About This File
SF2 C-130A Hercules (3w) UPgrade Pack 8/29/2022
-For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Recommended)
This package contains various bits to upgrade the stock 1stGen 3rdWire C-130A "Hercules" to something a bit more then just eye candy. Although, it WILL improve the eye candy. Be advised, that the LODs for the aircraft are =NOT= included, so End Users (tm) will have to extract them (there are 5 lods) from the SF1, WoE or WoV main Object cats. See "Notes" below for their actual file names.
If at some point in the past, you have already extracted and imported the 3W Herk in your SF2 installs, be advised THIS mod uses a unique folder name identifer. You'd be well advised to use =this= one, as all the pathways have been written with the unique name in mind. AND as such the Game Engine (tm) will not overwrite a stock AI-only aircraft made player usable, and it will remain player flyable.
Included skins are:
"USAFSilver1" - stock NMF, a generic skin
"USAFSEA2" - a 3-tone VietNam era camo, representing 21st TAS
"Desert" - generic Desert camo
"TN" - 118th AW, TN ANG (late light grey)
All skins remain in their original bmp format.
All National Markings are decals (stock). New decal sets were created using historically correct "A" model serial numbers. While correct, they should be considered 'generic' in nature, representing NO particular unit(s). Decal randomization is TRUE for all. The NMF and Desert use the same pool of 26 serials. The SEA camo uses 26 in the correct VN era style. I was unable to run down those serials for aircraft in the 21st TAS, so like the others, are generic in nature, but correct for the model and style presentation.
The SF2 date switch IS active for the SEA came (1967) and the TN ANG (1980). The desert and NMF are selectable via the loadout screen.
A full cockpit (albeit not quite a Herk pit), all necessary inis, sounds, etc are included. However, a 'Userlist.ini' is NOT. Exportation is TRUE, so expect to see them parked wearing various and sundry markings.
When in game, you'll see:
C-130A Hercules (TM)3W
On the aircraft selection drop-down menu. This will ID it as the stock aircraft, seperate from the (superb!) model done by Dels.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Also, the Notes section has more details on the changes.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein