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TMF F-14A_82 SF2NA Skin pack 1.0.0

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TMF F-14A_82 SF2NA Skin pack

Tested in SF2NA, Full-5 Merged and based on 1977Frenchie and Blackburn32 great skins.
I've started this skin in order to have the correct skin for the VF-14 and VF-32 cruise on USS Independence in 1982-83 ( comprised the crisis in Lebanon)  and VF-11 and VF-31 embarked in USS J F Kennedy in 1982 and USS Forrestal in 1986 for The Mirage Factory F-14A_82,to be used in the campaign of SF2NA Expansion Pack and SF2 North Cape
Few decals are modified from the original skins of Blackburn32 and/or 1977Frenchie, but the majority was done by me.I've also added the correct ( more or less) gun gas vents in place of the incorrect NACA ones.

To Install:

As always ,all in the relative folders in your game(s)
As these skins was designed to replace those already done by TMF/1977Frenchie/ Blackburn32, If you will preserve the old ones, please made a back-up of the latters as the folder in this pack share the same folders names and will overwrite all

TMF, Blackburn32 and 1977Frenchie for the F-14A and skins

Me for the decals and the small improvements

If I've forgot someone,please let me know please!

Know issue:
As always I tried to be the more historically precise as possible, but I miss some squadron's Bu.Nos/modexes and some skins have decals for just 10 planes out of the 12 standard for a Navy Squadron...sorry!


Legal note:

This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition.

Gianni "RustyKurnass" Coniglio


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