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[Fictional] Dassault Mirage 5FE + Mirage 5FE2 (C.11) Spanish Air Force 1.0.0

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About This File

Fictional mod of the stock Mirage 5F to make it look like fictional fighter planes for the spanish air force (if they did not choose the Mirage III and F1).
They shall depict possble aircraft that could have entered service in if they did not choose the Mirage III and F1.

The cockpit used (and the one the aircrafts ini links to) is Crusaders great Cockpit for the 5F; but it's not included.
So you have to get it or take another one.

The pack comes with two aircraft:

- Mirage 5FE (standard aircraft) in two camos (two-color green-grey and the EDA Lizard scheme for the service in the 80s)
- Mirage 5FE2 (upgraded aircraft) in the grey camo used from the 90s on.

The upgrades on the FE2 include:
    - Cyrano Radar
    - upgraded Engine
    - internal ECM
    - improved A/G-capabilites (use of LG-Weaponry)
    - internal Chaff/Flare-dispensers


1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.


Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.

Kindest regards


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