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SF2 F-15A Eagle, (3W) Hawaii Air National Guard Skin Pack 1.0.0

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SF2 F-15A Eagle, Hawaii Air National Guard Skin Pack    5/19/2020

= For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Preferred) =

*You must have the STOCK F-15A in you hanger to make use of this mod!!*

This is a reskinning of the stock (3rd Wire) F-15A Eagle as used by the 199th TFS, 154 TFW of the Hawaiian Air National Gurad from 1987 to 2010, when they were replaced by F-22 Raptors. (It should be noted, F-15Cs were also used, alongside their older siblings).

This mod uses the stock skin, with various decals. All markings are decals, especially the squadron and nose zaps. I was unable to run down historical serial numbers, so 26 stock 3W decals are (re) used. Decal randomization is TRUE.

When in-game, on the "select skin" drop down, you'll see:

199th TFS, HI ANG (87-09)

This will assist you in selecting the skin. 

As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzippering. Please follow the 'usual instructions' 

Happy Landing!
Kevin Stein

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