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Files posted by orsin
Night Lights for Kamchatka Terrain 250m tileset update
By orsin in Environmental Mods
This mod should be used in conjunction with the "night lights for City" mod released by me.
Quick update to the entire Kamchatka 250m map to have night lights in cities.
Before you begin. Backup your files
Extract the ini files to Kamchatka terrain folder. Note this only works for Kamchatka terrain patched with Stary's 250m tileset PLUS the crash fix update released by me.
Night Lights for City
By orsin in Environmental Mods
The purpose of this mod is to enable some light decoration of city in SF2, which does not provide such feature out of box.
This mod does not add real light source due to poor graphical outcome. It works in similar fashion as the old Janes F-15E Strike Eagle by adding some always bright points to landscape.
Please note the mod itself does not automatically add lights to maps. You will need to follow the instruction inside the zip add lights using the Mue's Target Area Editor in link below. There is some step to add to the _TYPES.ini for each terrain before you can do that. Hence please follow the instruction below carefully.
Mue's Target Area Editor - as part of the tool box
I have included an effect file which could be called in _types.ini in terrain folder for anyone interested in experimenting night lights with real light source. This is currently disabled due to poor visual outcome.
Crash fix for Kamchatka 250m version with adjusted tileset
By orsin in Full Terrains
This is a bug fix for the random crashing issue of the Kamchatka 250m tile set update released by Stary in below link
Kamchatka 250m version with adjusted tileset etc - Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements - CombatACE
If you are using the original Kamchatka 2.0 terrain released by Baltika, this is not applicable and you should avoid using it.
Beautiful landscape tile. However it crashes randomly when flying in certain area or dropping bombs to airfields. The key issue is some incorrect file assignment in DATA.ini and how SF2 handles files in different season folders.
It took me a long time to figure out. Hopefully this can help you as well.
1. Before everything, backup your KAMCHATKA_DATA.INI in your terrains folder. In case this breaks something else you have modded.
2. Extract the file contents and overwrite file if asked to terrains/KAMCHATKA folder
Ship Countermeasure Effect
By orsin in Effect Mods
The effect was developed for a super-vanilla mod pack within our team and later become available to the generic SF2 games.
Please backup your file before your installation.
Extract the relevant files to SF installation and SF mod folders, overwrite the file if needed.
Follow the instruction in the attached word document to get it work.
Overwrite files with backup you made.
WOI P3 Screen Menu
This game menu is developed based on Eagle114th's Screen Overhaul template. Credit to Eagle114th.
The menu was developed for a super-vanilla mod pack within our team and later become available to the generic SF2 games.
Please backup your file before your installation.
Extract the relevant files to SF installation and SF mod folders, overwrite the file if needed.
install fonts attached to windows
Overwrite files with backup you made.
Cockpit Detailing for MF MiG-29
By orsin in Jet Cockpits
Mirage Factory MiG-29 Cockpit Detailing
This mod will bring the MF MiG-29 a better look in the cockpit. The package includes reprocessed texture for all instruments, radar screen and wall.
1. In case you may regret, back up your cockpit folder and avionics.ini in your MiG-29 directory
2. Drop the cockpit folder to your MiG-29 directory, cover the files and folders as asked.
3. The wall texture in the cockpit directory is 4x enlarged with bump texture and color tweak (which require unlimited setting in the cockpit texture setting to enjoy), if you are unhappy with the performance or look, replace with the file included in the "optional wall texture", that will give you flat walls closer to the real-world one although not as eye-candy.
4. You might find the radar looks too bright and also want to replace with the radar texture in the "optional radar" folder, by dropping all 3 files and 1 folder to your cockpit folder. And then change the color of your radar character in your xxxx_avionics.ini
find below section
Change the line
Color= xxxxxx
then save and exit
original mig-29 pit by The Mirage Factory
texture reprocess by orsin
Improved Chaff and Flare Effects
By orsin in Effect Mods
The purpose of this mod is to improve the chaff and flare effect. The stock effects does not provide realistic drag efficient for both Chaff and Flare. This mod improves these aspects to make combat countermeasure effects a bit real.
