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EF2000 Typhoon Skin Pack 1.0

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EF2000 Typhoon Skin Pack
February 13th, 2025 (1st Release)
by Menrva and compufat

>For Strike Fighters 2 games
This is an extra skin pack for the high quality EF2000 Typhoon aircraft add-on. Skins are based on ideas and depictions from other sources. Here below a list of the included ones:
-NATO Euro Consortium (inspired by Digital Image Design's EF2000 game and relative artworks)
-NATO Euro Consortium, Alt. (inspired by Digital Image Design's EF2000 game and relative artworks)
-USAF Livery (as depicted in Digital Image Design's EF2000 v2.0)
-RSAF Camouflage (inspired by some pictures and model kits available online)

As a bonus, the package includes weapons depicted in Digital Image Design's EF2000 game such as the Sea Eagle, the BLU-107/B Durandal and the BL-755, as well as the prototype S225XR LRAAM (a reskinned Meteor, whose 3d model is the work of ravenclaw_07, featuring its own stats).

>Credits (in no particular order):
-GKABS, for reworking the original aircraft 3d model by Bongodriver.
-ravenclaw_07, for his fantastic high quality recreations of missiles, bombs and pods.
-compufat, for supporting this project with skins of special liveries.
-Bongodriver, for his original EF2000 aircraft and cockpit 3d models and for the skin templates.
-My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.

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