About This File
SUEZ 2 TERRAIN Version 2.0
Suez 2 terrain is a version of my Israel2 terrain with the borders pre 1967 Six Days War and with enhanced tilesset. The main difference between Suez 2 and Suez terrain is, that Suez 2 is now sized nearly correct, while Suez terrain size was only 60% of real. The number of target areas is increased from 94 to 346. New areas with targets are the Golan heights and the Westbank.
In Suez 2 terrain you will find Lebanon as neutral contry, Syria is holding the Golan heights, Jordan is owner of the Westbank and Egypt rules the Sinai and the Gaza strip.
The SAM fence along the Suez Canal is not installed, because it was built between 1970 and 1972. Only some point defence SAM you will face over the Sinai, close to Kairo and near Beni Suef Airbase.
Suez2 terrain is more smooth than Israel2 terrain. If you want to have the same roughness like in Israel2 terrain simply copy files Israel2.hfd into Suez2 folder and rename it into Suez2.hfd.
Suez 2 Terrain INSTALLATION instruction:
Unzip all files into your Terrain folder. Thats it.