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Night Lights for City 1.0.0

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2 Screenshots

About This File

The purpose of this mod is to enable some light decoration of city in SF2, which does not provide such feature out of box.

This mod does not add real light source due to poor graphical outcome. It works in similar fashion as the old Janes F-15E Strike Eagle by adding some always bright points to landscape.



Please note the mod itself does not automatically add lights to maps. You will need to follow the instruction inside the zip add lights using the Mue's Target Area Editor in link below. There is some step to add to the _TYPES.ini for each terrain before you can do that. Hence please follow the instruction below carefully.


Mue's Target Area Editor - as part of the tool box


I have included an effect file which could be called in _types.ini in terrain folder for anyone interested in experimenting night lights with real light source. This is currently disabled due to poor visual outcome.

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