Extract the files under your SF2 mod main folder and overwrite the file.
AI Remastered - NovaLogic Terrains Tilesets
By orsin in Tilesets for Terrains
This is an AI remastered tileset for the great NovaLogic Terrains released by Menrva.
This is tilesets only. You will need the full terrain from here to get it working.
NovaLogic Terrains - Full Terrains - CombatACE
AI zoom tool based on Realesrgan was used in the tileset with GPU computing to reproduce 512 x 512 tilesets with richer details from the original 128 x 128 tilesets. Due to limitation of the AI algorithm, there are still part of terrain remain blured. So the tilesets are all reduced to 256 x 256 to produce a more consistent feel.
We have noticed some other AI anti-blur algorithm can produce better results on the new 512 x 512 tile set and may include that in the future release.
0. You must have the NovaLogic Terrains from Menrva. This is a tileset only. Download and install from the link provided above.
1. Backup is a must. this mod will overwrite your existing Novalogic terrain tilesets. Just in case you are not happy with the outcome;
2. extract the Terrains folder under your SF2 mod folder and overwrite the files (about 2950 files)
- novalogic
- realesrgan
- (and 1 more)
F-15C MSIP Cockpit Repaint
By orsin in Jet Cockpits
This is a quick repaint of the existing F-15C cockpit released on F-15 Superpack Redux 2016. I believe it has already been repainted by Viper63 back a while, however a few artifacts lead to my decision to redo the color and give it a TW color tone.
Extract the entire folder to <your SF2 mod folder>/Objects/Aircraft /F-15C . When prompt to overwrite existing files, choose "Yes"
Original Cockpit Texture: Kesselburt
Last Repaint: Viper63
Legal Stuff
This file is released under Combatace Community Freeware Licence and shall not be used in any payware without prior consent.
F-104 Cockpit Texture Improvement
By orsin in Jet Cockpits
This cockpit repaint is purposed to improve the existing F-104 A/C/G cockpit texture distributed through the F-104 packs available in Combatace.
Many improvements took place to make a more unified look of the cockpit and remove some photographic feel of the existing pit texture set
1. Locate your F-104 subfolder under your mod/Objects/Aircraft folder
2. Overwrite the files under Cockpit folder.
Improved rain effect V1.2 for SF1/2
By orsin in Environmental Mods
Improved Rain Effect by China Insky Team
For SF1 series, put in your Effects Folder;
For SF2 series, put in your Effects subfolder in your mod folder.
Creator: HoneyFox, Orsin
Beta Tester: HoneyFox, Orsin, F-16CJ, XIAOHANI
Update History
V1.0 Initial Release
V1.1 Much improved resource utilization
V1.2 Resolve the effect disappear issue with SF2 series
Mi-24P Public Beta
Please note: The default Flight Model is designed for "Hard" setting only, and takes off vertically. If you are using "Normal" or "Easy" settings there is no guarantee that it would work. Use "H" Key to switch between front and back seats
Package has included an optional flight model from Marcfighter for try out.
Mi-24P public beta proudly present to you by YEYEYE.
This is a highly detailed model with proper cockpits and LOD files. This model has no relevance to A-team's work.
Model/FM/Weapon/Cockpit - YEYEYE
FM and beta test - Honeyfox, Orsin
Optional FM: Marcfighter, Floran
Commercial use of Mi-24P and all its parts are strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
This is a public beta released as-is, please use on your own discretion. The authors and CombatAce do not take any responsibility should damages occur to your property.
Modifications/Improvements to the Data/INI/Texture are all welcome. No consent from the author required.
Mig-31BM Mini Update Pack
Out of 3 Mig 31 models available in CA (not sure why Mig-31A got removed...) Mig 31BM has the oldest model dated back to 2008, which has problem casting shadows and is over-polygoned.
This package contains models changed late 2010 with multiple level of details and correct shadow casting. So that you can finally ditch the SHD file.
Original creator : jv44
Skin: jv44
Please note the new model is not compatible with any previous skin. This update is released as-is.
