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13 Screenshots

About This File

Anyone who runs is a VC. Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined VC




The final Huey pack ( for now ) in this series. 13 various slicks from the Vietnam war period. They include the following skins: Air America , 1/9 Cav, 82 Medical, 101 Airborne, 101 Aviation Company, 116 AHC 1 and 2 Platoon colours, 118 AHC 1 and 2 Platoon colours, 498 Medical, 9 Sqn RAAF, 213 Sqn VNAF, and finally 215 Sqn VNAF.

Same drill as the previous packs, all in one plug and play ( hopefully, my track record of mistakes are over ) I am working on a gunship version of the Huey, however i am struggling with getting a working cockpit for the H model Huey, so a little patience and hopefully I shall have some armed and dangerous hueys for your enjoyment !!

Thanks to Yakarov79 for the original model.

As ever ENJOY :airplane:

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