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SF2 UH-19/HO4S/HRS Chickasaw Upgrade Pack 1.0.0

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SF2 UH-19/HO4S/HRS Chickasaw Upgrade Pack                    4/12/2021

-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)

**NOTE: this is for the American/non-British versions -0NLY-!! Upgrades for the Whirlwind will follow**

This is major upgrade of the UH-19/HO4S/HRS as released by Strahi. Please be advised, if you have the original download, you will unfortunately have to delete it from your mods folder(s). THIS version is highly modified, with many additional items. If left as "drag & drop" over the original, there will be conflicts that might be unresolvable. Thus, the need for complete removal of the original. This has been approved by Strahi, to whom I extend great thanks!!

For those interested, the following services/units are covered:

US Air Force: 

41st Air Rescue Squadron, Hamilton AFB (early/mid 1950s)

US Navy:

HU-1 "Pacific Fleet Angles" (c.1952, Korea)

US Marines:

HMR-161 "Greyhawks" (c.1952, Korea)

US Army:

6th Transportation Co. (H), (Korea)
Generic Olive Drab overall

Royal Canadian Navy:

VH-21 (c.mid 1950s)

Many painted on insignia and service markings remain as such. This is due to the minimal amount of meshes used to build the aircraft. All new serial number decals have been made for all included versions (up to 26 each). As is to be expected, while all are correct for the aircraft & services depicted, they are 'generic' in nature. When a unit's or service's serials HAVE been found, you'll see the star (*) in the number list dropdown. Decal randomization is TRUE.

You will also be adding a new nation, "US ARMY", unless you have the Expanded Nations Mod by Menrva. Full instructions will be found in the INstall section below. If you do not wish to, you'll have to edit the texture set inis for the 2 Army skins back to "USAF". Game-wise, it won't matter either way.

On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see:

H-19 Chickasaw (st)

The (st) is for Strahi, and will diferentiate this H-19 for any others that may or may not exist. In reality, it should read "H-19/HRS/HO4S", but what the hey! We all know what it is!

As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!

You can expect the same treatment is being given to his Whirlwind pack, as well. It will be relased when finished.

Good Hunting & Happy Landings!

Kevin Stein

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