ....................................... Pantsir-S1


Other Mods


R. Lee "Banger" Sullivan ................... new historic campaigns

Paulopanz .................................. custom ranks/medals pack

Paulopanz .................................. custom kill marks

OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ............ Pilots

Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue

CA_Stary ................................... Enhanced IsraelME terrain

Wrench ..................................... IsraelME terrain upgrades

cellinsky, Insky/Orsin, & PanamaRed......... environment mods

Spillone104 ................................ custom engine sounds

CA_Stary ................................... custom effects

CA_Stary ................................... new gun tracers

CA_Stary ................................... Ejection mod

Spectre8750 ................................ Fake Afterburner Node


If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I will get it fixed ASAP.



Eric Howes


14 Decmber 2014

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User Feedback

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

A very, very good installement to further complement the Israel scenario with more campaigns and new flyable aircraft. I just started playing the Attrition War with the Super Mystére and loving it so far. Tried some of the Migs (19,21,23) on single missions and really loved the overall work and feel of these airplanes and cockpit design. It sure is a great addition to this sim, ThirdWire could have done this from the start but hey, no complaining now, with an awesome community like this it is no longer a problem. Thank you so much, I was wishing to fly some Migs and was wondering how I was going to make those aiplanes flyable, with this mod I no longer have to workaround (and ask around for the “how to”) that. Can’t wait to fly a campaign with these and find out if the campaign balance is right. I think it will be fine. :good: Thank you once again! 

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