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CF-110M Phantom II - Canadian Armed Forces 1.0

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About This File

This mod is the McDonnell Douglas CF-110M Phantom II for the Canadian Armed Forces. The mod contains a Canadianised version of the stock F-4M, F-4M_75, and F-4M_80. As such, the aircraft will appear separately as "CF-110M (etc)". In addition new loadouts are offered portraying a possible mix of weapons for CAF CF-110M Phantoms including the BL755 and CRV-7 rocket (used on the CF-104), as well as purely speculative weapons like Skyflash. The centreline stores pylon remains nuclear-capable for NATO nuclear sharing. Skins are provided in Canadian Voodoo Grey for NORAD, and various CAF camouflage schemes for NATO.





  • Canadian Voodoo Grey skins for 409, 410, 416, and 425 Squadrons.
  • CAF Green skins for 421, 422, 427, 439, and 441 Squadrons.


  • Symmetrical Canadian Voodoo Grey skins for 409, 410, 416, and 425 Squadrons.
  • Symmetrical CAF Green skins for 421, 422, 427, 439, and 441 Squadrons.



  • Symmetrical Canadian Voodoo Grey skins for 409, 410, 416, and 425 Squadrons.
  • Symmetrical CAF Camouflage skins for 421, 422, 427, 439, and 441 Squadrons (as worn by the CF-104 Starfighter).
  • Symmetrical European 1 Camouflage skins for 421, 422, 427, 439, and 441 Squadrons.



During the 1960s, the Royal Canadian Air Force commenced a search for a more affordable fighter to supplement the CF-101 Voodoo, and the CF-104 Starfighter. The RCAF advised the government to acquire the F-4 Phantom II. The British Government proposed a cooperative project with Canada, involving Canada choosing the F-4M instead of the F-4E (preferred by the RCAF). The British plan offered Canada a higher offset than the F-4E would have. It would also help to maintain Commonwealth economic ties, keeping Britain away from Europe, and mainaining Canadian access to British markets.


While McDonnell acted as the primary contractor, assembly of all F-4Ms was contracted to Canadair. Production of the engines for Canada's Phantoms was allocated to Orenda (TF41-OEL-2).


The CF-110M entered service in 1969 with 409 Squadron. Subsequntly aircraft were allocated to NATO units. Initially, they served in the nuclear strike and reconnaissance role in Europe, and in the air defence role in North America. In 1972, their nuclear role was withdrawn and the role of conventional attack was substituted. For this role, the NATO CF-110s were equipped with conventional bombs, cluster bombs, including the British BL755, and the Canadian CRV-7 unguided rocket. SUU-23 gun pods were procured for the Europe-based Phantoms. Later, gun pods were purchased for NORAD Phantoms. Other new weapons for the Canadian Phantoms included the British Skyflash medium range air-to-air missile, and upgraded version of the AIM-9 Sidewinder. Pave Spike was added in 1980 to give the Phantoms the ability to guide their own laser-guided bombs.


The CF-110M served with the Canadian Armed Forces until 1991, when it was replaced with the CF-18.




Copy the contents of ModFolder into your mod folder. Overwrite where necessary. If you had downloaded the previous CF-110M, you should delete it. A new non-unified version in RCAF markings (rather than CAF markings) is in the works, and should be available soon.



  • TK: SF2
  • Sundowner: F-4B template

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