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YAK-23 "QATRAS" SF2 Merged

   (1 review)

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About This File





As the Navy had been using its YAK-9 NUHAS with much success it was deemed after operational evaluation that seiing as the Army was being equipped with JJ-2 ( Mig-15Bis) that the Navy needed a jet powered interceptor/point defence fighter, after evaluating the YAK-15, it was thought that the upgraded YAK-23 FLORA would be more suitable, with its tricycle undercarriage and slight upgrades to other systems, the aircraft was purchased through the Czech military mission based in Paran, as diplomatic ties with the USSR had broken down as mentioned in another description ( stay with the programme folks, download 'em all !! ) this aircraft was introduced into the First Marine Squadron , and was given the name QUATRAS, or Albatross. the aircraft was found to be ideal for the navy's needs as it introduced pilots to jet powered aircraft, and also secret experimentation with carrier landing and take off drills at a secret location deep in the desert , with a full mock up carrier deck. The aircraft was also much loved by its pilots, and was found to be very manoeuvrable and a good gun platform.




Installation and blah blah


I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.


Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. I am sure I have thanked them and credited them in other uploads as well, so thanks to the REAL modders out there who do the hard work, and make stuff I can then tinker around with and tweak , I hope you like it, please enjoy. As with all my uploads, everything you need is in the one package, unzip, install, and fly, and enjoy !!
keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !! :airplane:

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