You will need to download & install Mig31m/bm pack from Brain32, then update with this mini pack. Find Brain32's file here
Slava Class
Slava Class
Proudly prensent to you by: China Insky Team
Original 3D Model: Baoxiyuan
3D Model Retouch and Texture: YEYEYE
Beta Testing: YEYEYE, HoneyFox
Use, modify, include or distribute of the Slava Class mod, or any part of it for commercial purpose is strictly prohibited. The creator of the original 3D model is not a member of Insky Team, we use the 3D model with his permission.
Better CCIP mod v1.1
Better CCIP mod for SF1/2 series.
This mod will prevent the CCIP and Gunsight dot from showing through any solid part of your cockpit. Leading to a much authentic bombing procedure.
In SF1, this is done without any harm.
In SF2, I have to remove 2 effect shaders which are used when your effect setting is at "Unlimited". So you lose some not-so-obvious effect.
For SF1, just extract the file to the 'objects' folder
For SF2, first extract the file in the 'objects' folder in your mod folder, then follow the procedure mentioned in the "Special note for SF2 users" to complete it.
Create: orsin (china insky team)
Beta testing: HoneyFox (china insky team)
V1.0 initial release
V1.1 fixed a problem in SF2
Udaloy I class
By orsin in Destroyers
Proudly present to you by:
China Insky Team
Udaloy I class:
Original 3d Model : baoxiyuan
3D Model retouch, ini, lod, weapon : YEYEYE
Beta tester : XIAOHANI, HoneyFox
Udaloy II class can be found below
Original 3d Model : baoxiyuan
3D Model retouch, ini, lod, weapon : tomcat
Beta tester : YEYEYE, XIAOHANI, HoneyFox
Use, modify, include or distribute Udaloy I/II mods, or any part of them for commercial purpose is strictly prohibited. The original 3D model creator is not a member of Insky Team, we use the 3D model with his permission.
China Insky Team 2009
Improved Ground Gun Accuracy
The purpose of this mod is to improve the ground gun accuracy especially the AA Guns. It changes the game's default ballistic coefficient entries and make better speed retention for trajectory items. Thus it makes guns perform much better for anything flying straight line.
I have included 2 types of data in this mod. Please choose the one that works better for you.
Type A = Ballistic Coefficient changed to 1.1 times, better gun accuracy.
Type B = Ballistic Coefficient changed to 1.2 times, even higher gun accuracy but may influence AI plane in missions.
Also included the ballisticdata change program which when open in a folder that contains G1.dat, will allow you to change the entries.
For artillery, in addition to this mod, you can also change the accuracy in the gun data to 125 (yes, you can actually exceed 100)
Extract the G1.dat file under Type A or Type B folder under Objects folder in your mod directory
Delete G1.dat file under Objects folder in your mod directory
Admiral Kuznetsov Class Carrier - Data INI fix
By orsin in Aircraft Carriers
This is a Data file fix for the Admiral Kuznetsov Class Carrier released by rokieborhgunder.
You can download the original aircraft carrier file in the link below
Admiral Kuznetsov Class Carrier - Aircraft Carriers - CombatACE
The data file of this carrier Mod has a lot of problems, causing game to crash to Windows Desktop when the aircraft carrier is hit by a weapon. This data file fixed the problem.
This Data file also fixed the Kashtan CIWS system in game. Allowing the AK630 barrels on Kashtan to actually fire at the target instead of shooting at the sky.
1. Unzip the file to the installation folder of the Kuznetsov Carrier Mod.
2. overwrite the existing file.
Heavy Rain
By orsin in Environmental Mods
This is a re-re-mod of
Stary's rainstorm weather
BearGryllis' TPWEL : Thunderstorm Pack With Enhanced Lightnings 2.0b
Hats off for their contribution to the community.
It is an extraction of a much larger overall mod that has gone for years internal of our team. It is considered stable enough and deserve for a release up to date. The goal of this mod is to create an improved rain scene for SF2 titles.
We have changed the 2 earlier mods on below field.
1. straight rainfall with speed, no longer slashed
2. removed the abnormal light surrounding aircraft on the ground when take off
3. reduced much on particle consumption to have a bit more consistency on presence. Less chance to have rain stopped when explosion happened on ground.
