About This File
SF2 NAA F2J Super Fury Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co. 11/15/2017
= For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
*Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many stock items, most importantly, the cockpits from the F-100 Super Sabre, F-8 Crusader. Therefore, it's =vitally= important that your game version(s) have access to these cockpits. However, alternate cockpits have supplied.*
The is the release of a new "What If..." Us Navy & Marines carrier-based fighter-bomber, the F2J "Super Fury" series. These aircraft has been tested in the SF2:NA, Full-5 environment, and is carrier capable/certified. The Standard Animation Keystrokes (tm) are used for the Caonpy (Shift/0) and wingfold (Shift/9).
The F2J-3N is the only version exported, all others are USN/USMC only.
This package includes 4 aircraft, with skins for their various users:
The F2J-3N is an export version with skins/decals for the following users:
Royal Navy, FAA (Super Fury FAW.1, 893 NAS, various ships)
Royal Australian Navy (724 NAS, HMAS Melborne)
Royal Canadian Navy (VF-781, HMCS Bonaventure)*
*Note, there are 2 RCN skins, for pre- and post- unification of the Armed Forces (RCN ---> CAF). Also, due to game limitations, and the non-existence of "Royal Canadian Navy", the displayed Nation Name on the Loadout screen will read either "Royal Canadain Air Force" or "Canadian Armed Forces", depending on mission year chosen.
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Weapons used are all stock 3W items. Skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats) are supplied. Each skin has it own specific hangar screen.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. One can find more fun reading all the Notes section as well!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
-- for Cocas Aircraft Factory --