About This File
SF2 Hawaii/Northern Pacific Terrain, Modern (v.2) 9/5/2020
- For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged, + Expansion Paks REQUIRED!!!)
This is a rebuild of the WW2 Hawaiian Islands terrain into a more "modern" version (1950s and later). This is NOT a WW2 version; it is for post-war into modern times. Do NOT use this in your WW2 PTO mods folder!! You must also have SF2NA are part of you merged installs. This was built and tested in the NA environment.
You may experience longer than normal loading times due to the number of terrain objects. It should be noted, due to the inherent scaling issue in the SF series, objects placed herein are, for the most part, representative of their Real World counterparts. See "Notes" for more information.
When in game, on the Terrain Selection drop-down, you'll see:
Hawaii (Modern)
Even though the folder remains in it's original name of just "Hawaii".
As is recommended, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's recommended you -read- the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing.
As always, the "Notes and Other Nonsense" section may make for entertaining reading. Down in that section is a list of required ships that you're going to need!! I've supplied SOME items, but you End Users (tm) are responsible for all the rest. !!PLEASE!!! read the "Notes" section for more more detailed explainations of this terrain, and it's limitations.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein