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SF2 WW2 MTO Republic P-47D "Razorback" Thunderbolt by Cocas

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SF2 WW2 MTO Republic P-47D "Razorback" Thunderbolt 12/22/2014


= For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!)


*This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*


This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co.

We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examinations and so forth.


REMINDER: this pack contains MTO Jugs only!!! Other theatres/users will follow as time permits, and as they are completed.


This pak contains a NEW model, representing the Razorback P-47D Thunderbolt in the MTO as seen in late 1943 through war's end.


Skins included are:


15th AF:


317th FS, 325th FG - this is withOUT the Checkertail markings

317th FS, 325th FG - this is WITH the Checkertail marking; called "317FS_L"


The "L (or Late)" skin uses the SF2 'start date switch', to turn on automatically in April, 1944. By this time, they had finished painting all the checks on all the tails of all the planes in all the 325th's squadrons. These were carried until the Group converted to Mustangs (and had to start all over painting the checks again!!).


The aircraft is finished in standard OD/Grey, with MTO theatre markings on the cowl.

All markings are decals; excepting the 325th Checkertail and MTO theatre markings; these are painted on. Decal randomization is set to TRUE.

There is one base set of decals for both skins. As this is for just one squadron, it makes for a sligtly smaller up/down load package.

There -are- some nose arts, and you'll find them listed with the individual aircraft number drop down on the Loadout Screen. They are matched to their 'plane-in-squadron' Battle Number.

Damage textures are new, in DDS format. The Hangar Screen is a rather 'generic' type.

The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0

Pilots, sounds, weapons are all included.


Templates for this aircraft will be issued as a seperate release, for those skinners that wish to do other units for other theatres or Allied users.


As there are several P-74D Razorbacks available, when in game you'll see:


P-47D-20 Thunderbolt (CAF)


on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. This will diferentiate it from any others that are around (Wolf or DAT).


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as usual, give the "Notes" section a read, too.


Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein


=for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division=

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