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RAF Pilot skins for WOE

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About This File

Here is my attempt to do some RAF pilot skins for WOE.


I've drawn pilot and navigator skins for the following RAF Squadrons...


Pilot: 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 19, 20, 92

Navigator: 19, 92


The skins are available only in camo helmets to reflect the requirement for stealth during predominately low-level sorties.


The naming convention I've adopted is...



| | |

| | +-- C for Camo

| +------ Squadron number

+------------- Pilot



| | |

| | +-- C for Camo

| +------- Squadron number

+-------------- Navigator



PLT014C = Pilot 14 Sqn Camo Helmet

NAV019C = Navigator 19 Sqn Camo Helmet


I've also included blank helmet designs in camo for Pilots and Navs that have no squadron affiliation. These are PLT|NAV000C


For info, these skins are 512 x 512 so they're not FPS killers.


Hope you like them, regards, Paul T. (comrpnt).

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