About This File
The Anatra DS was a two seat Russian plane powered by a Salmson 9 cylinder, water cooled, rotary engine. The plane was therefore called the "Anasal", short for "Anatra Salmson". When the Ukrainian city of Odessa was occupied by Austria-Hungary early in 1918, the Anatra factory was found intact and production continued as the "Anatra C.I". Many of the first Austrian versions had the Austrian cross painted over the Russian insignia.
The Anatra DS was used mostly for reconnaissance, but also as a fighter and light bomber. Many of them survived the war and were used in the fighting in Eastern Europe after the end of World War I.
Poland declared its independence in late 1917. The new nation armed itself with whatever was available, including abandoned Russian, German and Austrian planes, and purchased planes from other nations. Several Anatra DS were purchased from the Anatra factory in Odessa.
The Polish Anantra DS was identical to the Russian version, except for slight changes to the cowling, the radiator, and the rudder. The skins to my plane are similar, but not identical to my Russian version. As a resullt, I have included new skinning templates for the Polish Anasal.
Historical Notes:
I found several sources which said that Anatras carried a machine gun mounted on the fuselage for the pilot. I couldn't find any details of the mounting, so I guessed where it might be located.
I don't know how the Poles armed their plane, so I used the guns I used on the Russian version. I also included a small bomb load.
My thanks to Ojcar once again for making a new data.ini file for this plane.
Installation instructions:
For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PolishAnasal" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PolishAnasal" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "PolishAnasal". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/PolishAnasal folder into the Decals/PolishAnasal folder you just made.