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Galicia2 v3

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About This File

This is a completely new version of the Galicia terrain. The new terrain includes new tiles and TODs, adjustments to the height map, many new targets and objects, winter and summer tiles. All necessary ground objects are included in the download. 

Galicia was the name of a territory in north-eastern Hungary and was the scene of major fighting during the First World War. It was invaded by the Russians early in the war, was recaptured by the Austro-Hungarians later, and invaded by the Russians again even later.

This download includes all the ground objects necessary for the Eastern Front. A more complete ReadMe file is included in the download. I have included instructions for updating an existing install or for making a completely new install. Instructions for both FE1 and FE2 are included.

New in Version 3
I have made all new farm and city tiles with new TODs. I have made many adjustments to the height map and changed the amount of tree and rough areas. Both summer and winter terrains are included.

I have added a lot of detail to the battle fields, including machine gun placements, Austrian infantry units, debris in the battle fields, and more detail in the artillery batteries.

I have added a lot of buildings to make the cities more crowded. I repainted the existing building skins and made some new buildings.

I have added static aircraft to all the airfields and made many changes to the buildings, objects and other details to increase diversity.

I have added about a dozen new airfields, field hospitals, and cavalry camps.

I revised many of the ground objects and skins, and made some new ones for this terrain. All necessary ground objects are included in the download.

Gerwin's TFD editor was most helpful in making this terrain. I would not have been able to do it without this outstanding utility.

I have included many of Geezer's maintenance figures, airfield objects, and AA machine guns in this download. Geezer also made some artillery for this project.

What's New in Version v3


  • Dec 15, 2015 - Added snow terrain tiles and made many tweaks to the terrain
  • Nov 9, 2018 - Completely new terrain - new tiles and TODs, many new targets, buildings, and objects - higher level of detail throughout
  • Thanks 4

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