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Modern Range and Red Range Upgrade

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Modern Range and Red Range Targets Upgrade


This little package will update the Modern Range and Red Range with the addition of more target areas, a new movement ini for practice Armed Recon missions, and general tweeks to some of the destroyed effects. Somehow, it seems to have either gotten lost, or somebody never did upload it...... :sorry:


Included is the Factory Place, Truck Depot, and the Rail Yard. The 'ship target', as seen in my WW2 upgrades, has been switched over to use the stock 'Cargo Ship'.


Remember -- as there is no ocean on this map, there are NO anti-shipping missions. Also remember, since there are 2 Ranges (one for each side), you =CANNOT= fly a Western/US/NATO aircraft on the Red Range. Just as you =CANNOT= fly a Soviet/WarPac or other 'enemy' classed aircraft on the Range. The game engine WILL crash out with a 'singlemission.dll' fault. So, make sure you have BOTH terrains installed.


This mod works in SF, WoV, WoE. It -should- work in WoI with the correct terrain cat pointer; this has NOT been tested, and is at present NOT supported.


Please see the enclosed readme for relatively simple install instructions.


Happy Practicing!!!


Kevin Stein

What's New in Version   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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