About This File
SF2 KAW & Post-War B-29 & Washington B.1 Adjustment Pak 8/31/2017
-- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
This package contains a new, modified data in for the Post-War and KAW era B-29 Superfortress, and the RAF Washington B.1. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake.
For those with the skill to copy/paste, you can use this data ini for your WW2 PTO B-29 as well. You'll only need to copy/paste the TOP section of the original data ini from your WW2 B-29 into this new one.
If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. Both of the full aircraft mods, available here in the CA Downloads, have already been updated for new users.
Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do =NOT= need to redownload the entire aircraft again.
= Instructions for Use:
unzip to a temp folder or your desktop.
Copy/paste the B-29_data.ini (and B-29_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the KAW/Post-War B-29's folder.
Do the Same for the Washington B.1. Copy/paste BOTH supplied data inis into the WashingtonB1 folder.
Go fly.
Good Hunting!!
Kevin "Wrench" Stein
Updated 8/31/2017
All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without
Small adjustment to some FM parameters.