4. When speed pick up, the rain is less visible to represent reality.
Drop everything in "Effects" folder.
PAC-2 SAM System
By orsin in Ground Objects Mods
PAC-2 SAM System for SF1 series
Creator: YEYEYE
Beta Testing: HoneyFox, XIAOHANI, YEYEYE, and other brilliant Insky Team members.
1. Extract contents in Patriot/Object Folder to your Object folder
2. Import Patriot/Object/Weapon/MIM-104C/MIM-104C_data.ini to your weapon data by using the weapon editor, save.
Smaller tracer dots
By orsin in ini File Edits
Smaller tracer dots for SF1/2
This mod will downscale the size of bullets to 1/4 of the original, making a more authentic and "Jane's series" feel.
place under /objects/ folder
Please note a tracer is released between every 5 bullets by defualt. If you want to see more tracer, open the DATA.ini file of an aircraft or ground object, find the {internalgun} or [gun] section, then type.
This will allow to release a tracer every 2 bullets, giving you a much denser feel.
Improved Su27SK flight model for Marcfighter Su27sk/China J11
This is a improved flight model based on Kreelin's v1.5 su27sk flight model for WOI. And it is designed for Marcfighter's Su27sk and China J11. It should work well also on Su27 if the node names are correct.
The new version is desinged for Wox Oct 2008 patch level. It took me almost a whole week to tweak the bits and pieces of this flight model and now it feels right in both hard and normal setting. Meanwhile AI can handle this very well against any 2nd and 3rd Gen fighters.
Compare to the old flight model that was included in the mig29/su27 flight model pack, this one feels real.
It should not take too much effort to convert it to SF2 standard as I took many data from SF2i inis to this one. I hope someone can help with it.
please note:
the original build-in ECM has been replaced by L005 ECM on additional pylons, that is why there is an additional loadout file prepared for you..
how to:
extract both files to your su-27sk folder and replace the old ones. backup as needed.
Feel free to use or modify this flight model as long as it is not for commercial purpose.
Map ini tweaks for Israel, Germany, Vietnam, AE and Libya
By orsin in Environmental Mods
Map ini Tweaks for SF1 series
This is an extraction from a super vannila pack of WOX that we share in the small circle of Insky team.
It includes ini tweaks for Israel, Germany (4season mod), Vietnam (Greenhell2), AE(with Tree mod) and
Libya(3.0 Ultimate final) maps.
What the tweak does:
1. fixing water shimmering problem
2. bringing latest shader effect
3. Introducing tree blending effect for a smoothier terrain look
4. bringing sun shadows for hills on terrain. as the sun moves the hills cast shadows of different angle.
enjoy it and feel free to report any problem
Better widesky for SF2 series
By orsin in Environmental Mods
This is an extraction from a super vannila pack of WOX that we share in the small circle of Insky team. This time we update it to fit SF2 series.
it is just an light update for the excellent Widesky 1.0 from Cellisky
it has resolved the horizontal light band issue that has been around for quite a while
some old effects such as the twilight has been abandomed, using the original effect from TW instead. This has also improved the darkness at night.
This update has only been tested with SF2. We do not guarantee it would work the same way in earlier titles. Please use it on your own discretion.
Enjoy it, and feel free to report any problem.
mixed 1x and 2x trees for GreenHell2 and Germany4Season pack
By orsin in Environmental Mods
This mixed tree pack was initially created for a super vanilla pack of WOX series that is shared within the
little circle of Insky Team. There are quite a number of new features to be extracted from that pack (the first one
was "better widesky")
The purpose of mixing 1x and 2x trees was to bring a good feeling of speed without compromising too much of
plant coverage on moutain areas. From my observation I can say it meets the purpose quite well.
Unfortunately the tree mod of Germany map includes only high-detailed tree 3d file. please don't use it if you
have severe framerate hit after installation.
The tree texture for Vietnam map is downscaled for better performance. unless you are observing right from the
ground, you will not find noticable difference about its presence.
Enjoy it, and feel free to report any problem.